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Lloyd Lobo: Realistic Business Goals for Lasting Results
Boast. AI co-founder and community-led growth expert Lloyd Lobo shares his journey of building deep, meaningful connections in the business world. In this inspiring episode, Lobo talks about the importance of real human connections in business success. He opens up about his personal experiences and sheds light on how he cultivated a community-centric approach at Boast. AI.
Lloyd's insights highlight the power of real connections in not only growing a business, but also enriching personal lives. He delves into the importance of aligning company values with personal beliefs and how this alignment drives both individual and organizational success.
This episode is a compelling story of the intersection of personal values, community building, and business success. Lobo's approach to entrepreneurship, which values real human connections and community engagement, offers valuable lessons for aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs alike. Notable Quotes
"My why is to bring people together to create impact, have fun, improve the quality of life, and have fun." - Lloyd Lobo
"Pain is a prerequisite for growth. Everything great is on the other side of pain and suffering." - Lloyd Lobo
"Great companies have great coalitions. It's important to get people excited about being co-authors of huge impact." - Lloyd Lobo
"You can't execute if you don't hire and fire people based on your values." - Lloyd Lobo
"Make sure your values are immutable and the people you bed with are aligned with you." - Lloyd Lobo
"Society's definition of success... my whole life I've been chasing society's definition of success." - Lloyd Lobo
"Life and business are marathons, not sprints. You need mental endurance to fight the long game." - Lloyd Lobo
"You may not get a second chance in life. You may lose it, is it worth losing it, is it worth losing the relationships you sacrificed everything for?" - Lloyd Lobo
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Contact Lloyd
Lloyd's new book, "From Grassroots To Greatness: 13 Rules to Build Iconic Brands with Community Led Growth," a Wall Street Journal Bestseller, is available at https://fromgrassrootstogreatness. com/.
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Dr. Jessica Crygel :: Yes. Now, before you start, we don't do all the intro. I don't want to tell me about the boring part of the podcast, that is, you. I will introduce myself for you. So let's start talking immediately. Assume that they know all of you.
Lloyd Robo Yeah.
Lloyd Robo: That's right
Lloyd Robo: That's right
Dr. Jessica Crygel, it's perfect.
Lloyd, let's start with the first question to ask everyone.
Lloyd Robo I didn't really know my reason for a long time. Before I started writing a book, my brother realized that my reason was to create impact, have fun, improve the quality of life, and enjoy people. And I didn't notice this. And one day he asked me, "What is your reason? I started talking about the company, and then stop.
What I want is not for your company. I want your reason. Then he said: No matter where you go around the world, strangely, people gather around you. Now I'm in Dubai. I have a lot of friends and family who have moved from the United States and Canada, and spend here in winter. There are people who haven't met for years.
And suddenly, when you are here, everyone has gathered regularly. So, why you were here, in fact, realized that the purpose was to deliver joy and smile and to gather people to create impact.
Dr. Jessica Crygel is wonderful. What do you think is the realization of that?
Lloyd Robo Actually, I don't know. I don't know purely. However, I feel energy and joy by being with people. It has not changed since childhood. Many of what kind of person you are depends on the environment you grew up.
More than talent. I think my parents are so, and thanks to the fact that people have always been connected and connected people. Let's give an example. I went to Kuwait with my father. My father was 35 years ago, 30 years ago, the chef of the 5-star hotel there. With nostalgia, I wanted to take my father to the same hotel in Kuwait and make a reservation.
I got an email cancelling my reservation and he left Kuwait in '99, I think. I cancelled my reservation and found out Robo Chef was coming here. You're paying for everything, staying at the hotel, doing everything here. When I went to the hotel, they basically told me about my father's legacy. The Gulf War happened, the hotel burned, and no European chefs came. He took people who were street cleaners and turned them into cooks and chefs. And they became famous chefs. They told me about his legacy and his story. And I thought, wow, this is 25 years later. So I think it's because I was surrounded by those kinds of people. My parents loved to host people. Our house was always full. My parents...
They grew up poor, not very wealthy, lower middle class, didn't get an education, worked themselves to get where they are. But my mother grew up in the slums of Mumbai. Because if you don't get an education in India, you can't make money. So you either go to the West or the Middle East. You can't go to the West without a degree. So they were in Kuwait.
Lloyd Lobo Every summer, they would take us to India. So my childhood summers were spent in the slums of Mumbai. I'm not kidding, even going to the bathroom was a shared activity, eating food, watching TV, everything was a shared activity. In the summer, it rained a lot, and the puddles turned into ponds, and we would swim in them. And when we had to go back to Kuwait at the end of the summer, I would grab my parents' legs and say leave them here. So I think a lot of who I become is what I've been raised on, what I've been repeatedly exposed to, my environment, the people I've surrounded myself with. So I was always surrounded by people who took joy in bringing people together. I think I inherited that.
Dr. Jessica Crygel Uh. So I have a wonderful privilege that I can interview people who are movements. If you make a mistake, I want you to correct it, but I want to hear your view that you are a master who masters the movement. From my point of view, it's like a met a-like interview. What is the master in your life and in your career?
Lloyd Robo is the only thing that is imminent. I agree. And that's interesting. He grew up in Kuwait, spent his childhood summer in Mumbai's slums, and at the age of eight or nine, Kuwait was hit by the Gulf War.
The community had to unite to save the country. All buildings become su b-communities, coordinates food supply, security, relief, etc., communicates with the next building or the building next door, communicates with the embassy and the government, and in a safe place. I evacuated. I had to move from there. A few years later, we returned to Kuwait, graduated from high school, moved to Canada, and graduated from the Faculty of Engineering.
My girlfriend (now my wife) went to New Jersey's School of Medicine. After that, I think that the only thing that did not change was changed afterwards. However, what I was forced to move was always due to some factors.
You had to escape from the Gulf War, that you had to escape from it, the Canadian had a better outlook, or wanted to be with your beloved people. So what was forced to move was a very important factor other than money. However, as a function to deal with the move, I had to overcome extreme pain and frustration to reach it.
As a result, I was stronger and better. So I often say, pain is a prerequisite for growth. Every wonderful thing is on the other side of pain and suffering. Everything worth doing, or everything is a long slot. < SPAN> Dr. Jessica Crygel. So I have a wonderful privilege that I can interview people who are movements. If you make a mistake, I want you to correct it, but I want to hear your view that you are a master who masters the movement. From my point of view, it's like a met a-like interview. What is the master in your life and in your career?
Lloyd Robo is the only thing that is imminent. I agree. And that's interesting. He grew up in Kuwait, spent his childhood summer in Mumbai's slums, and at the age of eight or nine, Kuwait was hit by the Gulf War.
The community had to unite to save the country. All buildings become su b-communities, coordinates food supply, security, relief, etc., communicates with the next building or the building next door, communicates with the embassy and the government, and in a safe place. I evacuated. I had to move from there. A few years later, we returned to Kuwait, graduated from high school, moved to Canada, and graduated from the Faculty of Engineering.
My girlfriend (now my wife) went to New Jersey's School of Medicine. After that, I think that the only thing that did not change was changed afterwards. However, what I was forced to move was always due to some factors.
You had to escape from the Gulf War, that you needed to escape from it, you wanted to be with the beloved person. So what was forced to move was a very important factor other than money. However, as a function to deal with the move, I had to overcome extreme pain and frustration to reach it.
As a result, I was stronger and better. So I often say, pain is a prerequisite for growth. Every wonderful thing is on the other side of pain and suffering. Everything worth doing, or everything is a long slot. Dr. Jessica Crygel Uh. So I have a wonderful privilege that I can interview people who are movements. If you make a mistake, I want you to correct it, but I want to hear your view that you are a master who masters the movement. From my point of view, it's like a met a-like interview. What is the master in your life and in your career?
Lloyd Robo is the only thing that is imminent. I agree. And that's interesting. He grew up in Kuwait, spent his childhood summer in Mumbai's slums, and at the age of eight or nine, Kuwait was hit by the Gulf War.
The community had to unite to save the country. All buildings become su b-communities, coordinates food supply, security, relief, etc., communicates with the next building or the building next door, communicates with the embassy and the government, and in a safe place. I evacuated. I had to move from there. A few years later, we returned to Kuwait, graduated from high school, moved to Canada, and graduated from the Faculty of Engineering.
My girlfriend (now my wife) went to New Jersey's School of Medicine. After that, I think that the only thing that did not change was changed afterwards. However, what I was forced to move was always due to some factors.
You had to escape from the Gulf War, that you had to escape from it, the Canadian had a better outlook, or wanted to be with your beloved people. So what was forced to move was a very important factor other than money. However, as a function to deal with the move, I had to overcome extreme pain and frustration to reach it.
As a result, I was stronger and better. So I often say, pain is a prerequisite for growth. Every wonderful thing is on the other side of pain and suffering. Everything worth doing, or everything is a long slot.
Dr. Jessica Crygel Hmm, while stepping on a happy path for fate. So, please tell me about the cultural change. I am interested in how to transform a large number of people together. Last year, I interviewed the CEOs to ask your employee community, that is, when your corporate culture was the most connected and the best condition. Looking at all the answers of the 60 CEOs interviewed, there were two scenarios. One is a crisis, and the other is a great success. Both extremes, right? When everything is in a hel l-like situation, when everything is wonderful and there is something to celebrate, people are one. But most people always live between the extremes. you...
Everything is not in danger or a great success, but he is trying to move. So what do you want employees to pay the most when trying to create a movement in a situation where it is not necessarily a crisis or great success to increase employee motivation?
Lloyd Robo I recently gave a lecture on the seven lessons I got from launching more than $ 100 million Fintech companies. My book is "from grass roots to great companies" (original title: from Grassroots to Greatness), and is a rule of 13 rules for building a symbolic brand led by community. In writing this book, I have seen some of the most permanent brands that have endured the tests of time, not only for the past decade of tech companies for the past 10 years. And we talked to more than 1, 000 people. As a result, it was very interesting. At least what I learned, and one of the important things in the permanent companies I saw is that excellent companies have excellent alignment. It is important to excite people to become a c o-author of a huge impact. Culture is very important.
Small teams and emerging companies often do not think about culture. I think it's fluffy. But when money comes in, it causes the decline first, right? Money does not change people. The real self is brought out by money. If you don't pay attention to these basic things when you start a business, you will fail.
And it will bounce back to you. I saw the same thing over and over again. I had it several times. So for me, culture is the most important. Start from there. The first of what I learned in this lecture is that excellent companies have excellent alignment. So let's start by defining the purpose, vision, and values on the first day. The purpose is your eternity. Why does it exist? What will happen to the world thanks to us? How does the mission achieve it? But the most important thing is your values.
How do you act? Culture is not what people do when you are in the room. Culture is what people do when no one is looking. This is the action you take. It is not written on the wall. And many people say that the website says this silly thing. I don't want to see their websites, but to take their actions. Even if it is transparent, it is like clenching your teeth to get information. While saying that it is transparent, I don't know the calculation of ESOP, ...
Is Lloyd Robo Echo stock option really transparent? Even though it is very analytical as one of the values, in the monthly employee review, the manager is very surrounding and just wants to drive you out of it. Are they really analytical? Is there a depth in the review? it's not. He hires a sales representative who harasses others or does not update sales forces while saying that he does not allow toxicity.
Then their values are just lip services. The larger the size of the company, the more the values will be. For me, corporate culture is a preliminary indicator of growth. If you treat your employees with affection and support their growth, your employees will treat your business with affection and your business will grow. This is something common to any company I have seen so far. By the way, one of the very interesting things that I wanted to share is a framework of values.
Six values, the most common communit y-led corporate cultural values. I call this "campper". It may sound cheaper, but if the CAMPER is established, a happy and happy campper will gather. C means connection. Basically, these companies that I talk about are leaders of founders and technical companies, and have survived for a long time.
They had six very six, six very common values. So, when I disassembled it, it was a camper. I agree. It's a very cheap and happy camper, but the connection is to nurture real bronze, build a bridge, and nurture human relationships. If people feel connected, they will support each other and have the power to grow. Independence is to recognize freedom and independence. They have ownership and promote innovation by having a place where people can make decisions on their own. Let's look at the base camp.
The base camp proposes the culture of remote work and sel f-management. They did not meet, but thanks to that, 80 employees working 40 hours a week have achieved tens of millions of dollars. And competitors have raised hundreds of millions of dollars. Masters (skilled) make people can improve their skills more and more. Adobe's Kickbox program provides employees with funds and provide resources and mentorships to explore new ideas. Did you notice here for a while?
Lloyd Robo Photoshop had a function that allows the background to be filled with AI and was very cool. So the fourth is the purpose. They feel that they are changing, and they find a rewarding work by uniting products and profits. In 2023, the highest rayoff was held.
But at the same time, people can become creators. You can also drive Uber while doing doorDash. You can also consult. You can also upload. You don't have to be tied to work from 9:00 to 5 o'clock. Your quality of life (quality of life) can think of something, move to a place where you can realize it, and work to fill the gap.
So why do I need to work, dismiss and get toxic for someone's work from 9:00 to 5 o'clock? There should be more purposes than making money. And people feel deeply connected to that purpose. The fifth is energy, enthusiasm, passion, and positive atmosphere. Let's take a look at some of the greatest movements in history when the culture is lively. They have great lively. It evoked inspiration, ...
It has infinite possibilities. Red Bull is a good example, but many companies, such as Red Bull and Cross Fit, have unique energy. Some of the technical companies that I know are full of energy that makes them want to be a member of the company. Energy is an important key. Communication is also an important responsibility of the leader, giving people vitality and inspiring. If you just tell ...
Just send an email. Your job as a leader is to do this every day. This is because the people who are vitality and inspired will move the mountains for you. And the last one is approval. How many companies are not properly done. You can just wait for a personnel evaluation, or just wait for employees to complain about their salary. The best company is actively acknowledging, evaluating, and contributing,
Lloyd Robo's contribution. And, no matter how small or big, and by actively evaluating people, people want to come back again. This can be said in private life. I started by thanking my children and my spouse, and witnessed the relationship improved. They want to do more. Everyone wants to be rewarded and thank you. So I do this ...
Connection, autonomy, achievement, purpose, energy, and most important are approval. If you actively push it to the forefront, people will be lively and want to work more. If you have a purpose, you can go beyond that, oh, how many percent of the margin should be pushed up.
Dr. Jessica Crygel I love all these six. This is because many companies have a fixed complaint, not living experience. How are you acting?
Lloyd Robo That's right.
Dr. Jessica Crygel, the six values. How can I get an intermediate manager who doesn't get in contact with everyday to practice these six values in the same way as you and the management? < SPAN> It has infinite possibilities. Red Bull is a good example, but many companies, such as Red Bull and Cross Fit, have unique energy. Some of the technical companies that I know are full of energy that makes them want to be a member of the company. Energy is an important key. Communication is also an important responsibility of the leader, giving people vitality and inspiring. If you just tell ...
Just send an email. Your job as a leader is to do this every day. This is because the people who are vitality and inspired will move the mountains for you. And the last one is approval. How many companies are not properly done. You can just wait for a personnel evaluation, or just wait for employees to complain about their salary. The best company is actively acknowledging, evaluating, and contributing,
Lloyd Robo's contribution. And, no matter how small or big, and by actively evaluating people, people want to come back again. This can be said in private life. I started by thanking my children and my spouse, and witnessed the relationship improved. They want to do more. Everyone wants to be rewarded and thank you. So I do this ...
Connection, autonomy, achievement, purpose, energy, and most important are approval. If you actively push it to the forefront, people will be lively and want to work more. If you have a purpose, you can go beyond that, oh, how many percent of the margin should be pushed up.
Dr. Jessica Crygel I love all these six. This is because many companies have a fixed complaint, not living experience. How are you acting?
Lloyd Robo That's right.
Dr. Jessica Crygel, the six values. How can I get an intermediate manager who doesn't get in contact with everyday to practice these six values in the same way as you and the management? It has infinite possibilities. Red Bull is a good example, but many companies, such as Red Bull and Cross Fit, have unique energy. Some of the technical companies that I know are full of energy that makes them want to be a member of the company. Energy is an important key. Communication is also an important responsibility of the leader, giving people vitality and inspiring. If you just tell ...
Just send an email. Your job as a leader is to do this every day. This is because the people who are vitality and inspired will move the mountains for you. And the last one is approval. How many companies are not properly done. You can just wait for a personnel evaluation, or just wait for employees to complain about their salary. The best company is actively acknowledging, evaluating, and contributing,
Lloyd Robo's contribution. And, no matter how small or big, and by actively evaluating people, people want to come back again. This can be said in private life. I started by thanking my children and my spouse, and witnessed the relationship improved. They want to do more. Everyone wants to be rewarded and thank you. So I do this ...
Connection, autonomy, achievement, purpose, energy, and most important are approval. If you actively push it to the forefront, people will be lively and want to work more. If you have a purpose, you can go beyond that, oh, how many percent of the margin should be pushed up.
Dr. Jessica Crygel I love all these six. This is because many companies have a fixed complaint, not living experience. How are you acting?
Lloyd Robo That's right.
Dr. Jessica Crygel, the six values. How can I get an intermediate manager who doesn't get in contact with everyday to practice these six values in the same way as you and the management?
Lloyd Robo, because 30 to 130 in a year. If you do not hire and dismiss a person based on your values, you will not be able to execute it. I think it is very important for the founder or one of the founders to actively accept everyone. It's not like giving an employee handbook. I hate it. Literally, new people will join the company. There, talk about your values and show them in action.
Run what you say and make it visible in your office and actions. And if the leader manages the intermediate manager in the same way, sets the same expected value for the intermediate manager, and executes it in a consistent procedure, it will work. For example, BOST is a regiona l-led company. What does a regiona l-led company mean is that we take the right action to the local community.
We support the community, support, and donate first. He achieved $ 10 million sales without marketing. I didn't hire a community manager to be led by the community. For many years, I sponsored an event every week and participated there. i was there. I was there, came out, and planned an annual tournament. Until the day I left the company, I was in charge of the annual tournament planning.
To be trustworthy, I have no money, when I and my c o-founders have no money, even if the company is not profitable, to the recreation of employees such as Kabul, Costa Rica, and Hawaii. I was spending before withdrawing from the company.
A private equity farm participated in the community event we hosted, and was interested in the acquisition. Leading the community means living your values. Even if it's difficult. I hated the host of the event. That's still the case. Logistics are the worst, but I still did it. When the pandemic came, we panicked. < SPAN> Lloyd Robo, because we have reached 30 to 130 in a year. If you do not hire and dismiss a person based on your values, you will not be able to execute it. I think it is very important for the founder or one of the founders to actively accept everyone. It's not like giving an employee handbook. I hate it. Literally, new people will join the company. There, talk about your values and show them in action.
Run what you say and make it visible in your office and actions. And if the leader manages the intermediate manager in the same way, sets the same expected value for the intermediate manager, and executes it in a consistent procedure, it will work. For example, BOST is a regiona l-led company. What does a regiona l-led company mean is that we take the right action to the local community.
We support the community, support, and donate first. He achieved $ 10 million sales without marketing. I didn't hire a community manager to be led by the community. For many years, I sponsored an event every week and participated there. i was there. I was there, came out, and planned an annual tournament. Until the day I left the company, I was in charge of the annual tournament planning.
To be trustworthy, I have no money, when I and my c o-founders have no money, even if the company is not profitable, to the recreation of employees such as Kabul, Costa Rica, and Hawaii. I was spending before withdrawing from the company.
A private equity farm participated in the community event we hosted, and was interested in the acquisition. Leading the community means living your values. Even if it's difficult. I hated the host of the event. That's still the case. Logistics are the worst, but I still did it. When the pandemic came, we panicked. Lloyd Robo, because 30 to 130 in a year. If you do not hire and dismiss a person based on your values, you will not be able to execute it. I think it is very important for the founder or one of the founders to actively accept everyone. It's not like giving an employee handbook. I hate it. Literally, new people will join the company. There, talk about your values and show them in action.
Run what you say and make it visible in your office and actions. And if the leader manages the intermediate manager in the same way, sets the same expected value for the intermediate manager, and executes it in a consistent procedure, it will work. For example, BOST is a regiona l-led company. What does a regiona l-led company mean is that we take the right action to the local community.
We support the community, support, and donate first. He achieved $ 10 million sales without marketing. I didn't hire a community manager to be led by the community. For many years, I sponsored an event every week and participated there. i was there. I was there, came out, and planned an annual tournament. Until the day I left the company, I was in charge of the annual tournament planning.
To be trustworthy, I have no money, when I and my c o-founders have no money, even if the company is not profitable, to the recreation of employees such as Kabul, Costa Rica, and Hawaii. I was spending before withdrawing from the company.
A private equity farm participated in the community event we hosted, and was interested in the acquisition. Leading the community means living your values. Even if it's difficult. I hated the host of the event. That's still the case. Logistics are the worst, but I still did it. When the pandemic came, we panicked.
Lloyd Lobo: Before, we hosted a lot of events, partner events, our own events. And now we had to cancel our big conference. Our conference is called Traction. We had CEOs from Uber, Twilio, and others there. I'm going to cancel this. I panicked and said I can't do a two-day conference. At least an online conference, a virtual conference, this was big. So I reached out to all the speakers and asked them if they could do a live AMA.
We had a lot of speakers, so we held them twice a week, throughout the year. Rain or shine, we held live webinars twice a week. And people came twice a week. If I were to forgo hosting a webinar, it would mean that we're not living up to our values of being community-driven, and we're not enabling our customers to succeed beyond our products and services. In the early days, we had a salesman in Vancouver, Canada.
We were just starting in that market. Of course, being a startup company, we couldn't afford to hire a lot of salesmen. So, obviously, he was bringing in all the revenue. And he was venomous, very toxic. Nobody wanted to work with him. So we fired him. Honestly, it was very hard. It was a co-founder decision. It took a few months, but we made the decision to fire him. Of course, revenue went down.
All of that. But after a few years, we rebuilt it with a lot of people. Because ultimately, if your employees are happy, your business will be happy. So you have to live by your values, and I think that's very hard. Values and money are different things. I truly believe that if you chase money, you're going to make short-term decisions. Like, let's keep this toxic person.
If you chase power, you're going to destroy relationships. If you want to build a lasting company culture, you have to focus on impact, and that impact is sometimes at odds with money. Put the value you provide to your employees and your customers first, and even if that means canceling a $100, 000 contract, telling the customer that I screwed up, so be it. Even if that means firing a toxic sales person, so be it.
Lloyd Lobo: If you don't, it's a free for all.
I agree with Dr. Jessica Crygel. Many of the CEOs think so. I don't see many private equity investors who think so. In other words, private equity is defined as a shor t-term thinking. In other words, how do you let a company provided by private equity to acquire such philosophy?
I need to talk about one hour behind my face without looking at my face, how the situation changes when a Lloyd Robo investor enters and what kind of investors come in. I think. Not limited to private equity, but any investor? Investors want the highest return.
Dr. Jessica Crygel Hahaha!
Lloyd Robo: VC, Private Equity, private capital providers want to return money to LP. If you can't return a big return to Limited Partner, why not invest its funds in S & amp; p500? It is 17 % rising from the end of the year. and...
We share the SMP500 portfolio, but has risen 40 % and has 10 % return in 10 years. So why do you invest in a hig h-risk asset class? They want to see the return. That is their concern. Many investors are great, but many investors have graduated from the MBA at the Ivy League school, and they are used to doing things on the spreadsheet. But all businesses ...
Until humans come from humans, business is made up of emotions and data. And if you try to compromise your values for money, the culture will decline,
It may be good to get a shor t-term meal ticket. But if you try to create a lon g-term sustainable company, cultural decline will catch up with you, profits, customer happiness, and employees' happiness. And that is the reality. I have seen this many times.
I am currently working as an LP for 10 funds. He has also invested in 18 as an angel investor. And when I wrote this book, I talked to many people and had my own experience. And it can definitely be said that culture is the preliminary indicator of growth. And if you think about it in the short term, you will not be able to build a lon g-term business in the end.
Dr. Jessica Kriegel: You care about your employees, you care about your company culture, you completely buy into you, and yet you are told, "Do more, do it faster, do more with less." So...
I think there's an unfair stereotype in the societal narrative that CEOs are evil, greedy, exploitative. When many CEOs feel trapped in the structures and systems they're in, they're often the face of the company but not the puppet master. So why do we often see CEOs who feel exploited themselves?
Lloyd Lobo: Jessica: I've never worked for a big company. The biggest company is mine. My first job in college was working for a startup founder. My last job before I started my first company was also working for a startup founder. All of them were venture-backed. And most of them failed. And I've seen this journey. The partners you choose.
And I say this very clearly across all scenarios: It's not the destination or the journey, it's the companions that matter most. You can be a rock star or a farmer depending on who you hang out with. And choosing the right investment partner is very, very important. Because a lot of what I've seen is that they stress you out.
Because they want to see growth and they want to show it at the shareholder meeting or the LP meeting. As a result, you start doing inconsiderate things. And as the saying goes, the bullshit runs down your leg and you tell your team. It's very, very hard not to give in to investor pressure. Today, I would like to advise a lot of founders,
Accelerators and incubators provide a great service. But I think we provide a big service. We help founders create the best pitch deck to win a deal. We don't ask founders what they actually want to do with this idea or with this business. What's in it? What are their values?
When you're doing PowerPoint gymnastics with investors, think about it. Investors get into deals for the highest return. Most investors are not entrepreneurs. They're mostly career investors who graduated from MBAs. And now this founder is saying,
Lloyd Robot, how many people can show a huge market size and make investors convinced that they will be $ 10 billion, pitched in front of 100 people. Polish the pitch deck. You have to live with the investor on average for 10 years on average. What happens?
If you are not inside, it's the journey you want to go. After the Board of Directors, they want three, twice or twice, but you can't do it. So what I tell the founder is that alignment is important. What is the definition of your own success? It's not money. What do you do if you have money? If you have money, you want to do it, what do you feel happy?
How much do you need for a bank account to live the definition of your personal success? And finally, is there a company that I don't want to work? Writing these things makes it easier to find integrity. And you can start saying that you don't want to receive this investor's money.
Maybe we will start a business with customers' profits. He became a member of three or four venture companies, and joined another venture company's founding team, but all failed, and the only success I saw was a Boast member.
No investors are needed. No investors are needed. Let's control our fate. If you live in Silicon Valley, you will be caught by a sizzle feeling. If you haven't raised funds, is it a really serious company? So ignore negative people. Ignore what the media is saying. The media is spreading unicorn pornography poisoning. In reality, the world is operated by horses, camels and donkeys. What it means is ...
Dr. Jessica Kriegel: Ha! That's the best line. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Lloyed Lobo: Perfect Example.
The base camp proposes the culture of remote work and sel f-management. They did not meet, but thanks to that, 80 employees working 40 hours a week have achieved tens of millions of dollars. And competitors have raised hundreds of millions of dollars. Masters (skilled) make people can improve their skills more and more. Adobe's Kickbox program provides employees with funds and provide resources and mentorships to explore new ideas. Did you notice here for a while?
Even if one of the companies we have invested in a $ 100 billion company, it is a victory. Both hedge funds and private equity funds have begun investing in caching emerging companies and investing in exorbitants. 40 times and 50 times for companies with a sales of 1 million and 2 million. This caused FOMO to the conventional decent VC, and they also followed it.
Banks like SVD have begun to lend venture claims to the same emerging companies. 2020 has passed, and 2021 has passed. In early 2022, these companies began to be out of predictions because they could not explode the market size. It was a black one phenomenon. If digitalization does not progress in 2020 and 2021, 2022 will not progress. The prediction began to fall, and the profits began to fall. < SPAN> Dr. Jessica Kriegel: Ha! That's the best line. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Lloyed Lobo: Perfect Example.
Until humans come from humans, business is made up of emotions and data. And if you try to compromise your values for money, the culture will decline,
Even if one of the companies we have invested in a $ 100 billion company, it is a victory. Both hedge funds and private equity funds have begun investing in caching emerging companies and investing in exorbitants. 40 times and 50 times for companies with a sales of 1 million and 2 million. This caused FOMO to the conventional decent VC, and they also followed it.
Banks like SVD have begun to lend venture claims to the same emerging companies. 2020 has passed, and 2021 has passed. In early 2022, these companies began to be out of predictions because they could not explode the market size. It was a black one phenomenon. If digitalization does not progress in 2020 and 2021, 2022 will not progress. The prediction began to fall, and the profits began to fall. Dr. Jessica Kriegel: Ha! That's the best line. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Until humans come from humans, business is made up of emotions and data. And if you try to compromise your values for money, the culture will decline,
For this reason, anyone who wants to trade online needs to obtain what is needed by startups and technical tools, such as SHOPIFY, Snowflake, and Twilio. As a result, startup companies began to grown tremendously. At the same time, the interest rate dropped so that it was at the bottom. So the people who can afford to fund hedged. Startup companies are growing.
Even if one of the companies we have invested in a $ 100 billion company, it is a victory. Both hedge funds and private equity funds have begun investing in caching emerging companies and investing in exorbitants. 40 times and 50 times for companies with a sales of 1 million and 2 million. This caused FOMO to the conventional decent VC, and they also followed it.
Banks like SVD have begun to lend venture claims to the same emerging companies. 2020 has passed, and 2021 has passed. In early 2022, these companies began to be out of predictions because they could not explode the market size. It was a black one phenomenon. If digitalization does not progress in 2020 and 2021, 2022 will not progress. The prediction began to fall, and the profits began to fall.
Growth rates started to fall. And the market started to fall in parallel with the rise in interest rates. And banks like SBB fell. So what do you know? During COVID, interest rates were low, so all the advice was grow, grow. And when interest rates went up, the stock market fell.
Lloyd Robo Valuations fell, there were a lot of falls. They're saying grow profitably, grow profitably. So I think it's really important to partner with someone who is going to advise you based on the market dynamics of the time, recognizing that your values are immutable, if you're going to generate the best return for your investors. And that may not be in line with what you want to do. And if you don't own most of your company, or the board members of that company are not active, that's going to be very difficult. It's going to be a difficult conversation. So I think...
Again, culture and alignment is key here.
Dr. Jessica Kriegel: It's funny how we're obsessed with stories of leaders who have billions and billions of dollars and can take risks, like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, to extend the unicorn porn metaphor.
I'm much more interested in horses and donkeys. I own a one-store rehab in Sacramento, California, with no access to stock and 10 employees. So that's who I want to take leadership lessons from, not Elon Musk. Because what are you obsessed with, other than wealth?
Lloyd Lobo: We're used to getting advice from weirdos. There's a reason they're weird.
Dr. Jessica Kriegel: Right. Right.
Lloyd Robo: 99 % of venture companies fail. I don't hear such a story. All we hear is unusual, and we receive advice from abnormal things. The advice of Elon Mask is also wonderful. He always says that just because it goes well, it shouldn't be a kind of thing, it may not work for you. We boil things down to the first principle of the minimum number of public multiples, and infer them from there.
Dr. Jessica Crygel.
Lloyd Robo: That's the only way, and the reason he's super successful may be because no one says. So, when we were boot straps, both provided research and development funds. And basically, hundreds of billions of dollars in the world are provided by the government to companies. However, as the government is, it is a troublesome application procedure, tends to make artists nervous, and it takes a long time to get money.
Therefore, we decided to use technology and financial stacks to automate applications for government funding programs, such as R & D tax cuts. Automatically apply for government funding aid programs, such as R & D tax deduction. At first, no one tried to talk to us. no one. I was just stupid. What is this? It is an unknown small market. And many of them invest in A Sayer. I am not interested in your advice. I'm not asking you. But do you tell me why funding is possible? I haven't asked you. But,.
We are in the startup community, and just listen to my job and talk about it, you need to tell you why I am the worst. But sometimes it is important to have the opposition, and ultimately just penetrate it. By doing so, you can get good results. Do not build the definition of success in society. Teacher, let's talk about one interesting thing. I thought I would call it Jessica ...
Dr. Jessica Crygel, did you call it Doc now? It's the best nickname in my life. I've never been called Doc. I'm sorry, as an aside. please. < SPAN> Lloyd Robo: 99 % of venture companies fail. I don't hear such a story. All we hear is unusual, and we receive advice from abnormal things. The advice of Elon Mask is also wonderful. He always says that just because it goes well, it shouldn't be a kind of thing, it may not work for you. We boil things down to the first principle of the minimum number of public multiples, and infer them from there.
Dr. Jessica Crygel.
Lloyd Robo: That's the only way, and the reason he's super successful may be because no one says. So, when we were boot straps, both provided research and development funds. And basically, hundreds of billions of dollars in the world are provided by the government to companies. However, as the government is, it is a troublesome application procedure, tends to make artists nervous, and it takes a long time to get money.
Therefore, we decided to use technology and financial stacks to automate applications for government funding programs, such as R & D tax cuts. Automatically apply for government funding aid programs, such as R & D tax deduction. At first, no one tried to talk to us. no one. I was just stupid. What is this? It is an unknown small market. And many of them invest in A Sayer. I am not interested in your advice. I'm not asking you. But do you tell me why funding is possible? I haven't asked you. But,.
We are in the startup community, and just listen to my job and talk about it, you need to tell you why I am the worst. But sometimes it is important to have the opposition, and ultimately just penetrate it. By doing so, you can get good results. Do not build the definition of success in society. Teacher, let's talk about one interesting thing. I thought I would call it Jessica ...
Dr. Jessica Crygel, did you call it Doc now? It's the best nickname in my life. I've never been called Doc. I'm sorry, as an aside. please. Lloyd Robo: 99 % of venture companies fail. I don't hear such a story. All we hear is unusual, and we receive advice from abnormal things. The advice of Elon Mask is also wonderful. He always says that just because it goes well, it shouldn't be a kind of thing, it may not work for you. We boil things down to the first principle of the minimum number of public multiples, and infer them from there.
Dr. Jessica Crygel.
Lloyd Robo: That's the only way, and the reason he's super successful may be because no one says. So, when we were boot straps, both provided research and development funds. And basically, hundreds of billions of dollars in the world are provided by the government to companies. However, as the government is, it is a troublesome application procedure, tends to make artists nervous, and it takes a long time to get money.
Therefore, we decided to use technology and financial stacks to automate applications for government funding programs, such as R & D tax cuts. Automatically apply for government funding aid programs, such as R & D tax deduction. At first, no one tried to talk to us. no one. I was just stupid. What is this? It is an unknown small market. And many of them invest in A Sayer. I am not interested in your advice. I'm not asking you. But do you tell me why funding is possible? I haven't asked you. But,.
We are in the startup community, and just listen to my job and talk about it, you need to tell you why I am the worst. But sometimes it is important to have the opposition, and ultimately just penetrate it. By doing so, you can get good results. Do not build the definition of success in society. Teacher, let's talk about one interesting thing. I thought I would call it Jessica ...
Dr. Jessica Crygel, did you call it Doc now? It's the best nickname in my life. I've never been called Doc. I'm sorry, as an aside. please.
Lloyd Lobo: My wife is also a Doc, so I'll call her Doc. She's been funding our family for the last 10-12 years, through two failed startups and one failed events company. And it ended up like this. And I thought, I'm glad it worked out in the end. So now it's my turn.
Dr. Jessica Kriegel hahaha
Dr. Jessica Kriegel: hahaha: My turn.
Lloyd Lobo: Anyway, I think I've lost my train of thought. What were you talking about earlier?
Dr. Jessica Kriegel: Sorry: Sorry, we were talking about taking advice from anomalies.
Lloyd Lobo: Society's definition of success. So I've been chasing society's definition of success. I was unconventional, I didn't graduate high school, I went to engineering school, I graduated from engineering school. After I graduated from engineering school, I didn't want to get a job in engineering, I wanted to be an entrepreneur.
Dr. Jessica Kriegel: Yes.
Lloyd Lobo: Whether it's hiring employees at a low wage or convincing customers to buy something because you don't have anything, it's all communication. If five people laugh at you in a public speaking class, you're never going to speak again. So I had to find a job that would force me to communicate every single day. So my first job was making cold calls for founders, and that was my journey. I started making cold calls and I wanted to marry my wife, who is now my wife.
She went on to the medical school and became a secon d-year undergraduate without MCAT. And I am this clumsy man from startup failure to startup failure. Her parents did not want our marriage. Her parents did not want our marriage. He just relys on you. So, for the last 12 years, I have just pursued the definition of social success, that is, money. And what is really interesting is that when you get the money, your wife says: You are not spending time with us. Listen, so everything goes well. Believe me. My wife says that no one cares about vacation once a year. What we value is like a phone call with us. Even in a short time, the compound interest gained by always being there is great. I thought it would be somehow. And the contract was established. In other words, my family, parents, sisters, and all of us were reserved on Boraavora. Two days before Bora Bora, I was hospitalized for both COVID pneumonia. I was inhaled oxygen, and my doctor at the hospital could not see me. People came in space suit, a 2 4-hour zoom was set up, and only the people could hear, and my life lost my life. And what is this? Why am I pursuing the definition of social success? If I die today, who will enjoy this? I think my life was a series of movements, starting with movement.
Now that it's Lloyd Robo, I try to be happy now. If money decreases, it may be a problem in the short term and may be a pinch, but in the long term you can be more happy and healthy. Considering what is happening in the area of investors, there are many founders who call me because they burned out. Like a COVID boom. And now, the valuation is greatly reduced. I posted a few posts on mental health at Linkedin, but at that time I was called out.
In fact, he was a mental health startup founder who raised $ 100 million, and he said: I'm like a fake. I feel like an investor is putting a big pressure on me. And it's all the function you sign up for you. If you have signed a contract with the expectation of a big result, you should think that a long journey is waiting ahead. Sometimes it's better to talk to investors the truth and grow at 50 % because it's a small market. If investors don't want to provide funds, that's fine. But if you ...
If it is a $ 100 billion market, it is going to grow 300 times year by year, but it does not achieve it, they will stay in your case every day. They will irritate you. You will also call out to the employees behind you. They will explore your company and you will lose mental health.Dr. Jessica Crygel, too, has something interesting. I think it's really easy to realize that after achieving the definition of social success, it wasn't a success. However, it is difficult to convince the person on the uphill that when he has not yet got it, he is up on the wrong slope.
Lloyd Robo That's right.
Dr. Jessica Crygel I don't think it's worth many, and I don't think it's always insight. Maybe you're a super enlightenment, a humble way of life, or a nun or a priest. But when I heard about super wealthy and successful people, it was my experience. When I reached a certain level of success, I looked back and thought this was different. As David Brooks say, I climbed the wrong mountain. Climb the first mountain, arrive at the top, wait, I think this is different. And look at the second mountain.
If it is a $ 100 billion market, it is going to grow 300 times year by year, but it does not achieve it, they will stay in your case every day. They will irritate you. You will also call out to the employees behind you. They will explore your company and you will lose mental health.Dr. Jessica Crygel: It is a service, love, and giving.
Lloyd Robo: That's right. Many people have the option of doing nothing for a while because you have money. But I don't think my enlightenment was from money. After getting the money, I was about to die. I was able to follow the next goal post and continue running at the company.
If it is a $ 100 billion market, it is going to grow 300 times year by year, but it does not achieve it, they will stay in your case every day. They will irritate you. You will also call out to the employees behind you. They will explore your company and you will lose mental health.Lloyd Robo: It's interesting, we all do so. While saying that we will achieve this, the next goal, the next goal ... And there is the next one. I want to sell the company for $ 500 million or $ 1 billion in the next seven, eight or six years. So Growth Equity Farm invested as if he had bought half of the company. They want good results. And as a founder, I am no longer a member of the company, but a member of the Board of Directors. So you consciously make a decision and accept that fact.
There may be no second chance in life. You may lose. Is it worth losing? Is it worth losing human relationships that have sacrificed at the expense of everything? I think I was there because I was there.
Dr. Jessica Crygel That's right.
If it is a $ 100 billion market, it is going to grow 300 times year by year, but it does not achieve it, they will stay in your case every day. They will irritate you. You will also call out to the employees behind you. They will explore your company and you will lose mental health.Dr. Jessica Crygel Uh.
Dr. Jessica Kriegel: either of them. Is it money or health anxiety? It's funny. I was thinking about my father, but he lived in rat racing. He was a pretty failed business CEO. In the end, it was unable to adapt to technology advancement, and management collapsed. He became a real estate agent in New York. I didn't succeed there. He always felt fake.
If it is a $ 100 billion market, it is going to grow 300 times year by year, but it does not achieve it, they will stay in your case every day. They will irritate you. You will also call out to the employees behind you. They will explore your company and you will lose mental health.When I graduated from college, someone told me what to do next. He said he had never thought about it. By the end of the dinner, he decided to go on a journey. So it's strange what people realize that they no longer have to follow the rules of the road. It is money and healthy. In other words, there is an example of the person who did it for that reason. We may just be able to do it for the reason.
Lloyd Robo That's right. I think I was a clumsy idiot during many periods of my life. I agree. I think it was an important event that changed my life and pursued the success of society defined. My wedding was canceled two days ago because my company was closed and my parent s-i n-law came from India to get married. < SPAN> There may not be a second opportunity in life. You may lose. Is it worth losing? Is it worth losing human relationships that have sacrificed at the expense of everything? I think I was there because I was there.
If it is a $ 100 billion market, it is going to grow 300 times year by year, but it does not achieve it, they will stay in your case every day. They will irritate you. You will also call out to the employees behind you. They will explore your company and you will lose mental health.Lloyd Robo: That was my crystal. So now I have fitness, family, friendship, etc. in me. I quit if there is anything to take it. I don't do that. So I think I need a life event. Life events may be money or terrible health. Otherwise, the chips will not be given. For him. Do you need something? Like.
Dr. Jessica Crygel Uh.
If it is a $ 100 billion market, it is going to grow 300 times year by year, but it does not achieve it, they will stay in your case every day. They will irritate you. You will also call out to the employees behind you. They will explore your company and you will lose mental health.One day, he sold everything he owned, switched to a motorcycle with a side car, and went on a journey. In other words, I lived on a really small budget. What was the trigger? I didn't have any health and no money. The trigger ...
When I graduated from college, someone told me what to do next. He said he had never thought about it. By the end of the dinner, he decided to go on a journey. So it's strange what people realize that they no longer have to follow the rules of the road. It is money and healthy. In other words, there is an example of the person who did it for that reason. We may just be able to do it for the reason.
If it is a $ 100 billion market, it is going to grow 300 times year by year, but it does not achieve it, they will stay in your case every day. They will irritate you. You will also call out to the employees behind you. They will explore your company and you will lose mental health.Dr. Jessica Crygel That's right.
Lloyd Robo: That was my crystal. So now I have fitness, family, friendship, etc. in me. I quit if there is anything to take it. I don't do that. So I think I need a life event. Life events may be money or terrible health. Otherwise, the chips will not be given. For him. Do you need something? Like.
If it is a $ 100 billion market, it is going to grow 300 times year by year, but it does not achieve it, they will stay in your case every day. They will irritate you. You will also call out to the employees behind you. They will explore your company and you will lose mental health.Dr. Jessica Kriegel: either of them. Is it money or health anxiety? It's funny. I was thinking about my father, but he lived in rat racing. He was a pretty failed business CEO. In the end, it was unable to adapt to technology advancement, and management collapsed. He became a real estate agent in New York. I didn't succeed there. He always felt fake.
One day, he sold everything he owned, switched to a motorcycle with a side car, and went on a journey. In other words, I lived on a really small budget. What was the trigger? I didn't have any health and no money. The trigger ...
If it is a $ 100 billion market, it is going to grow 300 times year by year, but it does not achieve it, they will stay in your case every day. They will irritate you. You will also call out to the employees behind you. They will explore your company and you will lose mental health.Lloyd Robo That's right. I think I was a clumsy idiot during many periods of my life. I agree. I think it was an important event that changed my life and pursued the success of society defined. My wedding was canceled two days ago because my company was closed and my parent s-i n-law came from India to get married.
It's a big Indian wedding. We're Catholic, so we have Indian and Portuguese influences, so it's a Portuguese mixed culture. That kid's going to be a doctor.
Dr. Jessica Kriegel: So your wife's family canceled because your business failed.
Lloyd Lobo: Right.Lloyd Lobo: Because I'm an idiot who's not serious. I mean, I went against the flow, jumping from startup to startup and I'm into martial arts and like your wife and her brother are doctors.
