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Big betting: Dangerous British betting shop world
The Laddbroks Betting Shop in Moden, southwest of London, was open until 10:00 pm on the last day of the transaction. The day was Friday, May 24, 2013, one of the weekends from spring to summer, with overlapping global sports schedules, and gambling events were crowded. European soccer finals, Super Middleweight Title Match, Grand Prix, High Season Horse Racing, Golf Tournament. The 5 5-yea r-old London citizen, Morden Radbroke, Andrew IICobo, sitting behind the store counter, putting on a computer, scroll printer, coin tray, and a safe beside the knees. Bald, a small, small, and going to the gym if she has time, has been working in Radubroks for over 20 years. He was quiet but not confident, and was also liked by regular customers, one of the 11, 000 and 15, 500 employees working in 2, 200 Rad Broks stores. IICovu ran Wimbledon's Radbrokes, Radbroks in Earl's Field, and Radbrokes in Modeen, and then moved to the current glass store next to the supermarket after crossing A24 from the subway Morden station. For more than 20 years at Radbroks, he has experienced a series of coordinations of staff uniforms (currently a tomato red polo shirt) and a series of adjustments to annihilate their daily work. He worked at the Wimbledon branch when he first met his wife, Anita, who was a post office member in the 1990s. The Wimbledon branch closed at 5:30 pm, and Iakov was working until that time. < SPAN> Large bet: Dangerous British betting shop world
The Laddbroks Betting Shop in Moden, southwest of London, was open until 10:00 pm on the last day of the transaction. The day was Friday, May 24, 2013, one of the weekends from spring to summer, with overlapping global sports schedules, and gambling events were crowded. European soccer finals, Super Middleweight Title Match, Grand Prix, High Season Horse Racing, Golf Tournament. The 5 5-yea r-old London citizen, Morden Radbroke, Andrew IICobo, sitting behind the store counter, putting on a computer, scroll printer, coin tray, and a safe beside the knees. Bald, a small, small, and going to the gym if she has time, has been working in Radubroks for over 20 years. He was quiet but not confident, and was also liked by regular customers, one of the 11, 000 and 15, 500 employees working in 2, 200 Rad Broks stores. IICovu ran Wimbledon's Radbrokes, Radbroks in Earl's Field, and Radbrokes in Modeen, and then moved to the current glass store next to the supermarket after crossing A24 from the subway Morden station. For more than 20 years at Radbroks, he has experienced a series of coordinations of staff uniforms (currently a tomato red polo shirt) and a series of adjustments to annihilate their daily work. He worked at the Wimbledon branch when he first met his wife, Anita, who was a post office member in the 1990s. The Wimbledon branch closed at 5:30 pm, and Iakov was working until that time. Big betting: Dangerous British betting shop world
The Laddbroks Betting Shop in Moden, southwest of London, was open until 10:00 pm on the last day of the transaction. The day was Friday, May 24, 2013, one of the weekends from spring to summer, with overlapping global sports schedules, and gambling events were crowded. European soccer finals, Super Middleweight Title Match, Grand Prix, High Season Horse Racing, Golf Tournament. The 5 5-yea r-old London citizen, Morden Radbroke, Andrew IICobo, sitting behind the store counter, putting on a computer, scroll printer, coin tray, and a safe beside the knees. Bald, a small, small, and going to the gym if she has time, has been working in Radubroks for over 20 years. He was quiet but not confident, and was also liked by regular customers, one of the 11, 000 and 15, 500 employees working in 2, 200 Rad Broks stores. IICovu ran Wimbledon's Radbrokes, Radbroks in Earl's Field, and Radbrokes in Modeen, and then moved to the current glass store next to the supermarket after crossing A24 from the subway Morden station. For more than 20 years at Radbroks, he has experienced a series of coordinations of staff uniforms (currently a tomato red polo shirt) and a series of adjustments to annihilate their daily work. He worked at the Wimbledon branch when he first met his wife, Anita, who was a post office member in the 1990s. The Wimbledon branch closed at 5:30 pm, and Iakov was working until that time.At the time of 2013, the Moden store was open from 8:30 in the morning to 10:00 pm, 7 days a week. IICovu usually worked for five days, sometimes six days, from the beginning to the end. In the afternoon, he was in charge of the cash register with the cashier assistant who handles han d-written bets over the counter. At other times, Iakovu had a store alone and rely on regular customers. Most of them were male, most of them were retired, and were often on the way to a nearby Gunriz pub or returned. A 6 0-yea r-old man with a rosy face called Michael was sitting in the store's kiosk, carefully looking at the sprea d-out slip, and ruminating before deciding on the bet on the day. There is a taxi driver named Alan the Taxi, parks the car in the outside parking lot and occasionally bets in soccer for 5 pounds. The same taxi driver, John the Taxi, did not gamble, but was in and out of the toilet. Both drivers brought a tak e-out coffee for eagle. At the branch, there were regulars, ray, mistenshamy, who bet on horses, and buildings that bet on dogs only. A relatively new face, Shafik Auri, had a depressed skin on his skin, and was nervous every time he played with an electronic gambling machine in the store.
Big betting: Dangerous Betting Shop Worl d-Podcast < SPAN>, Moden store was open from 8:30 in the morning to 10 pm, 7 days a week. IICovu usually worked for five days, sometimes six days, from the beginning to the end. In the afternoon, he was in charge of the cash register with the cashier assistant who handles han d-written bets over the counter. At other times, Iakovu had a store alone and rely on regular customers. Most of them were male, most of them were retired, and were often on the way to a nearby Gunriz pub or returned. A 6 0-yea r-old man with a rosy face called Michael was sitting in the store's kiosk, carefully looking at the sprea d-out slip, and ruminating before deciding on the bet on the day. There is a taxi driver named Alan the Taxi, parks the car in the outside parking lot and occasionally bets in soccer for 5 pounds. The same taxi driver, John the Taxi, did not gamble, but was in and out of the toilet. Both drivers brought a tak e-out coffee for eagle. At the branch, there were regulars, ray, mistenshamy, who bet on horses, and buildings that bet on dogs only. A relatively new face, Shafik Auri, had a depressed skin on his skin, and was nervous every time he played with an electronic gambling machine in the store.Large bet: Dangerous Betting Shop Worl d-Podcast, Moden store was open from 8:30 in the morning to 10:00 pm, 7 days a week. IICovu usually worked for five days, sometimes six days, from the beginning to the end. In the afternoon, he was in charge of the cash register with the cashier assistant who handles han d-written bets over the counter. At other times, Iakovu had a store alone and rely on regular customers. Most of them were male, most of them were retired, and were often on the way to a nearby Gunriz pub or returned. A 6 0-yea r-old man with a rosy face called Michael was sitting in the store's kiosk, carefully looking at the sprea d-out slip, and ruminating before deciding on the bet on the day. There is a taxi driver named Alan the Taxi, parks the car in the outside parking lot and occasionally bets in soccer for 5 pounds. The same taxi driver, John the Taxi, did not gamble, but was in and out of the toilet. Both drivers brought a tak e-out coffee for eagle. At the branch, there were regulars, ray, mistenshamy, who bet on horses, and buildings that bet on dogs only. A relatively new face, Shafik Auri, had a depressed skin on his skin, and was nervous every time he played with an electronic gambling machine in the store.
Big betting: Dangerous British Betting Shop Worl d-Podcast
That Friday, Early complained to his manager about a malfunctioning machine. Iacovu had to come from behind the counter and see what the problem was. It was one of dozens of chores Iacovu had to do: refill the coupon tray; cut out form guides from the horse-racing papers with scissors and arrange them on a magnetic display board; tack up alternating posters in the street-facing windows; manage the customers who approached the register with winning tickets (and the ones who, being losers, came to complain anyway); monitor the money in the coin tray, the money in the register, and the money in the safe; watch the doors in case anyone too young or too bad looking tried to get in; monitor the store's four gambling machines in case a machine malfunctioned, or the colors got out of whack on the casino simulation games, or the touchscreens got miscalibrated. At the end of the day, he had to painstakingly empty those machines of their sales before closing up shop. Iacovu's shop closed at 10, but he didn't get back to his team's home until midnight that night. He was so exhausted he slept in his uniform, his wife recalled. In the morning, Iacovu took the bus back to the Morden branch, arriving at about 8 a. m., in time to meet another Ladbrokes colleague who had come to collect a spare key. The two chatted briefly. In the past, they might have spent Saturdays together in the shop, but not anymore. I
As soon as the latch was turned, Early pushed in. He grabbed Iacovu by the neck. They struggled. Early took a claw hammer from his bag and hit Iacovu over the head with it. He hit him again, hit him again, then turned his attention to the safe.
The Death and Life of Great English Pubs | Tom Lamont
2. A Piece of English Life
Today, it is rare to find a British high street that is not tinted with the colours of a bookmaker. Every town, every retail strip, is dotted with the red of Ladbrokes, the blue and yellow of William Hill, the blue of Coral, the blue and red of Betfred, the pale green of Stan James and the cloverleaf of Paddy Power, at almost mathematical intervals. In total, there are around 9, 000 licensed betting shops in the UK, about half of which are run by Ladbrokes and William Hill. The two companies are great and bitter rivals who despise each other going back to the 1930s. It is hard to believe now, but the two companies once shared an insulting attitude towards the idea of bookmakers having physical stores. "In 1956, William Hill founder William Hill said, 'I don't think it's a good idea to have a betting shop on every street corner.' Ladbrokes was named after the country house where the founders trained horses in the 1880s. Until the 1960s, Ladbrokes considered itself too upscale for street corners. Bookmakers at the time only operated under license at racetracks, accepting bets from private customers by mail or telephone. The profits they made this way were undermined by a thriving black market in illegal street betting. Before tons of creepy acrylics began to hang in storefronts across the country, British bookmakers had:
FOBT (Fixed Ods Betting Terminal) offers digitized roulette and arcad e-style games. Photo Alex Segre/REX FEATURES, especially for worke r-class men. Radbroks and William Hill began to open a branch and acquire existing branches when potential interests could not be ignored. Meanwhile, Solomons & Franagan, JJ Simmons, Ken Manden, Fred Parkinson, and so on, have absorbed dozens of small companies that have been forgotten. William Hill exceeded 100 stores by 1970 and Radbroks exceeded 400 stores. "They are now part of British life," Hill said shortly before his death. His company was acquired by Sears Holdings Limited in 1971, and then traded again through many Konglomarit. William Hill and Radbroks were both PLCs and listed in the stock market. Each one has 1, 000 stores, and then 2, 000 stores. Wooden writing utensils, which have written extra numbers for several decades, were removed from the branch and were replaced by plastic kiosks. Instead of a pencil, it was a free pen, a symbol of a modern gambling hall. With the change of regulations in the 1980s, televisions were installed in the store, and races and results were provided directly from racetracks and Grayhound Racecourse. (In the 1990s, a computer that was networked in the cashier was introduced.
Veteran betting shop staff, like the characters of the science fiction movie, now talks about the happy era of "before the machine appears." < SPAN> Fixed Ods Betting Terminal provides digitized roulette and arcad e-style games. Photo Alex Segre/REX FEATURES, especially for worke r-class men. Radbroks and William Hill began to open a branch and acquire existing branches when potential interests could not be ignored. Meanwhile, Solomons & Franagan, JJ Simmons, Ken Manden, Fred Parkinson, and so on, have absorbed dozens of small companies that have been forgotten. William Hill exceeded 100 stores by 1970 and Radbroks exceeded 400 stores. "They are now part of British life," Hill said shortly before his death. His company was acquired by Sears Holdings Limited in 1971, and then traded again through many Konglomarit. William Hill and Radbroks were both PLCs and listed in the stock market. Each one has 1, 000 stores, and then 2, 000 stores. Wooden writing utensils, which have written extra numbers for several decades, were removed from the branch and were replaced by plastic kiosks. Instead of a pencil, it was a free pen, a symbol of a modern gambling hall. With the change of regulations in the 1980s, televisions were installed in the store, and races and results were provided directly from racetracks and Grayhound Racecourse. (In the 1990s, a computer that was networked in the cashier was introduced.
Veteran betting shop staff, like the characters of the science fiction movie, now talks about the happy era of "before the machine appears." FOBT (Fixed Ods Betting Terminal) offers digitized roulette and arcad e-style games. Photo Alex Segre/REX FEATURES, especially for worke r-class men. Radbroks and William Hill began to open a branch and acquire existing branches when potential interests could not be ignored. Meanwhile, Solomons & Franagan, JJ Simmons, Ken Manden, Fred Parkinson, and so on, have absorbed dozens of small companies that have been forgotten. William Hill exceeded 100 stores by 1970 and Radbroks exceeded 400 stores. "They are now part of British life," Hill said shortly before his death. His company was acquired by Sears Holdings Limited in 1971, and then traded again through many Konglomarit. William Hill and Radbroks were both PLCs and listed in the stock market. Each one has 1, 000 stores, and then 2, 000 stores. Wooden writing utensils, which have written extra numbers for several decades, were removed from the branch and were replaced by plastic kiosks. Instead of a pencil, it was a free pen, a symbol of a modern gambling hall. With the change of regulations in the 1980s, televisions were installed in the store, and races and results were provided directly from racetracks and Grayhound Racecourse. (In the 1990s, a computer that was networked in the cashier was introduced.
Veteran betting shop staff, like the characters of the science fiction movie, now talks about the happy era of "before the machine appears."
At about the same time, the number of racing and the Grayhound Race, which represent the industry, decreased. The staff members say that the young generation gambler has many jargon in horse racing, who has come to think that it is a person with specialized knowledge, that is, a fathe r-i n-law, and prefers to bet on soccer instead. Roughly speaking, soccer is less profitable for bookmakers. The betting has decreased further. The new law, the 2005 gambling law, was enforced, and the FOBT has been up to four for one gambling hall. The money thrown on these four machines has become more and more important for the survival of each store. Veteran staff, like a kind of science fiction movie, talks about a more happy era, "before the machine appeared." When FOBT appeared, it accepted much larger than the previous fruit machine. It was possible to bet up to 100 pounds every 20 seconds and bet, but later the government regulations changed to 50 pounds every 20 seconds. The loser loses earlier, and the loser is more likely to be hurt. Too late horses and customers may then resentful of fate, gods, or counter employees. However, it cannot be argued that he was deceived. The machine player brought a new paranoia. Because FOBT is fixed, it is called a fixed oddsbetting terminal. Over time, at almost the same time, which was returned to customers, the number of bets on sports, such as horse racing and grayhound racing, decreased. The staff members say that the young generation gambler has many jargon in horse racing, who has come to think that it is a person with specialized knowledge, that is, a fathe r-i n-law, and prefers to bet on soccer instead. Roughly speaking, soccer is less profitable for bookmakers. The betting has decreased further. The new law, the 2005 gambling law, was enforced, and the FOBT has been up to four for one gambling hall. The money thrown on these four machines has become more and more important for the survival of each store. Veteran staff, like a kind of science fiction movie, talks about a more happy era, "before the machine appeared." When FOBT appeared, it accepted much larger than the previous fruit machine. It was possible to bet up to 100 pounds every 20 seconds and bet, but later the government regulations changed to 50 pounds every 20 seconds. The loser loses earlier, and the loser is more likely to be hurt. Too late horses and customers may then resentful of fate, gods, or counter employees. However, it cannot be argued that he was deceived. The machine player brought a new paranoia. Because FOBT is fixed, it is called a fixed oddsbetting terminal. At the same time, about the same time, when the time was returned to customers, racing and grayhound racing, a bet on sports representing the industry, decreased. The staff members say that the young generation gambler has many jargon in horse racing, who has come to think that it is a person with specialized knowledge, that is, a fathe r-i n-law, and prefers to bet on soccer instead. Roughly speaking, soccer is less profitable for bookmakers. The betting has decreased further. The new law, the 2005 gambling law, was enforced, and the FOBT has been up to four for one gambling hall. The money thrown on these four machines has become more and more important for the survival of each store. Veteran staff, like a kind of science fiction movie, talks about a more happy era, "before the machine appeared." When FOBT appeared, it accepted much larger than the previous fruit machine. It was possible to bet up to 100 pounds every 20 seconds and bet, but later the government regulations changed to 50 pounds every 20 seconds. The loser loses earlier, and the loser is more likely to be hurt. Too late horses and customers may then resentful of fate, gods, or counter employees. However, it cannot be argued that he was deceived. The machine player brought a new paranoia. Because FOBT is fixed, it is called a fixed oddsbetting terminal. After time, it will be returned to customers
At this time, the executives of Radbrokes were raising a sense of crisis that the store level was "ridiculous and crazy." Their idea was that the introduction of the machine became more and less "min i-casinos". Also, how many casinos can be done without a bouncer to deal with gambling addiction? How many casinos are running individually?
3. Whether to do it alone or not < Span> At this time, executives at Radbroks were raising a sense of crisis that the store level was "ridiculous and strange." Their idea was that the introduction of the machine became more and less "min i-casinos". Also, how many casinos can be done without a bouncer to deal with gambling addiction? How many casinos are running individually?
3. At this time, the executives of Radbroks have been in a sense of crisis at this time, whether to do it alone or not. Their idea was that the introduction of the machine became more and less "min i-casinos". Also, how many casinos can be done without a bouncer to deal with gambling addiction? How many casinos are running individually?
3. Do you do it alone or not?
Even after the marker was redundant by television and the settlers were driven to the desktop computer, it was rare for employees to work alone in the betting shop. William Hill's staff often said that his boss would not be asked to get a branch alone at night, but Radbrokes formulated in 2010 a "Single Skilling" policy. I started. This policy was that if certain conditions were met, such as the risk evaluation of each store and the ability to check the ability of employees, the store could be operated alone, both day and night. In fact, most stores were required to work alone. From 2011 to 2013, a single man system was attempted and expanded at Radbroke's betting shop. I told me that there was no doubt about why singl e-manning was introduced, and the reasons for the introduction of Single Management. At that time, an area manager, which managed 15 stores in the southeast, said, "it was for cost reduction." At that time, the executive of the Radbrokes' retail department said to me: "They were aware that they could reduce a considerable amount of expenses. From 10 am to 1:00 pm, or at 6 pm According to another powerful information in the company in the company, the store has been reduced from two to one person. However, even after the
Those who agreed to be single men were given an extra pay of around 40 pence an hour. (Branch managers, as they are called internally at Ladbrokes, earn different rates depending on their location and age; in 2016, a 23-year-old living in Wirral earned £8. 51 an hour.) A source inside Ladbrokes' headquarters at the time noted that the extra pay was soon discontinued.
Staff said they risked being fired if they complained publicly about working conditions. Photograph Graeme Robertson/The Guardian A source inside Ladbrokes spoke frankly, on the condition that her name not be used. So did dozens of betting shop workers consulted for this story. Walk into any branch across the UK, identify yourself as a reporter, and behind the counter their eyes instinctively turn to the nearest CCTV camera. Employees say they fear they could be fired if they complain publicly about their working conditions. A Ladbrokes branch manager in Wales said that after posting a comment on Facebook about the attack on Andrew Iacobou in Morden, he was contacted within 20 minutes by the company's London office and told that disciplinary procedures would be initiated if he did not remove it. A Ladbrokes employee in Birmingham reported similar things. Many of the part-time students and other junior staff I interviewed did not expect to stay and claimed that the gloomy atmosphere in the industry would soon drive them out. I also met working parents, parents-to-be, second-generation staff working in the branch with their parents, and other employees who asked to speak anonymously because they could not risk being fired.
One area manager was ashamed to have told staff who were nervous about working alone that there was no real danger.
But they spoke. The northern area manager recalls that in the early stage of the single man, he was ashamed that the staff who felt anxious about the singleman had really had no danger. At that time, the area manager said, "I supported the company's policy and told the staff," I need to do this. "He said the staff who felt dangerous to work alone. However, if you give all the money, the risk of being robbed will be lower than one. The executive of Radbroks told me that the company did not leave a number that recorded whether the branch was a single man or a double man from the end of 2014 in 2010 to the end of 2014. 。 At one time, the northern area manager said that the single man seemed to be quite harmless. With other major betting chains starting a single man, it has become easier to persuade the staff. Betfred, STAN JAMES, CORAL, and Paddy Power employees told me that they were frequently asked for a store. "It was going well for a while." And Andrew Aikobo has happened.
4. Moden branch
Andrew and Anita Ikobo first met in the Radbrokes store. On Saturday, April 1995, it was a weekend Grand Naka. Anita bet on a horse called Party Politics one by one. "Intuition," she said. When the horse finished second, she handed a betting ticket to Ikobou, who was working behind the counter. They started talking. Ikovu was 37 years old and grew up in South No Wood, which is not too far. His father was Greek and his mother was British. Anita was 34 years old and tied black hair behind in Indian II. Iakovu was short on Anita's prize money, probably because he was distracted by chatting. Was it 33 pounds? -Ikovu invited her to date. The two married in 1999 and later had two sons. < SPAN> But they spoke. The northern area manager recalls that in the early stage of the single man, he was ashamed that the staff who felt anxious about the singleman had really had no danger. At that time, the area manager said, "I supported the company's policy and told the staff," I need to do this. "He said the staff who felt dangerous to work alone. However, if you give all the money, the risk of being robbed will be lower than one. The executive of Radbroks told me that the company did not leave a number that recorded whether the branch was a single man or a double man from the end of 2014 in 2010 to the end of 2014. 。 At one time, the northern area manager said that the single man seemed to be quite harmless. With other major betting chains starting a single man, it has become easier to persuade the staff. Betfred, STAN JAMES, CORAL, and Paddy Power employees told me that they were frequently asked for a store. "It was going well for a while." And Andrew Aikobo has happened.
4. Moden branch
Andrew and Anita Ikobo first met in the Radbrokes store. On Saturday, April 1995, it was a weekend Grand Naka. Anita bet on a horse called Party Politics one by one. "Intuition," she said. When the horse finished second, she handed a betting ticket to Ikobou, who was working behind the counter. They started talking. Ikovu was 37 years old and grew up in South No Wood, which is not too far. His father was Greek and his mother was British. Anita was 34 years old and tied black hair behind in Indian II. Iakovu was short on Anita's prize money, probably because he was distracted by chatting. Was it 33 pounds? -Ikovu invited her to date. The two married in 1999 and later had two sons. But they spoke. The northern area manager recalls that in the early stage of the single man, he was ashamed that the staff who felt anxious about the singleman had really had no danger. At that time, the area manager said, "I supported the company's policy and told the staff," I need to do this. "He said the staff who felt dangerous to work alone. However, if you give all the money, the risk of being robbed will be lower than one. The executive of Radbroks told me that the company did not leave a number that recorded whether the branch was a single man or a double man from the end of 2014 in 2010 to the end of 2014. 。 At one time, the northern area manager said that the single man seemed to be quite harmless. With other major betting chains starting a single man, it has become easier to persuade the staff. Betfred, STAN JAMES, CORAL, and Paddy Power employees told me that they were frequently asked for a store. "It was going well for a while." And Andrew Aikobo has happened.
4. Moden branch
Andrew and Anita Ikobo first met in the Radbrokes store. On Saturday, April 1995, it was a weekend Grand Naka. Anita bet on a horse called Party Politics one by one. "Intuition," she said. When the horse finished second, she handed a betting ticket to Ikobou, who was working behind the counter. They started talking. Ikovu was 37 years old and grew up in South No Wood, which is not too far. His father was Greek and his mother was British. Anita was 34 years old and tied black hair behind in Indian II. Iakovu was short on Anita's prize money, probably because he was distracted by chatting. Was it 33 pounds? -Ikovu invited her to date. The two married in 1999 and later had two sons.
In 2010, Andrew Iacovou moved to a branch near the Morden tube." Photo In 2005, the family moved into Team's apartment. For five years, until 2010, Iacovou worked at Ladbrokes, a short walk away, on Tudor Drive. He then moved to a branch near the Morden tube station. "He said he didn't feel safe there," Anita recalls. Vandals smashed the windows of his branch twice while Iacovou was on the night shift. Anita's brother, Anil Punjabi, would sometimes drive Anita and her sons to pick them up after work. But after a while, Iacovou asked him not to bring his family over, for fear of them being exposed in the car, Punjabi recalled. A sense of safety is not hard currency. The Morden Ladbrokes had CCTV cameras installed throughout the store, a steel-framed front door with a magnetic lock, a latch lock on the door between the sales and service areas, and a panic button for employees under the counter. But as dozens of store associates pointed out to me, it's still possible to feel unsafe in the middle of such a fortress, especially at night, and especially when unaccompanied. A Betfred assistant manager in Sussex was threatened with rape by a frustrated gambler one night while working alone. "He told me, 'I have no way out.' I remember thinking that." That night, Betfred's vice president called the police.
Verbal abuse from customers is "Level 1," physical abuse is "Level 2," and physical abuse resulting in hospitalization is "Level 3." Enough Levels 2 and 3 lead head office to remove the store from the independent list, at least for a while. Andrew Iacobou's Morden store was neither Level 2 nor Level 3 enough. Anita feared for her husband. At the time, stories of violence in British gambling premises didn't have to be found. In March 2013, there was a machete robbery at Betfred in Ashton-in-Makerfield. In April 2013, a man broke into Ladbrokes in Southampton, jumping over the counter with a kitchen knife. The Iacobou's had an arrangement: Andrew would call Anita from the store, usually at intervals throughout the day after she arrived, around 8. 30am. On Saturday, May 25, Anita did not receive the call. She called the store, but there was no answer. She continued to call. Later, to try to determine what had happened, police investigators reviewed CCTV footage recorded at the store. Shafik Ariji was seen struggling with Iacobou behind the counter. It was 8:33 a. m. He had blood on his face and was wiping it off. A few minutes after the attack, Ariji left the store. An examination of the store's safe showed signs of a hammer strike on the handle, but it remained locked. Store records showed that £296. 86 had disappeared from the till.
5. "A Tough Year
Rumors of murder spread from the branch to the branch. Glasgow's William Hill staff heard that employees were stabbed. At the Coral of Hemel Hempsted, someone was shot. Facebook groups for industry officials (this group is called "I No Longer Fear Hell, I'm Worked in a Betting Shop", and there are more than 14, 000 members), a few hours since Ikobou died. It became a hot topic within the other. "What happened? Did the robbery fail? Is it a single man? It was one of their great concerns, especially for the fact that Iakovu had not been found for a long time. In the Facebook group, there was a desperate grav e-like humor, such as a desperate grave. Who answered: "Ghost Busters members discussed the rough inconsistency when the glass was set up. They took notes about how easy it was to open by the intruder ("I have 11 pounds ..."). They remembered the old days ("I started in 1994 ... I returned home at 5:30 pm in winter") ("Next is someone of you May be done. " A particularly miserable rumor about Iakovu spread between them.
Auri was a cleaning member and thought he had accidentally pressed the panic button. Rumors of murder spread from the < SPAN> branch to the branch. Glasgow's William Hill staff heard that employees were stabbed. In the Coral of Hemel Hempsted, someone was shot. Facebook groups for industry officials (this group is called "I No Longer Fear Hell, I'm Worked in a Betting Shop", and there are more than 14, 000 members), a few hours since Ikobou died. It became a hot topic within the other. "What happened? Did the robbery fail? Is it a single man? It was one of their great concerns, especially for the fact that Iakovu had not been found for a long time. In the Facebook group, there was a desperate grav e-like humor, such as a desperate grave. Who answered: "Ghost Busters members discussed the rough inconsistency when the glass was set up. They took notes about how easy it was to open by the intruder ("I have 11 pounds ..."). They remembered the old days ("I started in 1994 ... I returned home at 5:30 pm in winter") ("Next is someone of you May be done. " A particularly miserable rumor about Iakovu spread between them.
Auri was a cleaning member and thought he had accidentally pressed the panic button. Rumors of murder spread from the branch to the branch. Glasgow's William Hill staff heard that employees were stabbed. In the Coral of Hemel Hempsted, someone was shot. Facebook groups for industry officials (this group is called "I No Longer Fear Hell, I'm Worked in a Betting Shop", and there are more than 14, 000 members), a few hours since Ikobou died. It became a hot topic within the other. "What happened? Did the robbery fail? Is it a single man? It was one of their great concerns, especially for the fact that Iakovu had not been found for a long time. In the Facebook group, there was a desperate grav e-like humor, such as a desperate grave. Who answered: "Ghost Busters members discussed the rough inconsistency when the glass was set up. They took notes about how easy it was to open by the intruder ("I have 11 pounds ..."). They remembered the old days ("I started in 1994 ... I returned home at 5:30 pm in winter") ("Next is someone of you May be done. " A particularly miserable rumor about Iakovu spread between them.
Auri was a cleaning member and thought he had accidentally pressed the panic button.
I heard from a certain line that the rumor is accurate. When the alarm was registered in Radbrokes' security, a live CCTV video from the store was checked by the control room operator. The operator also saw the cleaning tools that Ikobo put in the service area. Aliji was a cleaner, and she must have accidentally pressed the panic button. (After the murder case, Radbrokes' spokeswoman said, "There was a change in how the security control room was responding to the case." In the team, Anita Ikobou did not listen to anything from the morning. At 2:00 pm, the police visited her apartment. Radbrokes' security chief also came, and another person in charge of Radbrokes came. Anita was asked to enter the bedroom and talk to a police officer. Anita instinctively said: "He is in the hospital." The policewoman said, "No, Andrew is dead." Anita said, "It's a joke." The two children were at home. Anita called the children to the room and talked about what had happened. There is nothing more to remember for the afternoon of that day. "Why was he left alone? 21 years old, hidden in a friend's house in eastern London, 5 days later," Why was he left alone? Attached to the Morden to steal the morning at the Suton Police Station. I heard that the rumor was accurate, and the operator in the control room was checked by the operator in the control room. The cleaning tool was also seen, and he must have pressed the panic button. The room has changed the way to respond to the case. " In the team, Anita Ikobou did not listen to anything from the morning. At 2:00 pm, the police visited her apartment. Radbrokes' security chief also came, and another person in charge of Radbrokes came. Anita was asked to enter the bedroom and talk to a police officer. Anita instinctively said: "He is in the hospital." The policewoman said, "No, Andrew is dead." Anita said, "It's a joke." The two children were at home. Anita called the children to the room and talked about what had happened. There is nothing more to remember for the afternoon of that day. "Why was he left alone? 21 years old, hidden in a friend's house in eastern London, 5 days later," Why was he left alone? Attached to the Morden to steal the morning. I heard that the rumor was accurate, and when a live CCTV video from the store was registered in a security area, the operator was in the service area. Was a cleaning person, and he must have pressed the panic button. Changes have been made regarding how to respond to In the team, Anita Ikobou did not listen to anything from the morning. At 2:00 pm, the police visited her apartment. Radbrokes' security chief also came, and another person in charge of Radbrokes came. Anita was asked to enter the bedroom and talk to a police officer. Anita instinctively said: "He is in the hospital." The policewoman said, "No, Andrew is dead." Anita said, "It's a joke." The two children were at home. Anita called the children to the room and talked about what had happened. There is nothing more to remember for the afternoon of that day. "Why was he left alone? 21 years old, hidden in a friend's house in eastern London, 5 days later," Why was he left alone? Attached to the Suton Police station and acknowledged that he went to Moden to steal.
Immediately after Morden, an internal investigation revealed that Radbroke's single scheduling policy was appropriate. " The photo Getty Images/Image Source, the area manager in the northern part of the image, looks back: "I decided to sell it as an abnormal situation of on e-thousands of things that would never happen again." The executives of Radbrokes at the time also acknowledged this. "At that time, Radbroks executives acknowledged this, which was accepted: The shells would not be landed twice in the same place." Another executive of Radbrokes at the time said: "Sweetness was" immediately after Moden, an internal investigation was started, and it was found that Radbroks' single scheduling policy was appropriate. That year, when a new branch opened in the Leicester area, it was added to the Laddroke list, which can be operated alone, as in hundreds of other branches. At the beginning of 2014, a woman in her twenties was interviewed at the branch. Later, the court imposed a restriction on reporting the woman's name, but she began to be called Miss X in the company. Isn't the betting store always being targeted? "They just want money." It's okay if you give money. She got a job.
6. The rise of the machine
