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Specification of landscape characteristics in larg e-scale linear heritage: Case study of the Great Wall of the Collection of China
Ming's Great Wall (M-GW) is a large-scale linear heritage of China, facing the problem of division of landscape caused by traditional monument-based protection and confused tourism development. We propose to use an approach based on features to manage changes in landscape and maintain its integrity. In this paper, a hierarchical characteristic method of the M-GW landscape of the wisdom is provided with two steps, the definition and painting of the landscape area, and the zoning of the landscape characteristics. The landscape area was identified based on the natural, cultural, and visual aspects of space. The type and area of the landscape characteristics are in Level I (general zoning) using the layout method using two dominant attributes, and the level II (detailed zoning) uses a synthetic method that combines digital and manual work. It was identified by eight specific attributes. As a result of the analysis, a wide bandage area of about 8650. 7km2 has been decided. Eight landscape characteristics type, 15 subtypes, 47 landscape characteristic areas, 359 sub visits were obtained. In addition, important landscape characteristics that can be used for planning and construction of the National Cultural Park have been highlighted. Finally, this study gives a further direction to the theoretical and technical basis of future research on landscape characteristics of the entire M-GW and other linear heritage landscapes and sustainable management.
1. Introduction < SPAN> Specified landscape characteristics in larg e-scale linear heritage: Case study of the Great Wall of the Gathering of China
Ming's Great Wall (M-GW) is a large-scale linear heritage of China, facing the problem of division of landscape caused by traditional monument-based protection and confused tourism development. We propose to use an approach based on features to manage changes in landscape and maintain its integrity. In this paper, a hierarchical characteristic method of the M-GW landscape of the wisdom is provided with two steps, the definition and painting of the landscape area, and the zoning of the landscape characteristics. The landscape area was identified based on the natural, cultural, and visual aspects of space. The type and area of the landscape characteristics are in Level I (general zoning) using the layout method using two dominant attributes, and the level II (detailed zoning) uses a synthetic method that combines digital and manual work. It was identified by eight specific attributes. As a result of the analysis, a wide bandage area of about 8650. 7km2 has been decided. Eight landscape characteristics type, 15 subtypes, 47 landscape characteristic areas, 359 sub visits were obtained. In addition, important landscape characteristics that can be used for planning and construction of the National Cultural Park have been highlighted. Finally, this study gives a further direction to the theoretical and technical basis of future research on landscape characteristics of the entire M-GW and other linear heritage landscapes and sustainable management.
1. Introduction of the landscape characteristics in larg e-scale linear heritage: Case study of the Great Wall of the Gathering of China
Ming's Great Wall (M-GW) is a large-scale linear heritage of China, facing the problem of division of landscape caused by traditional monument-based protection and confused tourism development. We propose to use an approach based on features to manage changes in landscape and maintain its integrity. In this paper, a hierarchical characteristic method of the M-GW landscape of the wisdom is provided with two steps, the definition and painting of the landscape area, and the zoning of the landscape characteristics. The landscape area was identified based on the natural, cultural, and visual aspects of space. The type and area of the landscape characteristics are in Level I (general zoning) using the layout method using two dominant attributes, and the level II (detailed zoning) uses a synthetic method that combines digital and manual work. It was identified by eight specific attributes. As a result of the analysis, a wide bandage area of about 8650. 7km2 has been decided. Eight landscape characteristics type, 15 subtypes, 47 landscape characteristic areas, 359 sub visits were obtained. In addition, important landscape characteristics that can be used for planning and construction of the National Cultural Park have been highlighted. Finally, this study gives a further direction to the theoretical and technical basis of future research on landscape characteristics of the entire M-GW and other linear heritage landscapes and sustainable management.
1. Introduction
China's M-GWs are the product of long human-nature interactions and are important for their diverse landscapes and unique history [1, 2]. Large linear heritage sites, represented by M-GWs, play an important role in World Heritage protection. They are geographically linear, have considerable length and limited width [3, 4, 5], and are widely influenced by surrounding areas [6, 7]. Due to their form as linear objects, they often face problems regarding the definition of length and width boundaries and the integration of protection and management policies across administrative boundaries. As a result, the natural and cultural systems in the surrounding areas of large linear heritage sites are inevitably changing, and urbanization and unregulated tourism development also expose linear heritage sites to increasing pressure and threats [8, 9]. Therefore, it is important to protect and manage linear heritage sites from a holistic perspective in order to balance possible changes and ensure sustainable development in the future.
The linear heritage includes linear defense work, canal, railway, and roads [10, 11, 12]. The linear heritage is facing common problems such as division of landscapes, lower quality of landscape, confession construction, and tourism development in the surrounding area. In the framework of World Cultural Heritage Management, protection based on the monument and protection based on buffer zones are usually used. However, such a traditional protection method is not enough to adapt to the complex geographical environment of large linear landscape. Concepts such as cultural routes [12, 13, 14], heritage corridor [15], and historical sidewalks [16] are attracting attention. In recent years, the construction of the National Cultural Park has been promoted in China [17], and the leading linear cultural heritage, such as the Great Wall, the Large Canal, and the Yellow River, was selected as the first test area [18, 19, 20]. 。 This includes cultural landscape and protection of the ecology environment directly related to heritage [21, 22, 23]. The idea is clear, but there is still a shortage of ways and tools for practicing overall landscape management [24, 25, 26]. This is also a global problem. The European Landscape Treaty (ELC) recommends incorporating the concept of landscape into the national policy, which has a certain effect on the management of cultural resources [12, 27]. For example, the Hadrian's Great Wall is also a linear heritage, and the approach to interpreting the World Heritage (WHS) and the landscape consistently is important in managing cultural resources. < SPAN> Liner heritage includes lin e-shaped defense work, canal, railway, and roads [10, 11, 12]. The linear heritage is facing common problems such as division of landscapes, lower quality of landscape, confession construction, and tourism development in the surrounding area. In the framework of World Cultural Heritage Management, protection based on the monument and protection based on buffer zones are usually used. However, such a traditional protection method is not enough to adapt to the complex geographical environment of large linear landscape. Concepts such as cultural routes [12, 13, 14], heritage corridor [15], and historical sidewalks [16] are attracting attention. In recent years, the construction of the National Cultural Park has been promoted in China [17], and the leading linear cultural heritage, such as the Great Wall, the Large Canal, and the Yellow River, was selected as the first test area [18, 19, 20]. 。 This includes cultural landscape and protection of the ecology environment directly related to heritage [21, 22, 23]. The idea is clear, but there is still a shortage of ways and tools for practicing overall landscape management [24, 25, 26]. This is also a global problem. The European Landscape Treaty (ELC) recommends incorporating the concept of landscape into the national policy, which has a certain effect on the management of cultural resources [12, 27]. For example, the Hadrian's Great Wall is also a linear heritage, and the approach to interpreting the World Heritage (WHS) and the landscape consistently is important in managing cultural resources. The linear heritage includes linear defense work, canal, railway, and roads [10, 11, 12]. The linear heritage is facing common problems such as division of landscapes, lower quality of landscape, confession construction, and tourism development in the surrounding area. In the framework of World Cultural Heritage Management, protection based on the monument and protection based on buffer zones are usually used. However, such a traditional protection method is not enough to adapt to the complex geographical environment of large linear landscape. Concepts such as cultural routes [12, 13, 14], heritage corridor [15], and historical sidewalks [16] are attracting attention. In recent years, the construction of the National Cultural Park has been promoted in China [17], and the leading linear cultural heritage, such as the Great Wall, the Large Canal, and the Yellow River, was selected as the first test area [18, 19, 20]. 。 This includes cultural landscape and protection of the ecology environment directly related to heritage [21, 22, 23]. The idea is clear, but there is still a shortage of ways and tools for practicing overall landscape management [24, 25, 26]. This is also a global problem. The European Landscape Treaty (ELC) recommends incorporating the concept of landscape into the national policy, which has a certain effect on the management of cultural resources [12, 27]. For example, the Hadrian's Great Wall is also a linear heritage, and the approach to interpreting the World Heritage (WHS) and the landscape consistently is important in managing cultural resources.
The Landscape Characterization (LCA) method is a heritage management tool that offers a dynamic form of sustainable management instead of traditional conservation methods [31, 33]. The UK first began to interpret landscapes in terms of "character", which is defined as "not good or bad landscapes, but a clear, recognizable and consistent pattern of landscape elements that makes one landscape different from another" [34]. LCA provides a special framework for implementing and developing ELC by integrating natural and cultural landscapes and people's perceptions [35, 36, 37]. Characterization is the process of identifying, mapping, classifying and describing landscape characteristics, which is relatively value-free and is usually the main step in LCA [38]. Classification into types and spatial units allows a better understanding of complex, variable and continuous landscapes [37, 39]. It is therefore reasonable to utilize LCA as a basis for investigating, protecting, managing and planning M-GW and other heritage landscapes. On the one hand, it can cognitively expand the scope of the "wall". Compared to traditional cultural heritage protection methods that focus excessively on "high value" areas, the use of value-free landscape feature identification that does not rely solely on heritage ontology allows the peripheral areas related to M-GW to be taken into account. On the other hand, as a result of this identification, landscape features are not considered to be related to zones that are unrelated to such landscape features. The landscape characterization (LCA) method is a heritage management tool that offers a dynamic form of sustainable management instead of traditional conservation methods [31, 33]. The UK first began to interpret landscapes in terms of "character", which is defined as "not a good or bad landscape, but a clear, recognizable and consistent pattern of landscape elements that makes one landscape different from another" [34]. LCA provides a special framework for implementing and developing ELC by integrating natural and cultural landscapes and people's perceptions [35, 36, 37]. Characterization is the process of identifying, mapping, classifying and describing landscape features, which are relatively value-free and are usually the main step in LCA [38]. Classification into types and spatial units allows for a better understanding of complex, variable and continuous landscapes [37, 39]. It is therefore reasonable to use LCA as a basis for the investigation, protection, management and planning of M-GW and other heritage landscapes. On the one hand, it allows for a cognitive expansion of the scope of the "wall". Compared to traditional cultural heritage protection methods that focus excessively on "high value" areas, the use of value-free landscape feature identification that does not rely solely on heritage ontology allows for the peripheral areas related to M-GW to be taken into account. On the other hand, as a result of this identification, landscape features can be considered in zones that are independent of such landscape features. The landscape characterization (LCA) method is a heritage management tool that offers a dynamic form of sustainable management instead of traditional conservation methods [31, 33]. The UK first began to interpret landscapes in terms of "character", which is defined as "not a good or bad landscape, but a clear, recognizable and consistent pattern of landscape elements that makes one landscape different from another" [34]. LCA provides a special framework for implementing and developing ELC by integrating natural and cultural landscapes and people's perceptions [35, 36, 37]. Characterization is the process of identifying, mapping, classifying and describing landscape features, which are relatively value-free and are usually the main step in LCA [38]. Classification into types and spatial units allows for a better understanding of complex, variable and continuous landscapes [37, 39]. It is therefore reasonable to use LCA as a basis for the investigation, protection, management and planning of M-GWs and other heritage landscapes. On the one hand, the scope of the "wall" can be cognitively expanded. Compared to traditional cultural heritage protection methods that overly focus on "high-value" areas, the use of value-free landscape feature identification that does not rely solely on heritage ontology can also take into account the periphery related to the M-GW. On the other hand, as a result of this identification, landscape features can be identified and the landscape can be considered in zones that are unrelated to such landscape features.
LCA research has been conducted in various scales, targets, and various countries. In the UK, national parks and nationa l-scale research and practice are conducted one after another, and a zoning pattern of the national characteristic area (NCA) is a basic planning unit. [40, 41]. The Mediterranean coastal countries propose LCA methodological frameworks in the context of islands that emphasize cultural and visual aspects. In Denmark, integration between LCA and actual planning and design is an important research theme, and the use of digital technology is emphasized in practice. Currently, linear heritage and corridor are very important research, but few researches use LCAs. Carlier, J., Moran, J. [45] determined the character type of the green road corridor landscape using the same size split tiles. [46] Martin, B. and others used GIS to the visual characteristics of the landscape seen from the highway. Zhang et al. [47] determined the landscape type by dividing the section in line with the railway heritage to equal intervals. California National Historic Trail is divided into six natural landscape areas and five cultural areas, according to similar geographical features and dominant cultural features along the trail [16 ]. Regarding Hadrian's head, England's NCAS map is a basic tool for developing the interpretation framework. This map defines the nature and cultural landscape of Hadrian's Great Wall. < SPAN> LCA research has been conducted in various scales, targets, and various countries. In the UK, national parks and nationa l-scale research and practice are conducted one after another, and a zoning pattern of the national characteristic area (NCA) is a basic planning unit. [40, 41]. The Mediterranean coastal countries propose LCA methodological frameworks in the context of islands that emphasize cultural and visual aspects. In Denmark, integration between LCA and actual planning and design is an important research theme, and the use of digital technology is emphasized in practice. Currently, linear heritage and corridor are very important research, but few research using LCA. Carlier, J., Moran, J. [45] determined the character type of the green road corridor landscape using the same size split tiles. [46] Martin, B. and others used GIS to the visual characteristics of the landscape seen from the highway. Zhang et al. [47] determined the landscape type by dividing the section in line with the railway heritage to equal intervals. California National Historic Trail is divided into six natural landscape areas and five cultural areas, according to similar geographical features and dominant cultural features along the trail [16 ]. Regarding Hadrian's head, England's NCAS map is a basic tool for developing the interpretation framework. This map defines the nature and cultural landscape of Hadrian's Great Wall. LCA research has been conducted in various scales, targets, and various countries. In the UK, national parks and nationa l-scale research and practice are conducted one after another, and a zoning pattern of the national characteristic area (NCA) is a basic planning unit. [40, 41]. The Mediterranean coastal countries propose LCA methodological frameworks in the context of islands that emphasize cultural and visual aspects. In Denmark, integration between LCA and actual planning and design is an important research theme, and the use of digital technology is emphasized in practice. Currently, linear heritage and corridor are very important research, but few researches use LCAs. Carlier, J., Moran, J. [45] determined the character type of the green road corridor landscape using the same size split tiles. [46] Martin, B. and others used GIS to the visual characteristics of the landscape seen from the highway. Zhang et al. [47] determined the landscape type by dividing the section in line with the railway heritage to equal intervals. California National Historic Trail is divided into six natural landscape areas and five cultural areas, according to similar geographical features and dominant cultural features along the trail [16 ]. Regarding Hadrian's head, England's NCAS map is a basic tool for developing the interpretation framework. This map defines the nature and cultural landscape of Hadrian's Great Wall.
Regarding M-GW, "town" means military area, pronounced "zhen" in Mandarin, and means garrison or defense. The defense area of the town includes fortifications such as passes, walls, forts, watchtowers, and settlements, as well as general areas under military influence. The settlements are representative of M-GW and are characterized by their rhythmic beauty due to the combination of architecture and topography [53] (Figure 1). To date, research on Jizhen ancient towns has focused on archaeological surveys [54, 55, 56], the protection and utilization of M-GW and its heritage [57, 58, 59], and the distribution of defense systems and military settlements [60, 61]. In addition, spatial information technology is increasingly being used in research [62]. Due to its inscription on the World Cultural Heritage list in 1978, UNESCO has long given priority to its military, cultural, and historical heritage [3, 60, 63]. Although the heritage site itself is relatively well protected, many M-GW settlements have suffered considerable damage [63], and the areas crossed by the M-GW face ecological risks [64]. In addition, multiple landscape values have not been fully recognized [3, 65]. In order to contribute to the protection and management of the landscape, it is necessary to comprehensively characterize the M-GW landscape, integrate it with the interpretation of cultural resources, and jointly promote the protection and management of the landscape.
This paper describes the framework of M-GW's sophisticated feature in China, which takes a comprehensive consideration of heritage and landscape value. Using the M-GW of the wisdom as a case study, the landscape area is defined and separated, and various data sources are used to zone the landscape characteristics at two levels. The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of the M-GW as a natural and cultural landscape system, and comprehensively record historical landscape information in the complex environment on a visual map. The research results are sustainable protection, management, and planning guidelines for the M-GW landscape of wisdom, promoting research in other sections of M-GW, and identifying other large linear heritage landscapes. It will be a guideline.
2. Materials and methods
2. 1. Survey area
The M-GW defense system is composed of nine military areas (also called "nine") in the east-west direction, and each military zone is supervised by Zhen City (similar to the state capital) [60, 66]. 。 To enhance the relevance, each area is divided into four classes, consisting of the highest level town level, Lu Lu City level, Pass City Level, and the lowest level city level. Taking advantage of the natural environment and geographical positions, the defense area directed by the collector has established a military system with 12 Luzi. It was formed from 30 years (1551) by Emperor Jia's Emperor to the 46th year of Emperor Manli (1618). Therefore, from the east Sannai Seki to Muta in the west, the collection of M-GW (Fig. 2) is about 880 km, crossing at least 15 administrative prefectures (city / ward). < SPAN> This paper describes the sophisticated feature of M-GW in China, taking into account the heritage and landscape value comprehensively. Using the M-GW of the wisdom as a case study, the landscape area is defined and separated, and various data sources are used to zone the landscape characteristics at two levels. The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of the M-GW as a natural and cultural landscape system, and comprehensively record historical landscape information in the complex environment on a visual map. The research results are sustainable protection, management, and planning guidelines for the M-GW landscape of wisdom, promoting research in other sections of M-GW, and identifying other large linear heritage landscapes. It will be a guideline.
2. Materials and methods
2. 1. Survey area
The M-GW defense system is composed of nine military areas (also called "nine") in the east-west direction, and each military zone is supervised by Zhen City (similar to the state capital) [60, 66]. 。 To enhance the relevance, each area is divided into four classes, consisting of the highest level town level, Lu Lu City level, Pass City Level, and the lowest level city level. Taking advantage of the natural environment and geographical positions, the defense area directed by the collector has established a military system with 12 Luzi. It was formed from 30 years (1551) by Emperor Jia's Emperor to the 46th year of Emperor Manli (1618). Therefore, from the east Sannai Seki to Muta in the west, the collection of M-GW (Fig. 2) is about 880 km, crossing at least 15 administrative prefectures (city / ward). This paper describes the framework of M-GW's sophisticated feature in China, which takes a comprehensive consideration of heritage and landscape value. Using the M-GW of the wisdom as a case study, the landscape area is defined and separated, and various data sources are used to zone the landscape characteristics at two levels. The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of the M-GW as a natural and cultural landscape system, and comprehensively record historical landscape information in the complex environment on a visual map. The research results are sustainable protection, management, and planning guidelines for the M-GW landscape of wisdom, promoting research in other sections of M-GW, and identifying other large linear heritage landscapes. It will be a guideline.
2. Materials and methods
2. 1. Survey area
The M-GW defense system is composed of nine military areas (also called "nine") in the east-west direction, and each military zone is supervised by Zhen City (similar to the state capital) [60, 66]. 。 To enhance the relevance, each area is divided into four classes, consisting of the highest level town level, Lu Lu City level, Pass City Level, and the lowest level city level. Taking advantage of the natural environment and geographical positions, the defense area directed by the collector has established a military system with 12 Luzi. It was formed from 30 years (1551) by Emperor Jia's Emperor to the 46th year of Emperor Manli (1618). Therefore, from the east Sannai Seki to Muta in the west, the collection of M-GW (Fig. 2) is about 880 km, crossing at least 15 administrative prefectures (city / ward).
The organic integration of the natural and cultural environment is fully demonstrated not only in military defense features, but also in the M-GW of the wisdom. First, the natural environment is the basis of landscape construction. The M-GW of the wisdom of the wisdom is in a mountainous area, with steep terrain, river and lake circulation, natural vegetation, artificial vegetation, and cultivated land. From the west to east, it has shifted from Magami Moga, Taizuyama, and Mt. The south side of the M-GW is a semi-dry agricultural plains, and the north is a dry mountain and basin. Second, the war between nomads and northern farmers is a cultural background. In the collection of collectors, human activities were always active, such as production activities, living activities, military exchange between ethnic groups, folk activities, landscape tours, and poetry and lyric by literary people in each dynasty. Along with the trend of the times, it became a scenic spot that contains local political culture and aesthetic heritage. However, many scenic spots have complicated boundaries and cannot be managed effectively. For example, the Gathering Council of the Gin is an important construction section of the M-GW National Cultural Park, so according to the "Choi Castle Protection Basic Plan", the range of heritage is within 50 meters of the buffer and pass cities of the Great Wall. 。
The scenery of M-GW in the wisdom consumer refers to the landscape system related to the Great Wall, which has developed to the present, based on the space-time split of the wisdom of the wisdom in the Ming Dynasty. The Great Wall is not a heritage in the geographical space, but is mapped as a landscape. In this study, two scale features were featured. The larger scale is an administrative area connected to the M-GW of the collector, and the area is about 33, 000 km2. The smaller scale is the defined range of the M-GW landscape in Chizu-cho, and is separated by the result of the larger scale.
2. 2. Identification of landscape characteristics
2. 2. 1. Methodian approach < SPAN> Organic integration of natural and cultural environment is fully demonstrated not only in military defense but also in the M-GW of wisdom. First, the natural environment is the basis of landscape construction. The M-GW of the wisdom of the wisdom is in a mountainous area, with steep terrain, river and lake circulation, natural vegetation, artificial vegetation, and cultivated land. From the west to east, it has shifted from Magami Moga, Taizuyama, and Mt. The south side of the M-GW is a semi-dry agricultural plains, and the north is a dry mountain and basin. Second, the war between nomads and northern farmers is a cultural background. In the collection of collectors, human activities were always active, such as production activities, living activities, military exchange between ethnic groups, folk activities, landscape tours, and poetry and lyric by literary people in each dynasty. Along with the trend of the times, it became a scenic spot that contains local political culture and aesthetic heritage. However, many scenic spots have complicated boundaries and cannot be managed effectively. For example, the Gathering Council of the Gin is an important construction section of the M-GW National Cultural Park, so according to the "Choi Castle Protection Basic Plan", the range of heritage is within 50 meters of the buffer and pass cities of the Great Wall. 。
The scenery of M-GW in the wisdom consumer refers to the landscape system related to the Great Wall, which has developed to the present, based on the space-time split of the wisdom of the wisdom in the Ming Dynasty. The Great Wall is not a heritage in the geographical space, but is mapped as a landscape. In this study, two scale features were featured. The larger scale is an administrative area connected to the M-GW of the collector, and the area is about 33, 000 km2. The smaller scale is the defined range of the M-GW landscape in Chizu-cho, and is separated by the result of the larger scale.
2. 2. Identification of landscape characteristics
2. 2. 1. Organic integration of the Natural Environment and Cultural Environment is fully demonstrated not only in military defense characteristics but also in the M-GW of the wisdom. First, the natural environment is the basis of landscape construction. The M-GW of the wisdom is in a mountainous area, with steep terrain, river and lake circulation, natural vegetation, artificial vegetation, and cultivated land. From the west to east, it has shifted from Magami Moga, Taizuyama, and Mt. The south side of the M-GW is a semi-dry agricultural plains, and the north is a dry mountain and basin. Second, the war between nomads and northern farmers is a cultural background. In the collection of collectors, human activities were always active, such as production activities, living activities, military exchange between ethnic groups, folk activities, landscape tours, and poetry and lyric by literary people in each dynasty. Along with the trend of the times, it became a scenic spot that contains local political culture and aesthetic heritage. However, many scenic spots have complicated boundaries and cannot be managed effectively. For example, the Gathering Council of the Gin is an important construction section of the M-GW National Cultural Park, so according to the "Choi Castle Protection Basic Plan", the range of heritage is within 50 meters of the buffer and pass cities of the Great Wall. 。
The scenery of M-GW in the wisdom consumer refers to the landscape system related to the Great Wall, which has developed to the present, based on the space-time split of the wisdom of the wisdom in the Ming Dynasty. The Great Wall is not a heritage in the geographical space, but is mapped as a landscape. In this study, two scale features were featured. The larger scale is an administrative area connected to the M-GW of the collector, and the area is about 33, 000 km2. The smaller scale is the defined range of the M-GW landscape in Chizu-cho, and is divided by the result of the larger scale.
2. 2. Identification of landscape characteristics
2. 2. 1. Methodic approach
There were two main steps in identifying the M-GW landscape in Chizu-cho (Fig. 4): (1) Definition of landscape area, division, (2) Zoning of landscape characteristics. In the first stage, the boundary of the M-GW landscape was defined, providing a clear range and a scale suitable for zoning. Used in combination of overlay methods based on the GIS platform and manual adjustment based on remote sensing images. In the second stage, the landscape characteristics were identified at two levels, general zoning and detailed zoning. In Level I, from a macro perspective, the overlay method has been identified according to dominant factors. Level II identifies the subtypes and su b-areas according to specific influence factors by combining more detailed digital digital and manual work. Furthermore, the selection of variables at the two levels is based on a different purpose of preliminary general, or more detailed specification. Thus, dominant and controlled natural and cultural factors were collected at the first level, and the more resolution natural and cultural factors were collected at the second level. Furthermore, the Great Wall has added visual recognition factors to the secon d-level variables because of the advantages of ancient military observation and modern sightseeing.
2. 2. 2. Definition and painting of the landscape area
The landscape area of M-GW in Chizu-cho was identified based on the landscape-related nature of nature, culture, and visual aspects. The visualized result by the overlay method based on the GIS platform was formed as a base map for identifying landscape characteristics. < SPAN> There were two main steps in identifying the M-GW landscape in Chizu-cho (Fig. 4): (1) Definition of landscape area, (2) Zoning of landscape characteristics. In the first stage, the boundary of the M-GW landscape was defined, providing a clear range and a scale suitable for zoning. Used in combination of overlay methods based on the GIS platform and manual adjustment based on remote sensing images. In the second stage, the landscape characteristics were identified at two levels, general zoning and detailed zoning. In Level I, from a macro perspective, the overlay method has been identified according to dominant factors. Level II identifies the subtypes and su b-areas according to specific influence factors by combining more detailed digital digital and manual work. Furthermore, the selection of variables at the two levels is based on a different purpose of preliminary general, or more detailed specification. Thus, dominant and controlled natural and cultural factors were collected at the first level, and the more resolution natural and cultural factors were collected at the second level. Furthermore, the Great Wall has added visual recognition factors to the secon d-level variables because of the advantages of ancient military observation and modern sightseeing.
2. 2. 2. Definition and painting of the landscape area
The landscape area of M-GW in Chizu-cho was identified based on the landscape-related nature of nature, culture, and visual aspects. The visualized result by the overlay method based on the GIS platform was formed as a base map for identifying landscape characteristics. There were two main steps in identifying the M-GW landscape in Chizu-cho (Fig. 4): (1) Definition of landscape area, division, (2) Zoning of landscape characteristics. In the first stage, the boundary of the M-GW landscape was defined, providing a clear range and a scale suitable for zoning. Used in combination of overlay methods based on the GIS platform and manual adjustment based on remote sensing images. In the second stage, the landscape characteristics were identified at two levels, general zoning and detailed zoning. In Level I, from a macro perspective, the overlay method has been identified according to dominant factors. Level II identifies the subtypes and su b-areas according to specific influence factors by combining more detailed digital digital and manual work. Furthermore, the selection of variables at the two levels is based on a different purpose of preliminary general, or more detailed specification. Thus, dominant and controlled natural and cultural factors were collected at the first level, and the more resolution natural and cultural factors were collected at the second level. Furthermore, the Great Wall has added visual recognition factors to the secon d-level variables because of the advantages of ancient military observation and modern sightseeing.
2. 2. 2. Definition and painting of the landscape area~The landscape area of M-GW in Chizu-cho was identified based on the nature, culture, and visual aspects of the landscape. The visualized result by the overlay method based on the GIS platform was formed as a base map for identifying landscape characteristics.~The landscape area consists of three levels. (2) Area where the heritage density exceeds 0. 5 (number per 0. 5 km2), (3) Sane n-king (currently an important military garrison in the collective in Maishi, Karayama City). The second level is equivalent to the military impact, and is visually visualized in the Defense Pass of the M-GW and the fort, according to the description of the Military magazine of "Shinzhin Sanmura". The third level is equivalent to the visual recognition area. This consists of a landscape seen from the M-GW, and a point where you can see the M-GW and its important features. Therefore, in accordance with the effects of human visual cognition in the mountainous landscape, this study is divided into the visual distance zone [68]. The 10km view range is regarded as a reasonable distance zone that can distinguish a single element [69], which is preliminaryly specified as a landscape area.
The landscape area of M-GW in Chizu-cho is a large band-shaped area located along the M-GW, and its specific boundary must be determined according to geographical signs and natural boundaries. Therefore, based on the comprehensive analysis of remote sensing images and vocational research records, the most closely related terrain units related to the M-GW terrain were identified on a basin map.
2. 2. 3. Zoning of landscape characteristics
Select variable<50%), and tree cover, broadleaved, deciduous and closed (>There were a raster dataset and a vector dataset for the sufficient quality data sources about the landscape of M-GW in Chizu-cho. There were four types of raster datasets: 12. 5 m DEM, land coating (2015), soil type, and vegetation type. Vector datasets are mainly provided by the "The Great Wall Station" Forum (http: //www. ilovegreatwall. cn, Access on March 2, 2021). It contained the distribution of. In addition, we collected photos and text formal data that require digitalization. All geographical databases and spatial analysis were performed using ArcGIS 10. 4 software. < SPAN> The landscape area consists of three levels. (2) Area where the heritage density exceeds 0. 5 (number per 0. 5 km2), (3) Sane n-king (currently an important military garrison in the collective in Maishi, Karayama City). The second level is equivalent to the military impact, and in accordance with the description of the military magazine of "Shinzhin Sanmura", it visually visualizes the Defense Pass of the M-GW and the fort of the Fort. The third level is equivalent to the visual recognition area. This consists of a landscape seen from the M-GW, and a point where you can see the M-GW and its important features. Therefore, in accordance with the effects of human visual cognition in the mountainous landscape, this study is divided into the visual distance zone [68]. The 10km view range is regarded as a reasonable distance zone that can distinguish a single element [69], which is preliminaryly specified as a landscape area.
The landscape area of M-GW in Chizu-cho is a large band-shaped area located along the M-GW, and its specific boundary must be determined according to geographical signs and natural boundaries. Therefore, based on the comprehensive analysis of remote sensing images and vocational research records, the most closely related terrain units related to the M-GW terrain were identified on a basin map.
2. 2. 3. Zoning of landscape characteristics
Select variable
There were a raster dataset and a vector dataset for the sufficient quality data sources about the landscape of M-GW in Chizu-cho. There were four types of raster datasets: 12. 5 m DEM, land coating (2015), soil type, and vegetation type. Vector datasets are mainly provided by the "The Great Wall Station" Forum (http: //www. ilovegreatwall. cn, Access on March 2, 2021). It contained the distribution of. In addition, we collected photos and text formal data that require digitalization. All geographical databases and spatial analysis were performed using ArcGIS 10. 4 software. The landscape area consists of three levels. (2) Area where the heritage density exceeds 0. 5 (number per 0. 5 km2), (3) Sane n-king (currently an important military garrison in the collective in Maishi, Karayama City). The second level is equivalent to the military impact, and in accordance with the description of the military magazine of "Shinzhin Sanmura", it visually visualizes the Defense Pass of the M-GW and the fort of the Fort. The third level is equivalent to the visual recognition area. This consists of a landscape seen from the M-GW, and a point where you can see the M-GW and its important features. Therefore, in accordance with the effects of human visual cognition in the mountainous landscape, this study is divided into the visual distance zone [68]. The 10km view range is regarded as a reasonable distance zone that can distinguish a single element [69], which is preliminaryly specified as a landscape area.
The landscape area of M-GW in Chizu-cho is a large band-shaped area located along the M-GW, and its specific boundary must be determined according to geographical signs and natural boundaries. Therefore, based on the comprehensive analysis of remote sensing images and vocational research records, the most closely related terrain units related to the M-GW terrain were identified on a basin map.
2. 2. 3. Zoning of landscape characteristics
Select variable
There were a raster dataset and a vector dataset for the sufficient quality data sources about the landscape of M-GW in Chizu-cho. There were four types of raster datasets: 12. 5 m DEM, land coating (2015), soil type, and vegetation type. Vector datasets are mainly provided by the "The Great Wall Station" Forum (http: //www. ilovegreatwall. cn, Access on March 2, 2021). It contained the distribution of. In addition, we collected photos and text formal data that require digitalization. All geographical databases and spatial analysis were performed using ArcGIS 10. 4 software.
At level I, two data sets were used to delimit the landscape typology: terrain type and military defense regionalization. The 20 variables are represented by capital initial letters and are shown in Table 1. The terrain type restricted the sub-factors such as soil, vegetation, and land use type [47, 70], and was the dominant factor that best reflected the natural characteristics of Zhizu Town. Due to limited data sources, only image formats of the Chinese terrain regionalization and terrain type were available. These were obtained from the Peking University Geographical Data Sharing Platform (http://geodata. pku. edu. cn, accessed on March 5, 2021) and the OSGeo China Center (https://www. osgeo. cn, accessed on March 5, 2021). The basic terrain type consists of terrain forms determined by elevation levels and topography [71]. To include more information, the two data were overlaid within the landscape boundary and digitized in GIS. Military regionalization refers to the 12 ruined cities in Jiji Town, and contains 12 secondary defense zones and 12 complete cultural units. It was the dominant factor reflecting the regional cultural characteristics of M-GW in Jiji Town. Text data was entered into the heritage point attributes of the GIS and reclassified.
Level II has separated landscape types using altitude, slopes, soil, vegetation, land coating, view type, natural / cultural resources, and M-GW heritage. The first six elements are listed in Table 2, including 47 variables, and are indicated in the acronym combining uppercase and lowercase letters. Alos Palsar TS/ALOS-PALSAR, Access on March 7, 2021) DEM data was collected and used to calculate the altitude and gradient. In addition, the GIS platform tool "Visibleity" was used, and the wall was used as an observer and a comprehensive classification based on the altitude, and a view type was obtained. The soil and vegetation data was acquired from China's Resource and Environment Data Cloud Platform (http: //www. resdc. cn, accessed on March 2, 2021). Land coated data is collected from Land Cover (2017), which is provided by European Space Circular Climate Change Initiative (2017) (http://maps. elie. ucl. acbe/cci/viewer/download. php, Access on March 7, 2021). In order to unify different resolutions, GIS's recent r e-sampling method was used. Natural and cultural resources include the National Cultural Protection unit (NCCU), the National Nature Protection Zone (NNR), the National AAAA A-level sightseeing spots (AAAAA SCE).
Level I general zoning
At the first level, the goal was to quickly and comprehensively understand the M-GW landscape in Chizu-cho. The boundary of the landscape characteristic area is based on terrain type data, and the landscape characteristic type was determined by all 20 variables. < SPAN> Level II separates the landscape type using the eight datasets of altitude, slope, soil, vegetation, land coating, view type, natural / cultural resources, and M-GW heritage. The first six elements are listed in Table 2, including 47 variables, and are indicated in the acronym combining uppercase and lowercase letters. Alos Palsar TS/ALOS-PALSAR, Access on March 7, 2021) DEM data was collected and used to calculate the altitude and gradient. In addition, the GIS platform tool "Visibleity" was used, and the wall was used as an observer and a comprehensive classification based on the altitude, and a view type was obtained. The soil and vegetation data was acquired from China's Resource and Environment Data Cloud Platform (http: //www. resdc. cn, accessed on March 2, 2021). Land coated data is collected from Land Cover (2017), which is provided by European Space Circular Climate Change Initiative (2017) (http://maps. elie. ucl. acbe/cci/viewer/download. php, Access on March 7, 2021). In order to unify different resolutions, GIS's recent r e-sampling method was used. Natural and cultural resources include the National Cultural Protection unit (NCCU), the National Nature Protection Zone (NNR), the National AAAA A-level sightseeing spots (AAAAA SCE).
Level I general zoning
At the first level, the goal was to quickly and comprehensively understand the M-GW landscape in Chizu-cho. The boundary of the landscape characteristic area is based on terrain type data, and the landscape characteristic type was determined by all 20 variables. Level II has separated landscape types using altitude, slopes, soil, vegetation, land coating, view type, natural / cultural resources, and M-GW heritage. The first six elements are listed in Table 2, including 47 variables, and are indicated in the acronym combining uppercase and lowercase letters. Alos Palsar TS/ALOS-PALSAR, Access on March 7, 2021) DEM data was collected and used to calculate the altitude and gradient. In addition, the GIS platform tool "Visibleity" was used, and the wall was used as an observer and a comprehensive classification based on the altitude, and a view type was obtained. The soil and vegetation data was acquired from China's Resource and Environment Data Cloud Platform (http: //www. resdc. cn, accessed on March 2, 2021). Land coated data is collected from Land Cover (2017), which is provided by European Space Circular Climate Change Initiative (2017) (http://maps. elie. ucl. acbe/cci/viewer/download. php, Access on March 7, 2021). In order to unify different resolutions, GIS's recent r e-sampling method was used. Natural and cultural resources include the National Cultural Protection unit (NCCU), the National Nature Protection Zone (NNR), the National AAAA A-level sightseeing spots (AAAAA SCE).
Level I general zoning
At the first level, the goal was to quickly and comprehensively understand the M-GW landscape in Chizu-cho. The boundary of the landscape characteristic area is based on terrain type data, and the landscape characteristic type was determined by all 20 variables.
In this study, the terrain type reflects the main formation rules of the wisdom of wisdom. Cultural elements, that is, military regionalization reflects different strategic arrangements and village patterns, which is an important reflection of the unique terrain of wisdom and the military culture in the social environment. We overlap these two elements, analyzed and summarized the characteristics as in interpretation. The process was simple and intuitive, but had to rely on manual data by some kind of subjectivity.
Detailed zoning at Level II
Level 2 aimed to accurately record information about the M-GW landscape in Chizu-cho. The subtype with the landscape characteristic was identified by the K-average cluster analysis, which is a parametric method, and the scenery characteristics of the landscape characteristics were identified by the overthrowed approach using semi-automatic and manual lines. The sem i-automatic line was used with multipl e-resolution segmentation tools with Ecognition 8. 7 software.
First, all data sources were unified into the same coordinate system and the following analysis was performed using grid cells. A 1 km x 1 km grid cell was determined based on the main resolution of the dataset and the scope of the target area, all variables in Table 2 were assigned to them, and were overlayed on GIS. After that, a geographic database was constructed in which the attribute data of the variable was integrated. < SPAN> In this study, the terrain type reflects the main formation rules of the wisdom of wisdom. Cultural elements, that is, military regionalization reflects different strategic arrangements and village patterns, which is an important reflection of the unique terrain of wisdom and the military culture in the social environment. We overlap these two elements, analyzed and summarized the characteristics as in interpretation. The process was simple and intuitive, but had to rely on manual data by some kind of subjectivity.
Detailed zoning at Level II
Level 2 aimed to accurately record information about the M-GW landscape in Chizu-cho. The subtype with the landscape characteristic was identified by the K-average cluster analysis, which is a parametric method, and the scenery characteristics of the landscape characteristics were identified by the overthrowed approach using semi-automatic and manual lines. The sem i-automatic line was used with multipl e-resolution segmentation tools with Ecognition 8. 7 software.
First, all data sources were unified into the same coordinate system and the following analysis was performed using grid cells. A 1 km x 1 km grid cell was determined based on the main resolution of the dataset and the scope of the target area, all variables in Table 2 were assigned to them, and were overlayed on GIS. After that, a geographic database was constructed in which the attribute data of the variable was integrated. In this study, the terrain type reflects the main formation rules of the wisdom of wisdom. Cultural elements, that is, military regionalization reflects different strategic arrangements and village patterns, which is an important reflection of the unique terrain of wisdom and the military culture in the social environment. We overlap these two elements, analyzed and summarized the characteristics as in interpretation. The process was simple and intuitive, but had to rely on manual data by some kind of subjectivity.
Detailed zoning at Level II
Level 2 aimed to accurately record information about the M-GW landscape in Chizu-cho. The subtype with the landscape characteristic was identified by the K-average cluster analysis, which is a parametric method, and the scenery characteristics of the landscape characteristics were identified by the overthrowed approach using semi-automatic and manual lines. The sem i-automatic line was used with multipl e-resolution segmentation tools with Ecognition 8. 7 software.First, all data sources were unified into the same coordinate system and the following analysis was performed using grid cells. A 1 km x 1 km grid cell was determined based on the main resolution of the dataset and the scope of the target area, all variables in Table 2 were assigned to them, and were overlayed on GIS. After that, a geographic database was constructed in which the attribute data of the variable was integrated.
Level 2 aimed to accurately record information about the M-GW landscape in Chizu-cho. The subtype with the landscape characteristic was identified by the K-average cluster analysis, which is a parametric method, and the scenery characteristics of the landscape characteristics were identified by the overthrowed approach using semi-automatic and manual lines. The sem i-automatic line was used with multipl e-resolution segmentation tools with Ecognition 8. 7 software.Third, the su b-areas of landscape characteristics were separated according to the visualization results. Ecognition is an image processing technology based on an object. Ecognition can be used to segment one image into multiple pixels objects of various sizes [72]. Using a mult i-resolution segmentation tool, we set some of the scales, shape and compact parameters to conduct some comparative experiments. As a result, it was found that even in areas where the difference from the surrounding landscape, such as a beautiful cloud reservoir compared to the satellite image, can be clearly divided by segmentation. The result of Ecognition was always ove r-segmentation, which was only a right angle line. < Span> Next, a matrix to connect the variable and the grid cell was set. Since all data is raster data, there were two formats in the variable in the matrix: (1) or (0). After removing the invalid value, a total of 8256 valid landscape samples were divided. New variables were statistically analyzed by K-average cluster analysis of IBM SPSS STATISTICS 25. 0. In order to determine the cluster solution better, a different K value of 10, 15, 20, and 25 is set for comparison. K = 15 is selected as a clustering standard when the obvious landscape characteristic type, such as a beautiful cloud reservoir, is in harmony with the level II type, and the accuracy of the results by experts. Gestalt method was used for the judgment. The subtype with the landscape characteristic was visualized by assigning a cluster number to the grid cell. By establishing a matrix connecting the subtype and the original variable, the subtypes of the elements were analyzed (appendix A, Table a1). The subtype was assigned by code according to the range of components X. In other words, those higher than 60%, 30%to 60%, 10%to 30%(x), and less than 10%are counted.
Third, the su b-areas of landscape characteristics were separated according to the visualization results. Ecognition is an image processing technology based on an object. Ecognition can be used to segment one image into multiple pixels objects of various sizes [72]. Using a mult i-resolution segmentation tool, we set some of the scales, shape and compact parameters to conduct some comparative experiments. As a result, it was found that even in areas where the difference from the surrounding landscape, such as a beautiful cloud reservoir compared to the satellite image, can be clearly divided by segmentation. The result of Ecognition was always ove r-segmentation, which was only a right angle line. Next, a matrix to connect the variable and the grid cell was set. Since all data is raster data, there were two formats in the variable in the matrix: (1) or (0). After removing the invalid value, a total of 8256 valid landscape samples were divided. New variables were statistically analyzed by K-average cluster analysis of IBM SPSS STATISTICS 25. 0. In order to determine the cluster solution better, a different K value of 10, 15, 20, and 25 is set for comparison. K = 15 is selected as a clustering standard when the obvious landscape characteristic type, such as a beautiful cloud reservoir, is in harmony with the level II type, and the accuracy of the results by experts. Gestalt method was used for the judgment. The subtype with the landscape characteristic was visualized by assigning a cluster number to the grid cell. By establishing a matrix connecting the subtype and the original variable, the subtypes of the elements were analyzed (appendix A, Table a1). The subtype was assigned by code according to the range of components X. In other words, those higher than 60%, 30%to 60%, 10%to 30%(x), and less than 10%are counted.
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