Coast to Coast Rally how to c the great wall slotomania
Crossing Biscay - A Weatherman's View
Advice on how to tackle the Bay of Biscay, based on extensive experience in the very scary Bay of Biscay.
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Introduction - Why is Biscayyan So Scary?
The Biscayyan is feared by many sailors because of its legendary reputation. This is largely due to the fact that in the days of square boats, boats could not reach the foreshore and were driven into the bay by the dominant Westerners. In addition, Atlantic waves can build up quickly near the shore, making some ports dangerous to enter or even inaccessible.
Modern yachts, with their much more efficient rigs and engines, should not have the same problems, especially if they make careful use of the weather forecast. However, there are many examples over the years of yachts encountering difficulties, sometimes with fatal consequences. From what I have read, most of these problems were avoidable, and some were the result of sheer bad luck or bad forecasts.
At the end of May 2000, two yachts waiting to cross the Strait of Biscay arrived in Audierne after being hit by strong winds of at least 9-10 m/s. One had left FinistГЁre, ignoring the forecast, saying, "We set sail because the southerly winds were blowing and the weather was fine." The other had left La CoruГ±a with only the BBC's 24-hour forecast and no long-term forecast. Both were near disasters.
In bad weather, the Strait of Biscay can be as unpleasant as anywhere else. But if, like us, you are heading for warmer climates and have a 2m draft, crossing Biscay becomes essential. Having sailed in and around Biscay for many years, spoken to others, and been a meteorologist (now retired), I hope to provide some guidance to those who want to follow our route but are deterred by its reputation.
The traditional route
The "traditional" route for a sailing boat is to leave the Channel and head west of Ushant, in a direction of 10 degrees west longitude or a little further, with the goal of passing through Spain and Portugal to the Canary Islands, or round Cape St. Vincent to the Mediterranean, or to land on the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula, depending on the conditions at the time.
This tactic has many advantages.
- First, by keeping the yacht longer, it is less susceptible to the steep Atlantic panel in the bay and the shelf effect.
- Second, it is frequently windy along the Spanish Atlantic coast, especially around the northwestern tip, Cabos Ortegal, Valles and Cabo Finisterre. Dispatch forecasts often report "localized gale force winds of up to 8" near Cape Finisterre, as they say. These effects can be avoided by staying well out of the sea.
- Third, it allows you to choose the time to get closer to the coast, whether that be La Coruna or further south if you are going to the Mediterranean or Canary Islands for an Atlantic crossing.
Weather is the most important consideration when crossing most seas or oceans, and Biscay is no exception. For the passage to La Coruna or Baiona, the landing points for the Portugal Rally, transit times from south coast ports should now be within the bounds of reasonably accurate weather forecasts. Advances in meteorology over the past 30-40 years have allowed the use of powerful computers, making 6-7 day forecasts of sufficient quality for operational use.
To do this, it is necessary to evaluate the reliability of the forecasts. For this, it is most effective to compare the forecasts for successive days. If the 8-, 7- and 6-day forecasts for the same verification time are similar, the forecast model is probably on the right track.
The best time to make this crossing is June or July. At this time of year, F9s are extremely rare in the Biscay area. But even then, skippers are advised to prepare for strong winds, although they are not forecast at the time of departure. At least near the Spanish coast in summer, intense F9 blazes are always a possibility, especially if the Azores high strengthens or moves a little east, as the heat of Spain drops during the day. In the rest of the year, winds of force 9, 10 or even higher are possible. It is important to look closely at the long-range forecasts and keep a close eye on the forecasts.
In any case, if you choose this option, regardless of the time of year, you should study the weather forecast carefully. Go only if the weather looks favorable for the next 5 or 6 days. If you feel you need further advice, especially beyond the 5th day and the level of confidence, consult the Met Office, the forecaster service or a private weather consultant. It will be money well spent.
Back in the UK, all the same considerations apply.
Obviously, this is not something to be undertaken lightly and many find the prospect daunting. With the ever-present possibility of strong winds, the estimate is hardly ideal for many families or lightly accomplished cruises.
I would suggest that the "out" route should not be undertaken unless both boat and crew are equipped and prepared to full blue water standards.
Around the Coast
For the less adventurous there are several options. The extreme opposite of a direct route is a short trip around the coast, with most daily routes lasting no more than 12 hours. If you want an excuse to take such a course, you can enjoy it on the northern and western coasts of Spain and France, especially the well-known Spanish Rias coast. If you have the time, it is worth considering. Of course, there are some problems.
First of all, there are some ports on the western coast of France and northern Spain that are difficult or impossible to enter when there are big swells. In recent years, several fatal accidents have been caused by navigators who do not understand the impact of big swells on the entry into some ports south of Saint-Gilles and some ports on the northern coast of Spain. If you approach Royan from the north and have to use La Grande Pass to enter the Gironde, even if the Atlantic swell is moderate, if there is a spring swell, the situation can become dangerous.
The MпїЅtпїЅo France forecast is issued from the Cross (coast of the French capital) and includes swells in meters. Listen to it.
Be careful not to be confused by these warnings. Listen to CROSS's VHF communicatio n-they warns when small ships should not be in Gilond. If you have any questions, talk to them over the VHF or telephone and clarify the messages you do not fully understand. They will always be happy to help and want to do that rather than start rescue activities. Pass Du Sud is by no means clog. The buoy is not illuminated, but the St. Nicholas Lighthouse, one of the top lights, is bright.
Entering Bassan Dalkaction is also dangerous because of the track or less. Call the Cap Ferre Signal Station (if the French is too fundamental, they are fluent in English) will tell you the time when you can enter the port on the latest forecast. I usually check before leaving Royean, and when it is about an hour from the entrance, I check again with VHF. I think it's very convenient. Similarly, when they leave Bassin., They want to know the movement of small ships.
You need to be careful at the same level when crossing the Northern Coast of Spain. Some ports are dangerous when large waves stand, while others are not. Be careful when you read the drip guide and calendar, and when entering Salcom, etc.
Both extremes and both extremes
There are several options between the two extremes between the method of directly crossing and the coast hopping method. Such sailing should be possible for many spouse crews, even if they have passed the strait before. According to the weather forecast, if you pay attention, it is possible to cross such a pass.
The southern tactic I like is to go to Adielne or Kamare across the strait. These ports are more likely to have a more advantageous wind than going south. Audielne is the closest port in France for Hihon and La Corunia. Also, because it is located south of Rasp and Showse de Sain, there are few elements to consider before departure. Going back to the river, there is a small marina in the center of the beautiful Buton town, and there are all essentials (patisseries, poison stores, confectionery stores, vegetable shops, crepe shops) around the port.
I always find an excuse to stay longer than necessary. The owner of the harbor is working hard to help as much as possible (and succeeded). Audielne has three options.
- First, Island Hop visits the islands from Glova to Dorolon, where to Santander and Bilbao.
Once you've finished each, you will go on a route to jump over the coastline as long as you need and desirable.
Island hopping
The first case, Island Hopping, can choose a port in Spain within 36 hours of transit time from Oloron, Lu Island, and Yeu. Bilbao and Santandale can be easily entered under most conditions.
One problem is that if there is a swell, there is an al l-weather port in the west after Santander. As a result, it may become a long voyage along the coast. If the weather is nice, there are other executable and attractive options, such as Riverdeselha.
Towards Hihin
Second, the transit time from Adielle to Gijun seems to be up to 48 hours, which is also within the exact forecast. GijГ±nn is usually easy to enter the port unless it is extreme condition. In the big sea, approaching the marina may not be very easy. In that case, there are two options. One is a new marina in the port commercial area. The second is the seemingly plain commercial port Aviles just west of Capo PeaS. Enter a 3-meter swell. First, call the Port Control in CH. 12. 12. There is a yacht club marina upstream, with water and power supply. cheap! If you need a crew change, it is closer to the airport than GijГ±n.
The ultimate secret is probably Bibeiro, which can respond to almost all the weather and have a large wall, so there is enough space to lower sails and prepare for the marina. The rear may be windy, but ultimately safe.
There is no major problem on the route from Hyphones to the coast, and you can visit all Rear Altas before arriving in La Coruia. Ria Cedeira is particularly comfortable and well protected.
The main risks may be the Kabos Balestes and Ortegal rounds in the northernmost part of Spain. Although the wind is often strong here, MRCC Hihon broadcasts the English area forecast and the coastal water forecast in Spanish (June 2011). See my forecast on the Internet page.
Before going around the cape, it is worth checking for the forecast and waiting for a good slot. If you call on VHF, you will be able to speak English that gives you advice.
To La Coruna
It takes over three days for direct flights from AudiERne to La Coru. Ra. Although within the range of accurate forecasts to some extent, it is important to listen to the forecast of all information sources before and in parallel, as usual. If the forecast is pessimistic tone, consider to bypassing the northern Rias (RIAS), such as Gij, Bibeiro, and Barquero.
After La Co r-A, you can easily go to Karami, just north of Cape Finnis Tail, or to Leah Muros, south of Cape Finnis Tail, on a day trip. I went south three times south, once in the Genoa boom, and once with a spincher boom. After turning to the north three times, it was convenient to wait a few days at Karami Ass, and cross the pass with La Corle.
Racing was a great attraction, but not in this fascinating small town. This town is a passing port and a place to meet interesting people. There are almost always people who have passed the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula and traveled further ahead. A lot of brain is picked.
Transit time is about one day if you cross directly from the port of South Coast to Jijun or La Colua, west of Palmas. It is better to via Chenal Du Four and Razu (Raz), and make it possible to detour to Camaret and Audine if the forecast deteriorates. гЂ‚ Avoid seafood from Ushasto.
When going north, the same way is all applied and the same junction can be used.
What is the weather forecast?
Regardless of where you fly, it is wise to use local GMDSS for the sea area in the Metalia II. In the case of a path of one day or more, the wide area forecast is essential for both the immediate pass and the previous plan. The synthetic forecast chart provides an overview of the weather for the next five days. The British Meteorological Agency's office chart is entered by humans, and the fourth and fifth days are "consensus" of various forecast sources available by the Japan Meteorological Agency. On the web, you can use it for free, except for the connection fee and ISP fee. To see before, try the ECMWF chart.
Gri b-codeed forecasts can be downloaded for free from various sources. The most flexible and cos t-effective are e-mails from Saildocs and Mailasail.
Using a laptop, XyGrib provides a very comprehensive service, including the valley forecast.
Passageweather can provide the same information using a web browser, and predict can be saved as a . zip file.
Tablet application development provides useful ways to download the same information. Apps with various complexity are posted on the Apps Grib page.
You can't choose from it, but Igrib is probably the easiest to use and not providing the valley forecast, but it will meet many people's needs. WeatherTrack is the most comprehensive and also offers summary charts.
All of these services use the same forecast of the NOAA GFS (Global forecast System) in the United States. There is no difference in the quality of the forecast, but there is only difference between ease of use and display method. Most of them provide eight days forecasts and give very good advice for 6 or 7 days.
There is no waste of time and money for more detailed forecasts. The details of the weather are shor t-lived. GFS will not lose consistently to other GRIB services currently available.
Radio fax and paging
Ofenbach and Northwood broadcast the sea condition forecast two days a day. From the Ofenbach, the central station of the DWD (German Meteorological Agency), there are ant i-pressure and fron t-lines forecast once a day, four days a day. What is more useful is that the British Navy (Northwood) will broadcast the ant i-pressure and wind twice a day on the 5th of the Meteorological Agency's chart.
The wind vector (usually only the wind speed of 25 knots or more) has a "wing" that indicates the wind direction along the axis of the arrow and indicates the wind speed. Long feathers = 10 kn, short feathers = 5KN, triangular solid line = 50KN.
Ofenback and Northwood broadcast the sea condition forecast two days a day twice a day.
DWD Radio Teletype is convenient. The software that can be used in SSB radio fax transmission usually includes address specification and RTTY encoding. Morer Weather Infobox offers the same text data.
There is a DWD online version of the thre e-day forecast of the British and French Strait route to Gibraltar.
The following example was taken at RTTY on Thursday, May 31, 2001. Based on this information, I don't intend to start crossover over noon on Tuesday.
Englis h-ch.-W (49. 6n 4. 1w) SST: 13 C
Fr 01. 00z: nw-n 4-5 / 1, 5 m // FR 01. 12z: w 3 /1 m // //sa 02. /1 m // su 03 ...
What to look for
Continue to examine forecasts a few days before departure. Compare the forecast of the next day with the forecast for the next day, search for contradictions and trends. The contradiction means the uncertainty of the result. The tendency that the collapse in the high range is accelerating suggests that the forecast is struggling to maintain the current general pattern change. Both situations must be careful. Use the ideas listed on the expected page.
Once you decide to go, continue monitoring the forecast using Radio 4 BBC LW LW SHISPING SHISPING, Inmaltat C, Cross Corsen and La Corca. Take a voice memo for any forecast.
The major strength of the BBC LW broadcast is that each forecast uses all the latest data, including the 6-hour output of the Meteorological Agency's numerical weather forecast model. It is necessary to monitor carefully, even if it is quite small from what was expected before. Changes may not affect your area. But there is a possibility. Please be careful a little more. While you are within the area, you can hear information about the coastal waters sent from the cross station. If you have an SSB radio, you will receive a radio fax or RTTY broadcast.
Always pay attention to changes in the emphasis on forecasts and suggestions of uncertainty. If the destination is La Colua, go to Hijun, and if Hijun is the destination, go to Santa Dale.
Other Risks
The trigger area off the coast of Girond may be a problem, but if you go to Royean, Alkart, or Cap Ferre Semaphor's capital, you will give you advice and tell you your phone number. We have discovered that Cap Fere is the best measure. A night pass that goes to an alkart or a coast from an alkard is always possible (I think), like a weekend daytime pass. One of the French governor's advice on the daytime pass was "always checking." The show will be held in August. < SPAN> FR 01. 00z: NW-N 4-5 / 1, 5 m // FR 01. 12z: w 3/1 m // ///sa 02. : N 4/1 m // su 03.
What to look for
Continue to examine forecasts a few days before departure. Compare the forecast of the next day with the forecast for the next day, search for contradictions and trends. The contradiction means the uncertainty of the result. The tendency that the collapse in the high range is accelerating suggests that the forecast is struggling to maintain the current general pattern change. Both situations must be careful. Use the ideas listed on the expected page.
Once you decide to go, continue monitoring the forecast using Radio 4 BBC LW LW SHISPING SHISPING, Inmaltat C, Cross Corsen and La Corca. Take a voice memo for any forecast.
The major strength of the BBC LW broadcast is that each forecast uses all the latest data, including the 6-hour output of the Meteorological Agency's numerical weather forecast model. Even if it is a fairly small change from what was expected earlier, it is necessary to monitor carefully. Changes may not affect your area. But there is a possibility. Please be careful a little more. While you are within the area, you can hear information about the coastal waters sent from the cross station. If you have an SSB radio, you will receive a radio fax or RTTY broadcast.
Always pay attention to changes in the emphasis on forecasts and suggestions of uncertainty. If the destination is La Colua, go to Hijun, and if Hijun is the destination, go to Santa Dale.
Other risks
The trigger area off the coast of Girond may be a problem, but if you go to Royean, Alkart, or Cap Ferre Semaphor's capital, you will give you advice and tell you your phone number. We have discovered that Cap Fere is the best measure. A night pass that goes to an alkart or a coast from an alkard is always possible (I think), like a weekend daytime pass. One of the French governor's advice on the daytime pass was "always checking." The show will be held in August. Fr 01. 00z: nw-n 4-5 / 1, 5 m // FR 01. 12z: w 3 /1 m // //sa 02. /1 m // su 03 ...
What to look for
Continue to examine forecasts a few days before departure. Compare the forecast of the next day with the forecast for the next day, search for contradictions and trends. The contradiction means the uncertainty of the result. The tendency that the collapse in the high range is accelerating suggests that the forecast is struggling to maintain the current general pattern change. Both situations must be careful. Use the ideas listed on the expected page.
Once you decide to go, continue monitoring the forecast using Radio 4 BBC LW LW SHISPING SHISPING, Inmaltat C, Cross Corsen and La Corca. Take a voice memo for any forecast. The major strength of the BBC LW broadcast is that each forecast uses all the latest data, including the 6-hour output of the Meteorological Agency's numerical weather forecast model. It is necessary to monitor carefully, even if it is quite small from what was expected before. Changes may not affect your area. But there is a possibility. Please be careful a little more. While you are within the area, you can hear information about the coastal waters sent from the cross station. If you have an SSB radio, you will receive a radio fax or RTTY broadcast.Always pay attention to changes in the emphasis on forecasts and suggestions of uncertainty. If the destination is La Colua, go to Hijun, and if Hijun is the destination, go to Santa Dale.
Other risks
The trigger area off the coast of Girond may be a problem, but if you go to Royean, Alkart, or Cap Ferre Semaphor's capital, you will give you advice and tell you your phone number. We have discovered that Cap Fere is the best measure. A night pass that goes to an alkart or a coast from an alkard is always possible (I think), like a weekend daytime pass. One of the French governor's advice on the daytime pass was "always checking." The show will be held in August.
God has drawn this part of the coastline with a ruler on a Mercator chart, but it is just as visually interesting. We prefer to do it in two separate trips at night, starting and ending at Arcachon, but the entrance must be daytime, as the buoys are not illuminated. At worst, you may have to wait a few days before going, depending on the weather and the triggering marine activity. This is hardly a penalty, as there is so much to see. Rochefort in the Charente, for example, is worth a few days of your time.
Boats and fishing boats are always a problem in the Strait of Biscay. I have never done a direct "out" crossing, but I would expect that travel between the USHant and FinistГЁre TSS is always a concern. There were almost no boats on the routes to Bilbao, Santander, Hijun and La Corua. At the northern end of the Santander route, which starts and finishes in the French islands, there were quite a few fishing boats.
If you are leaving or arriving at ГЋle d'Eu, avoid the Rochebonne Plateau by a large margin. For the sea is rough for a considerable distance around the Rochebonne plateau.
Sailors, bold sailors, but few old bold sailors. I have sailed both ways up and down the coast of Santander, via Royan, Arcachon, Saint-Jean-de-Luc, and Saint-Sebastian. I have crossed Biscay from Audierne. Once from ГЋle-Dieu to Santander, and twice from Santander to ГЋle-d'Orlon. My age is a matter of mindset. My grandchildren think I am too old! Maybe, but I am nowhere near bold!
This article appeared in PBO in August 2002. This version was revised after the Biscay section day at the Cruising Association, including the use of GRIB products.
International Events
International Special Operations events are an important part of what HQ-SOD offers to the IVAO community. Most activities take place daily on the network without prior coordination, so events are special occasions when Ivao enthusiasts come together to carry out coordinated missions. On average, two international events are held every month.
For more information on international events, expand the FAQ data block on the right.
Upcoming events
Past events
Spanish National Day
Saturday, October 12, 2024, 10:00Z
The Spanish National Day is a day training that departs and arrives at Trephones (Let) and Quattro Viettos Air Force Base (Lek / Refs) and air parade over Madrid.
If you are leaving or arriving at ГЋle d'Eu, avoid the Rochebonne Plateau by a large margin. For the sea is rough for a considerable distance around the Rochebonne plateau.
Operation Hercules
Britain and Irish MCD category
October 13, 2024 (Sun) 12: 00z
Airbridge, replenishment, ai r-t o-air supply
Gibraltar is one of the few British overseas territory left under the British government, one of the most important bases to support NATO's activities and global activities. The British Army, British Air Force, and British Navy's joint troops, who are active under the British army in Gibraltar, are supporting the ongoing operations and are supporting the start of operations in Southern Europe, the Middle East, and other nearby areas.
So welcome to Hercules Mode. The idea is.
2024 Concene evacuation
01 November, 2024, Friday 12: 00z
Air transport, rescue, SAR, airbridge
Bring a transport machine or helicopter to rescue the person lurking from the zombie apocalypse!
As part of the Halloween special event, participate in larg e-scale evacuation drills and rescue as many survivors as possible from the rear 100 miles on the quarantine line!
The helicopter will pick up survivors from various farms around Ken Airport designated during the mission and drop them from the terminal of Kenken Airport to the collection points. Aerifter.
Operation Blackdog II
Britain and Irish MCD Division
Sunday, November 17, 2024 13: 00z
QRA, follo w-up training
Quick response alerts (QRAs) are immediate response to many Air Force around the world, and can respond to any potential air threats within the range of responsibilities. However, at the current safety level of modern aviation, QRA pilots usually do not support distressed aircraft and aircraft. The UK is currently operating two QRA bases: the Koning Suby Air Force Base in the south and the Rossy Mouse Air Force base in the north.
Special operations in the UK and Ireland will depart.
Attention Starter Cube
October 6, 2024 16: 00z
If you are leaving or arriving at ГЋle d'Eu, avoid the Rochebonne Plateau by a large margin. For the sea is rough for a considerable distance around the Rochebonne plateau.
A powerful storm is hitting the western coast of Albania, causing heavy waves and flooding on the Adriatic coast near Tirana. Dozens of civilians are stranded due to rising water levels and rescue operations are urgently needed to prevent further casualties. Search and Rescue (SAR) teams are being called in to carry out emergency evacuations and provide assistance to those affected by the floods.
Operation Argos II
05 October 2024 18:00Z
SAR, Transport, Cap, EW, Escort
Take part in the first operation of the Gaucho 2024 exercise. This time, you must enter enemy territory to evacuate civilians in need of UN assistance.
Because of the circumstances, the operation needs to be unexpected and as mysterious as possible.
Those who wish to participate should be careful to receive instructions in their registration email. The safety of the operation must not be compromised.
There will be threats on the ground and in the air, AR.
Both Online Days in the US
22 September 2024 20:00Z
IVAO's Special Operations Division is pleased to announce the upcoming 7th Online Day 2024. The event continues to bring together pilots and air traffic controllers from across the network, creating a unique opportunity for virtual military and special operations flying.
In this edition, the host will be the US Department, focusing specifically on operations at the main hub for military operations, Joint Base Charleston (KCHS). Pilots are cordially invited to attend.
BAE Systems Hawk 50th Anniversary Event
Ministry of MCD UK and Ireland
15 September 2024 12:00Z
Officially manufactured by Hawker Siddeley, the BAE Systems Hawk is a true British success story. First flown in September 1974, this icon of aviation has served in various armies around the world for over 40 years. As a result, UK and Ireland MCD welcomes you to a Hawk celebration at one of the Hawk's most famous airbases, RAF VALLEY. A Mach Loop will also be held at the world-famous Welsh LFA7. We are H.
Mexican Independence Day 2024
September 14, 2024 22:00Z
The IVAO Mexico Special Strategy Department has a special operation team and virtual airline on the September 14th Mexico Independence Day, from 2200Z/1600 (-6 GMT) to the air parade over the Mexico City Sokaro. I will invite you. Fly over Mexico City on the flight area of ​​Santa Lucia Airport and Air Force Base (MMSM).
Bread Strategic Forum
September 3, 2024 18:00 Z
The IVAO Slovenian Branch is the representative of the 5th International Special Operation Event. This event is based on a simple fl y-in event held on September 3, 2024 in LjLJ from various countries. In order for Japan to hold important events, the leaders and their representatives are transported to Slovenia between 1800Z and 2000Z. The special operation event will be executed in parallel with the actual bread strategic forum event held every year in Bread. Many of the important pases.
Resume ceremony
Bellux region general bureau
01 September 2024 12:30 Z
SAR, flying display
Belux will inform you that the Special Operation Department has resumed.
To commemorate this, please participate in exciting search and rescue missions in the KOKSIJDE/OSTEND area, or participate in training exhibitions in the Balen-Meeuwen area to show everyone's character.
The event will be held from 12:30 UTC to 16:00 UTC.
Participate in this event as a pilot, get two points for the Jet Fighter Award, or provide ATC services for accumulation.
Eastern Shield Exercise
If you are leaving or arriving at ГЋle d'Eu, avoid the Rochebonne Plateau by a large margin. For the sea is rough for a considerable distance around the Rochebonne plateau.
The purpose of this event is to strengthen international cooperation among participants, improve the experience of air operations, and commemor Turkey's victory anniversary. During the event period, various missions will be carried out by F-16, KC-135, and B737-700 aircraft.
Overview: The F-16 and F-4 take off LTBG at 18:15 and carry out CAPs on the route shown in the master plan.
KC-135 tankers take off from LTBA, follow the route,.
Looking back on the history of an adventure
August 25, 2024 15:00 Z
"Volard, Adventure History" Since its establishment in June 1974, the 14th Air Force is the basic pillar of the Spanish Air Force and continues to contribute to the defense of the national sovereignty area and alliance areas as needed. There is.
This has become possible thanks to the members who have belonged to the 14th Air Corps for the last 50 years and have been working for Spain at the expense of themselves.
Moto GP opening video
August 18, 2024 17:00 Z
The HQ Special Operation Department, along with the Austrian Army, calls on the MotoGP opening display 2024 event. Fly over the Red Bull Link Circuit with your aircraft or team, and show your lo w-fly and skills throughout the IVAO network.
MotoGP races are held at 12:00, but this event is held at 17:00, so all interest users can watch the race.
Participate in this event as a pilot and get 2 points for JET FI.
Panavi Tornado 50th Anniversary
British / Ireland MCD category
17 August 2024 12:00 Z
CAS, weapon training
Panavia Tornado is one of the most successful travels in Europe and a symbol of European cooperation. The symbolic aircraft flew for the first time in August 1974 and is still used in some of the related countries 50 years later. Many variations have been manufactured, and more updates, upgrades, and rebuilds have played a wide range of roles, including ground attacks, marine attacks, and air defense. To celebrate this symbolic aircraft, we invite you to participate in this celebration.
Aquarius Eagle Exercise
11 August 2024 17:00 Z
Low altitude flight
We will welcome you to the first special operation exercises held over the great Canadian territory of IVAO. This event includes lo w-altitude hig h-speed flights over the river by fighters known as jet loops.
The exercise will be held from 17:00 UTC to 19:00 UTC.
If you are leaving or arriving at ГЋle d'Eu, avoid the Rochebonne Plateau by a large margin. For the sea is rough for a considerable distance around the Rochebonne plateau.
Please participate in this dynamic and challenging event.
Royal rain begging
2024 August 03, 03:15 Z
Disaster rescue agriculture
The upper central region of Thailand is being drought at the beginning of the agricultural season, so the Royal Rain Agricultural Agriculture Agency is required to support!
Fly by forming a form with a friend with a friend, releasing the prepared compound prepared to turn moisture into rain for the necessary farmers in the atmosphere.
The group consisting of two or more turbop props departs one of the two operations bases, and goes to the target point while formulating the trajectory.
Sea Engel Rescue
28 JULY 2024 17:00 Z
The IVAO Special Operation Department introduces the rescue of Sea Angel.
Participate in exciting search and rescue missions at TTZP FIR and provide important support to wrinkles and crew members. This event is for training pilots and marine rescue squads, assuming an actual emergency.
This airfield opens from 1700UTC to 1900UTC.
Air Show Fairford 2024
Britain and Irish MCD category
July 27, 2024 12: 00z
Every year, the world's largest military air show is held in the British Fairford Air Force, and private aircraft and military aircraft perform their skills over the Grostarshire.
Therefore, the British Ireland Special Operation Department wants to invite everyone to the Fair Show Air Show. Exhibits a single flight, or aircraft, or enjoy the show all day. We welcome all aircraft, so please come.
Peruvian Anniversary
July 23, 2024 18: 00z
The Peruvian Special Operation Bureau introduces the Peruvian Army's "Army Day" event. In this commemorative event, two missions will be held to introduce the skills and abilities of the Peruvian Air Force. Please participate in the aerial refueling demonstration in Alekipa and the logistics transportation operation between the main airports in Peru.
Please participate to recognize and recognize our soldiers and dedication.
Participate in this event as Piro
A quiet shadow
July 20, 2024 10: 00z
The IVAO Special Operation Department introduces silent shadows.
[...] [...]
The IVAO's Special Operation Department will introduce the 6th day of 2024.
The sixth venue is the Netherlands (NL). Invite the landing and extinguishing training to the Gilze Lien Air Force Base (EHGR).
These airfields are open from 1700UTC to 1900UTC.
Participate in this event as a pilot, get two points for the Jet Fighter Award, or provide ATC SER.
Operation Himalayas 2024 < SPAN> Ivao Special Operation Department introduces the rescue of Sea Angel.
Participate in exciting search and rescue missions at TTZP FIR and provide important support to wrinkles and crew members. This event is for training pilots and marine rescue squads, assuming an actual emergency.
This airfield opens from 1700UTC to 1900UTC.
Air Show Fairford 2024
Britain and Irish MCD category
July 27, 2024 12: 00z
Every year, the world's largest military air show is held in the British Fairford Air Force, and private aircraft and military aircraft perform their skills over the Grostarshire.
Therefore, the British Ireland Special Operation Department wants to invite everyone to the Fair Show Air Show. Exhibits a single flight, or aircraft, or enjoy the show all day. We welcome all aircraft, so please come.
Peruvian Anniversary
July 23, 2024 18: 00z
The Peruvian Special Operation Bureau introduces the Peruvian Army's "Army Day" event. In this commemorative event, two missions will be held to introduce the skills and abilities of the Peruvian Air Force. Please participate in the aerial refueling demonstration in Alekipa and the rear support transportation operation between the main airports in Peru.
Please participate to recognize and recognize our soldiers and dedication.
Participate in this event as Piro
A quiet shadow
July 20, 2024 10: 00z
The IVAO Special Operation Department introduces silent shadows.
[...] [...]
The IVAO's Special Operation Department will introduce the 6th day of 2024.
The sixth venue is the Netherlands (NL). Invite the landing and extinguishing training to the Gilze Lien Air Force Base (EHGR).
If you are leaving or arriving at ГЋle d'Eu, avoid the Rochebonne Plateau by a large margin. For the sea is rough for a considerable distance around the Rochebonne plateau.
Participate in this event as a pilot, get two points for the Jet Fighter Award, or provide ATC SER.
Overview: The F-16 and F-4 take off LTBG at 18:15 and carry out CAPs on the route shown in the master plan.
Participate in exciting search and rescue missions at TTZP FIR and provide important support to wrinkles and crew members. This event is for training pilots and marine rescue squads, assuming an actual emergency.
This airfield opens from 1700UTC to 1900UTC.
Air Show Fairford 2024
Britain and Irish MCD category
July 27, 2024 12: 00z
Every year, the world's largest military air show is held in the British Fairford Air Force, and private aircraft and military aircraft perform their skills over the Grostarshire.
Therefore, the British Ireland Special Operation Department wants to invite everyone to the Fair Show Air Show. Exhibits a single flight, or aircraft, or enjoy the show all day. We welcome all aircraft, so please come.
Peruvian Anniversary
July 23, 2024 18: 00z
The Peruvian Special Operation Bureau introduces the Peruvian Army's "Army Day" event. In this commemorative event, two missions will be held to introduce the skills and abilities of the Peruvian Air Force. Please participate in the aerial refueling demonstration in Alekipa and the logistics transportation operation between the main airports in Peru.
Please participate to recognize and recognize our soldiers and dedication.
Peruvian Anniversary
A quiet shadow
July 20, 2024 10: 00z
The IVAO Special Operation Department introduces silent shadows.
[...] [...]
The IVAO's Special Operation Department will introduce the 6th day of 2024.
The sixth venue is the Netherlands (NL). Invite the landing and extinguishing training to the Gilze Lien Air Force Base (EHGR).
The IVAO Special Operation Department introduces silent shadows.
[...] [...]
July 6, 2024 10: 00z
The IVAO Special Operation Department introduces the operation Himalayas 2024 event.
The Operation Himalayas 2024 event is a complex mission that requires detailed plans, dedicated teams, and accurate execution. This plan shows an overview of an important step to find and rescue the missing person, and to ensure its safety and the success of the mission. The main purpose is to find and rescue two missing people.
Venezuela Independence Day
July 5, 2024 20: 00z
"Venezuela Independence Day" is a on e-day event where the air parade is held over the "Farsers Odori" in Calacas and departs and arrives at the "El Libertador" Air Force Base (SVBL).
Venezuela is a tradition of across Karacus's Paseo Ross Processes to celebrate the Independence Day, and has a military parade on fighters, practice machines, helicopters, and transport aircraft.
Encounter with a tiger in 2024
June 22, 2024 14: 00z
Helenic Division, Special Operations and Hafv will hold Tiger Meet.
It will be held.
The history of the Tiger Sentai
The 335 Air Corps was the oldest Greek squad founded at the Palestinian Akir Airfield in Greek occupation by Italy, Germany and Italy in October 1941 during World War II. The British Air Force's Greek pilot escaped from Greece and became the first aircraft trained by the British Air Force. The company first equipped with a hurricane IIB/IIC.
Operation Meda Back Alhamura
GCC area section
16 JUNE, 2024 14: 00z
There was an explosion in Al Hamra Aux AB, and several casualties occurred. The blasts damage the surrounding buildings. The Mededback Team has urgently demanded the estimated 350 injured people.
The secret documents of the Alhamura AUX base are included, so two teams are needed to solve this case. In order to carry out this mission, you need CAO knowledge, low altitude flight, hold, formation flight, and procedure. We will invite you.
Both online days in Peru
June 15, 2024 21: 00z
The IVAO Special Operation Department will hold the 5th online day in 2024.
If you are leaving or arriving at ГЋle d'Eu, avoid the Rochebonne Plateau by a large margin. For the sea is rough for a considerable distance around the Rochebonne plateau.
These airfields are open from 2100UTC to 0100UTC.
Participate in this event as a pilot and win the Jet Fighter Award or.
Beja Air Show
02 June 2024 09:00 Z
IVAO Special Operations Department will organize the Beja Air Show 2024.
East Asia Region SO Online Day
19 May 2024 12:00 Z
If you are leaving or arriving at ГЋle d'Eu, avoid the Rochebonne Plateau by a large margin. For the sea is rough for a considerable distance around the Rochebonne plateau.
The 4th event category is East Asia (XE). We invite you to fly in the photo reconnaissance and strategic logistics transport events to Kunsan Air Base (RKJK) and Hsinchu Air Base (RCPO).
Feel free to also fly other missions that interest you!
These airfields are open from 1200UTC to 1500UTC.
Exercise Lancaster
UK & Ireland MCD Division
05 May 2024 13:00 Z
CAS, Weapons Training
Welcome to Exercise Lancaster Based at the famous RAF Holbeach Range on the east coast of the UK, Holbeach is used daily by domestic and international aircraft for practical training such as weapons drops, flare deployment and low-level approaches. So we welcome you to the UK to show us what you can do with your aircraft of choice! From prestigious bases such as RAF Coningsby and RAF Marham, you can fly multiple sorties per day. You can also:
Holy Light 2024
04 May 2024 13:00 Z
Export & Transport
Always pay attention to changes in the emphasis on forecasts and suggestions of uncertainty. If the destination is La Colua, go to Hijun, and if Hijun is the destination, go to Santa Dale.
The formation of fighter aircraft will accompany the VIP Flight of Holy Light and land at the Greek International Airport "Eleftherios Venizelos" (LGAV).
The trigger area off the coast of Girond may be a problem, but if you go to Royean, Alkart, or Cap Ferre Semaphor's capital, you will give you advice and tell you your phone number. We have discovered that Cap Fere is the best measure. A night pass that goes to an alkart or a coast from an alkard is always possible (I think), like a weekend daytime pass. One of the French governor's advice on the daytime pass was "always checking." The show will be held in August.
God has drawn this part of the coastline with a ruler on a Mercator chart, but it is just as visually interesting. We prefer to do it in two separate trips at night, starting and ending at Arcachon, but the entrance must be daytime, as the buoys are not illuminated. At worst, you may have to wait a few days before going, depending on the weather and the triggering marine activity. This is hardly a penalty, as there is so much to see. Rochefort in the Charente, for example, is worth a few days of your time.
IVAO Special Operations Department is pleased to announce the third SO Online Day of 2024!
The host department of this event is Argentina (AR). Pilots are invited to participate in the Air-to-Air Refueling (AAR) exercise between SAR 7 CACHARI and SAR 11 SAZT and SAZB.
These airfields will be active from 18:00 UTC to 21:00 UTC and will be prepared for action.
Participate in this event as a pilot and earn 2 points for the Jetfighter Award or provide ATC services.
Day CAS, European Tactical Airlift Training
21 April 2024 15:00 Z
"The Demonstration" is a two-day transport-only training exercise, ETAAP24-01, at Zaragoza Air Base, from April 20 to 21, 2024.
Flying at Retsugu, April 20, 2024; Transport Parachute/Charge Training (CAS), April 21, 2024.
"The Broadcast Begins" is a two-day transport-only training exercise, 24-01ETAP, at Z Air Base.
Day 1 Flying to European Tactical Airlift Training
April 20, 2024 15:00Z
Participate in exciting search and rescue missions at TTZP FIR and provide important support to wrinkles and crew members. This event is for training pilots and marine rescue squads, assuming an actual emergency.
"The Demonstration" is a two-day transport-only training exercise, ETAAP24-01, at Zaragoza Air Base, from April 20 to 21, 2024.
20 April 2024 Flying in Letsgu. 21 April 2024 Transport Parachute/Charge Training (CAS).
"That Broadcast Begins" is a two-day transport-only training with 24-01ETAP at Z Air Base.
Because of the circumstances, the operation needs to be unexpected and as mysterious as possible.
30 March 2024 18:00Z
The upcoming event will leave Eigen Air Base (LOXA) and head to the western part of Austria where the pilots will perform an off-air landing in high mountain terrain. The pilots will then return to Eigen Air Base.
This scenario is based on the Alpine Training Course that the Austrian Air Force actually holds twice a year.
If you are leaving or arriving at ГЋle d'Eu, avoid the Rochebonne Plateau by a large margin. For the sea is rough for a considerable distance around the Rochebonne plateau.
Both Electronic Days in Saudi Arabia
Royal rain begging
IVAO Special Operations Division is pleased to present our second Online Day of 2024.
The second division to host this event is Saudi Arabia (SA). Fly into OERK (Riyadh King Khalid International Airport).
You will enjoy two different missions! One is SAR and the other is ILS calibration, one at each airport, which is explained in the overall plan of the event.
These airports are open from 2000UTC to 2300.
Green Dome Summit
23 March 2024 15:00Z
VIP transfers, caps
The Global Green Energy Summit will be held to find a common strategy for renewable energy and the future of the planet. The event will be held in Rome, the capital of Italy. To ensure the safety of the world leaders who will be attending this event, we have set up a series of temporary quarantine zones. From military VIP flights from major European cities to L'ilfloma Fiumicino or sign up as a jet fighter patrolling SK, come and have fun with us.
German Electronic Day
25 February 2024 16:00Z
IVAO Special Operations is pleased to present the first Internet Day of 2024.
The first department to host this event is Germany (DE). Come and visit us at ETNW (Wunstorf AB), Ethn (Niederstetten), EDDL (Düsseldorf), ETNN (Nörvenig) and EDDN (Nuremberg).
You can enjoy 10 exciting missions!
Duxford Airshow
MCD Section of the UK and Ireland
10 February 2024 13:00Z
Duxford is known for its historic aircraft and was an important base during the Battle of Britain. It now displays the collection of the Imperial War Aviation Museum and hosts numerous airshows throughout the year. This time, we are pleased to invite you to the other of the two XU airshows, which focuses on older era aircraft. Fly around this historic airport in your vintage aircraft and show us what you can do. All aircraft with FI.
Operation Melinka La Sola
19 November 2023 20:00Z
The upcoming event will depart from El Tepual Base (SCTE) and head to Melinka Island (SCMK) to perform two low altitude loads in a specific operational area. After a successful descent, the aircraft will return to El Tepual Base and the operation will end.
This mission is crucial as Melinka Island was recently devastated by a strong storm that had a major impact on the skies over the courts.
Exercise Scottish Defender 2023
UK and Ireland MCD Ministry
29 October 2023 13:00Z
QRA, Bombing, AWACS, CAP
Welcome to Exercise Scottish Defender. This exercise will build on the hugely successful Blackdog exercise previously held in Xu and will use the latest and greatest material from SOD HQ.
There are two sides to this event, two polar opposites. On one side, it's your job to defend RAF Lossiemouth, home of the UK Northern Rapid Response Force, from ground attack. On the other side? It's your job to defeat and deliver the Y.
Russian Search and Rescue Mission 2023
28 October 2023 15:00Z
Dear all, Special Operations Division together with XR Division is pleased to present you with a new event, Saro23.
This event is about searching, finding and rescuing a missing cruiser. Yes, this is a search and rescue mission.
If you are leaving or arriving at ГЋle d'Eu, avoid the Rochebonne Plateau by a large margin. For the sea is rough for a considerable distance around the Rochebonne plateau.
Hengham Mission
October 22, 2023 14: 00z
Hengisu State anniversary
October 12, 2023 10: 00z
Participate in exciting search and rescue missions at TTZP FIR and provide important support to wrinkles and crew members. This event is for training pilots and marine rescue squads, assuming an actual emergency.
Every year in Spain, it is a tradition that the air parade is performed over Madrid's Paseo de la Castellana to celebrate the Spanish day. The event consists of Spanish Air Force, the Army and Almada aircraft, and requires excellent formula and SHA flight capabilities.
NATO Virtual Days 2023
Czech Republic
2023 September 24, 2023 15: 30Z
The Ivao Czech category will host the 4th Annual Event that combines fl y-in and virtual air show based on the Real Days Days Show. The event will be held at Leos Yanachek Ostrava Airport.
This event is a combination of fl y-i n-Oustrava and air show. You will be a screen pilot that represents your country and show off aircraft skills.
The NATO Days to be held in Osorava is the largest security show in Europe. The purpose of this event is to introduce various resources and technologies.
Brazil Airlines Parade
September 7, 2023 23: 00z
On September 7, the Independence of Brazil is celebrated, and a large military parade is held every year in all Brazil's capital. In Brazilia, the capital of Brazil, a larg e-scale aviation parade is held. In Ivao, this military parade is held every year. This year, we plan to hold an important and great military parade in the symbolic sky of Brazilia, the capital of Brazil. we
MSAW2023 Operation
GCC area section
03 September, 2023 16: 30Z
Sigary QRA tracking
Operation "MSAW" 2023 Uniform Special Design Special Design Virtual Event September 3, "16: 30Z" (Sunday) Type: Formation, QRA, Inter Second. Introduction GCC MDC Region is the United Kingdom, Burlain, Oman, Catal, Kuwait, requires the knowledge of CAOs, and the missions of the A l-Ain International Airport.
Bread Strategic Forum
August 27, 2023 18: 00z
The IVAO Slovenian Division will participate in the 4th International Special Business Event as your representative. This event is based on a single flight event in LJLJ from various countries in Europe on August 27, 2023. In Slovenia, the leaders and representatives of each country will be transported between 1800Z and 2000Z, and Japan will hold important events. The special operation event will be executed in parallel with the actual bread strategic forum event held every year in Bread. There are many important people.
Royal International Air Tatou Fairford Air Show
British / Ireland MCD category
August 19, 2023 12:00 Z
Every year, the world's largest military air show is held in the British Fairford Air Force, where private aircraft and military aircraft perform their skills over the glosser shire.
The British and Ireland Special Strategy Department will invite you to the Royal International Air Tattoo Fairford Air Show. Exhibit your own aircraft, form a formation, or park on a static display to enjoy the performance all day. all.
The host department of this event is Argentina (AR). Pilots are invited to participate in the Air-to-Air Refueling (AAR) exercise between SAR 7 CACHARI and SAR 11 SAZT and SAZB.
09 JULY 2023 19:00 Z
VIP, Escort, QRA, Receive, AAR
Day CAS, European Tactical Airlift Training
The Argentine Independence Declaration, signed on July 9, 1816, has declared separation from Spain's rule. The declaration declared the Autometric people's autonomy and outlined the principles of freedom, equality, and justice. The declaration emphasized the desire for unification of Argentina.
Air Parade Bifa 23
Participate in exciting search and rescue missions at TTZP FIR and provide important support to wrinkles and crew members. This event is for training pilots and marine rescue squads, assuming an actual emergency.
The "DIFAS23 Air Parade" is a on e-day training that departs and arrives at Malaga Air Base (LEMG) and Almilla Air Base (LEGA) and performs an aviation parade over Motryl.
In Spain, on the last weekend of May every year, the troops are randomed over the cities, which are randomly selected, and celebrates the military day. The event is mainly composed of Spanish Air Force and Almada airplanes, requiring excellent formula flight technology.
Operation First Century
May 21, 2023 16:00 Z
2023 is a special commemorative year for Italian Air Force. Celebrate the parade in the center of the country, over Popolo Square in Rome!
Depart from Platica di Mare, go to Piazza Del Popolo, fly a short distance and return to the base. You can participate by single machine or formation. The aircraft may be either fighter, practice machine, transport aircraft, or helicopter.
Holy Light 2023
April 15, 2023 13:00 Z
Because of the circumstances, the operation needs to be unexpected and as mysterious as possible.
Traditional Greek Orthodox Church works with Helenic Air Force (HAF) to provide sacred lights from sacred sites to Athens, Greek capital. This is a special VIP flight operated by HAF on the Holy Saturday of the Greek Orthodox Resurrection Festival. With the sacred VIP flight of the Holy Light, he enters the Greek Federal Aviation Bureau and then lands at the Athens International Airport "Eleph Terrios Venizeeros" (LGAV).
March 12, 2023 16:00 Z
"Repostaje AГ©reo is a on e-day training, and a runway Mil navigation for ai r-t o-air refueling between Moron/NS Rota Air Force Base and LED169."
On March 12, 2023, it will be held from 16:00 to 18:00z. It is held from Seville International Airport as an exercise between the Air Force bases.
All participants must register and receive the tak e-off time (CTOT).
WT23 launch party
British / Ireland MCD category
Helicopter low altitude flight
IVAO Special Operations will announce the release of the Special Operations World Tour 2023. The release date will be matched to the launch party event on February 25, 2023.
The launch party departs from Capitan Colveta CA Curbero International Airport (SULS/PDP) and reflects the leg 1, a VIP EXFIL mission that arrives at Cascal International/General C L Verisso Airport (SUMU/MVD).
Mission 1-VIP EXFIL Mission
After the sorted situation
Wales lo w-level strategy
Britain and Ireland MCD club
January 28, 2023 14:00 Z
Low altitude regular flight
Britain is famous for various LFA (low altitude flight area), but the most famous is Wales' LFA7. MCD UK and IRELAND will bring you to this famous area. Three different routes are available and can be used for all types of aircraft. In this event, everyone can enjoy the same route multiple times at the discretion of the pilot while raising the difficulty level.
The IVAO's Special Operation Department will introduce the 6th day of 2024.
These airfields are open from 1700UTC to 1900UTC.
UNIFORCE SOGВ® IVAO SPECIAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES ** Drop Shipping ** We will make your drop.
INTRODUCTION GCC MDC REGION is Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait so we cover all fir trees. CAO knowledge, low flying, formation flying, take off and landing are required to carry out this mission. The mission will start from Yas Island (OMBY) and end with a descent into sector AS01 at Fujairah International Airport (OMFJ) para-12 hours.
Griffon 2022
19 Nov 2022 14:30Z
Welcome to the Griffon 2022 SAR exercise!
A military transport plane flying low south of Sicily has issued a mayday due to a serious problem. Since the last report, there has been no further communication about their location and status. MRCC has launched an operation to organize a SAR mission on the ground to find the aircraft and rescue the crew.
In Memory of S42 Ala San Juan
15 November, 2022 20:00Z
Air Parade, Formation of Missing Persons
On November 15, 2017, the submarine Ala San Juan disappeared in the Argentine Sea with 44 people on board (43 men and 1 woman). The Argentine Navy lost contact as the submarine moved from Ushuaia to Mar del Plata. 18 countries cooperated in the search and rescue (SAR) operation for 15 days, but without success. This year marks the 5th anniversary of her last voyage.
Through this event, we would like to pay tribute to the sailors and express our condolences.
06 November 2022 12:00Z
The Special Operations of the Greek Branch invites you to the SOUDA MISSION FOX event, which will coincide with the live flight events at Chania (LGSA) and Heraklion (LGIR) airports, held simultaneously on 6 November 2022. For tactics and maneuvers at the airport, LGD96 after the VFR route, and landing at LGSA. Flight Plan
23 October 2022 23:00Z
Military Airlift Bridge
The day of the aviator day is a day to celebrate a professional to pilow airplanes, regardless of the private sector, transport aircraft, or private use. People who fly in the sky by airplane, one of the greatest inventions in the 20th century, like Santos Dumon, called the Father of Aviation. On October 23, 1906, Brazilian Albert Santos Dumon flew in the sky for the first time! Dumon flew to Campo Bagatel in Fran, with his invention, over 14 screws.
2022 Spanish Standing Memorial Day
ALA 23 Virtual Sog
October 12, 2022 10: 00z
Virtual Wing 23 is planning a special event to fly to Madrid, the capital of Spain, and to commemorate the National Day to fly lo w-altitude flights through Paseo de la Castellina. As usual, Wing 23 will participate in Madrid's National Day, and a military parade will be held along Paseo de la Castellana. We depart from the designated Air Force base and build a navigation flight to the holding point where there is a controller.
NATO Virtual Day 2022
Czech Republic
October 02, 2022 15: 30Z
The Ivao Czech category will hold the third event that combines fl y-in and virtual air show based on the Real Days Days Show. The event will be held at Leos Yanachek Ostrava Airport.
This event is a combination of fl y-in Oustrava and air show. You will be a screen pilot that represents your country and show off aircraft skills.
Oustrava's NATO Days is the largest safety show in Europe. The purpose of this event is to introduce a wide range of resources and TH.
Operating thunder
GCC area department
04 September, 2022 11: 00z
** Mission Thunder
We are proud to use Thunder.
What is the mission?
1) Fighter starts from OMFJ and rendezvous with AAR machine.
The fighter leaves AAR to meet this VIP machine.
2) At one point, all fighters escort the VIP to OBKH.
The MDC GCC area is the United States, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and Kuwait, and Mil covers the entire GCC. In order to carry out this mission, CAO's knowledge, low altitude flight, H.
Bread Strategic Forum
August 28, 2022 18: 00z
We are proud to represent the third international special operation event in the Ivao Slovenian category. The whole event is based on a simple fl y-in event in LjLJ in various countries in Europe on August 28, 2022. In order for Japan to host important events, the leaders of transport countries and their representatives will participate between 1800Z and 2000Z. The special operation events are being executed in parallel with the actual bread strategic forum event hosted by BLED. Many different important
La Senda del Gigante
17 JULY, 2022 13: 00z
La Senda de Los Gigantes (La Senda de Los Gigantes) is a junior, from the Spanish Air Force pilot to a pilot of the 14th Air Corps (Alba Cent) This is a truck to do when you start your career.
In this flight, we want to evaluate the work from joining the junior to becoming a stat e-o f-th e-art fighter pilot. As a special OP, I would like to make an event with gratitude.
Virtualoop Extreme Mach
ALA23 Virtual Sog
June 11, 2022 14: 30Z
Low altitude flight
The host department of this event is Argentina (AR). Pilots are invited to participate in the Air-to-Air Refueling (AAR) exercise between SAR 7 CACHARI and SAR 11 SAZT and SAZB.
In order to carry out this mission, you need knowledge of CAO, low altitude flight, exploitation, and violation.
Wings India Virtual 2022
Indian Air Force Virtual Sog
05 JUNE, 2022 11: 00z
Indian Air Force Virtual and IVAO India are satisfied with inviting you to Wings-Indian-Virtual 2022, which will be held on June 5, 2022 from very 1000Z. The Indian Civil Aviation Show is a besdated air show held in Heidelabad and India at BEGUMPET Airport. It was held from October 15 to 18, 2008. Begunpet Airport has been closed for normal commercial operation, and has been used only for private aircraft, defense aircraft and VIP machines since the new radio Gandy International Airport.
Tiger Meets 2022
May 28, 2022 14: 00z
Helenic Division, Special Operations and Hafv will hold Tiger Meet.
It will be held on May 28, 2022.
Tiger "History of the squadron
335 Squadron is the oldest Greek squadron, established in October 1941 at Akhil Airfield in Palestine, due to the German-Italian occupation of Greece during the Second World War. Greek pilots from the Royal Air Force were the first to leave Greece and train in the Royal Air Force.
The squadron was equipped with FIR Hurricane IIB/IIC.
Pichincha Bicentennial
21 May 2022 20:00Z
VIP Transport, Air Patrol, Escort
In 1792, a new newspaper speaks of "revolution" and "freedom". A few years later, Quito proclaimed its freedom from Spain, but in 1822, at the Pichincha volcano in Venezuela, Simon Bolivar and Antonio JosГ© de Sucre (Mariscal Sucre) offered the ideas of revolution, freedom and democracy, which received their greatest expression. To this day, Ecuador is a democratic and free modern republic. For this reason, the Ibao EC Specops Division would like to honor these 200 heroic acts and pay tribute to all.
Holy Light
April 23, 2022 13:00Z
Holy Light 2022 Event The Hellenistic Directorate/Special Operations Division will again hold the Transfer of Holy Light from the Holy Land to Athens event this year. Traditionally, the Greek Orthodox Church, in cooperation with the Hellenic Air Force (HAF), conducts the Transfer of Holy Light from the Holy Land to the Greek capital of Athens during the Orthodox Easter. A formation of fighter aircraft will accompany the VIP flight of Holy Light after entering i.
Evacuation of the Soroush Platform
April 7, 2022 14:00
One of the Iranian oil fields in Bushehr Province, Persian Gulf, 83 km southwest of Kharg Island. The rig is 110 km away from the Baregan region. From the Baregan region. The approximate area of ​​the rig is about 260 square kilometers, and among the major oil fields in the Persian Gulf, the first place has more than 15 billion barrels of crude oil. A distress signal was received from the Sorosh oil field, which said that the fault is part of the Maruf system.
Operation Carpathia Rescue
February 25, 2022 17:00Z
The Ivao Ukrainian Special Operations Department is inviting people to participate in the international event "Operation Carpathia Rescue", which will be held on February 25 from 17:00 to 19:30 (UTC).
According to the legend, several large teams of scientists with dangerous equipment and vehicles, who were searching in the mountains of the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains, lost communication and did not return to their camp at the appointed time. Search and rescue ground teams were immediately moved to the location.
Actual activity Aviano Air Base
11 December 2021 19:30 Z
The purpose of the event is to simulate a "normal" operational day.
Aviano Air Base is a military airfield in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region in northeastern Italy. It is located in the municipality of Aviano, approximately 15 kilometers (9. 3 miles) from the town of Pordenone.
The Italian Air Force owns, manages and administers the base. The base hosts the 31st Fighter Wing of the United States Air Force.
The 31st Fighter Wing is the only unit of the United States Air Force that is attached to the Italian Air Force.
Operation Crowded Skies 21
04 December 2021 18:00 Z
The Special Operations Command invites you to "Operation Crowded Skies", part of the network-wide event "Crowded Skies". This year we invite the SO community to bring SO aircraft to the UK at RAF Coningsby (EGXC) or RAF Waddington (EGWX). The network is looking to break records this year and we want the SO community to join us. Therefore, we ask that you fly at least one of the airfields, departing or arriving at it, during peak hours. Both airports will be open from 1800z-2000z.
Ecuadorian Air Force FAE 101st Anniversary Celebration
30 October 2021 20:00 Z
Airshow, Formation Flying
On October 27, 1920, Ecuadorian President Dr. JosГ© Luis Tamayo founded two military aviation schools in Ecuador. And so, today, the Ecuadorian Air Force (FAE) was born. Every year, the FAE holds a ceremony at the Mariscal Sucre Air Base, at the old Mariscal Sucre Airport (SEQU), inviting the President, Vice President, Minister of Defense and other military officials. This airport was closed in 2013 and became the New Mariscal Sucre Airport (SEQM), and the old airport was developed into a park. Every year on October 27, the FAE holds an air show at Q.
Aviation Day
23 October 2021 18:00 Z
Low-altitude flight
Low-altitude flight from TaubatГ© (helicopters) and SГЈo Pedro da Aldeia (fighters and transports) to Pirassununga base.
Pilots can also perform fighter escort flights.
This day celebrates professional aviators, whether they are pilots of airplanes, helicopters or any aircraft that flies around the world. They are the ones who take to the skies and take passengers to their destinations, like Santos Dumont, the "father of aviation."
PON XX 2021
October 22, 2021 12:00 Z
Flypast, formation flying, patrol, parajumping
Papua is a state located in the eastern part of Indonesia, right next to Papua New Guinea. Currently, some cities in Papua have PON (PEKAN OLAHRAGA NASIONAL / National Sports Week), one of which is JayaPura. Papua has beautiful terrain surrounded by mountains.
PON (PEKAN OLAHRAGA NASIONAL) is the main national sports event held in Papua this year. Initially, it was scheduled to be held in 2020, but it was posha.
IVAO Thailand aerry 2021
October 15, 2021 11:00 Z
The IVAO Thailand Special Strategy Department will call on the airlory to be held on October 15 11: 00-15: 00 (UTC).
"What is air rally? Aerialary is a race event that takes place from one point. Go to another point. The goal is to reach the destination as fast as possible, just like a real aerry, but it is ours. The first pilot flies to the handpiece in terms of two feet.
Frein commemorating the 60th anniversary of Frecce Tricolori
2021 September 28, 2021 18:30 Z
Flyin, flying demonstration
I was invited by the Italian Air Force to the "Fletche Tricolori 60th Anniversary Air Show". Fret Toricoroli (Italian sound: [Л€frettКѓ trikoЛ€lo-ri]) is an Italian Air Force's music flying team. Based on a rivold base in Udine Prefecture, it was founded on March 1, 1961 as a permanent team for air stunt training on the Air Pilot. Frecce Tricolori has replaced unofficially.
NATO Days Ostrava
Czech branch
19 September 2021 15:30 Z
Flight with the audience on Fly-in and show your flight to the audience as a solo pilot or team.
Following the success of last year, we are preparing an event at NATO2021 Virtual Days. Two events will be held at the same time. Fly-In OSTRAVA and IConic Airshow.
NATO DAYS IN OSTRAVA is the largest security exhibition in Europe. The purpose of this event is to introduce a wide range of resources and possibilities.
2021 Brazil Independence Day
2021 September 7, 2021 22:00 Z
Low pass, flying display, formula flight
Independence Day is a Brazilian official holiday and is celebrated on September 7. It is Brazil's founding anniversary. In Portuguese, it is called "DIA DA Indeptembro" (September 7) or "DIA DA PГЎtria" (National Day).
On September 7, 1822, independence from Portugal was proclaimed by Pedro di AlcГЎntara, the 23-year-old son of the Portuguese King.
Brazil became a colossus.
Bled Strategic Forum and EU Presidency Fly-in
31 August 2021 18:00 Z
IVAO Slovenia Branch is pleased to announce the second international special business event. The whole event is based on a simple fly-in event from European countries to Ljubljana (LJLJ) on August 31, 2021. In Slovenia, between 1800z and 2000z, we will transport the heads of state and their delegations. The special operations event will run parallel to the actual Bled Strategic Forum event, which takes place annually in Bled. Many different and important things.
Falcon Return
29 August 2021 09:00 Z
Intermediate Air Refueling
After a decade of lethargy, the 101 Squadron (Falcons of Chamb) has returned to Hasimara Air Base (VE44) with the arrival of French Dassault Rafale fighter jets. After completing the handover flight from MГ©rignac to Ambala, the aircraft is serviced and the crew is fed and rested to complete the next leg of the journey to Hasimara. On the way, the pilots have to practice refueling in the air to get into the rhythm with the new jets.
To answer this request, the 78th Squadron (Baro.
Ecuador, Mission Duyuma Launch Event
15 August 2021 20:00 Z
SAR, Low Altitude Races, Team Flights
IVAO Ecuadorian SO Section is proud to invite you to the first SO event in our history.
If you are leaving or arriving at ГЋle d'Eu, avoid the Rochebonne Plateau by a large margin. For the sea is rough for a considerable distance around the Rochebonne plateau.
The Ecuadorian Army has been conducting some training in the heart of the Ecuadorian jungle and decided to use it at the "El Coca" base. The missions are:
Chornobyl Firefighting Operation
13 August 2021 16:30 Z
IVAO Ukrainian Special Operations Department will launch the first SO event in our history on August 13, Call to participate in the Chernobyl firefighting operation, which will take place from 16:30 to 19:00 (UTC).
According to legend, due to a hot and dry summer, a fire broke out in the forests in the area of ​​​​the Chernobyl Sanctuary and the Desna military training ground, located on the right bank of the Kiev Reservoir. For this reason, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defense organized a medium-sized firefighting brigade.
Operation Ironheart
17 July 2021 14:30 Z
Thus, the 201 Air Corps and the 301 Squadron play an important role in protecting the land from external and / or internal threats. With this in mind, Operation "Iron Heart" is characterized by monitoring and confirming the situation in which fighters are quick and effectively intervened and other aircraft are in the airspace. гЂ‚ This monitoring mission is performed based on no n-violations.
Flying in the sky over Atakama Desert
May 22, 2021 19: 00z
Welcome to the Formation Flight to be held for the first time in Chile's Atakama Desert. Our mission is to carry out jet fighters and helicopters on the sky over the coast of Ikike and Ant fagasta to identify Chile's north coast and Atakama desert at a special event. This short event aims to ensure the view of Anto Fagasta International Airport by flying lo w-altitude flights by JF and Helis groups.
JF: F16, F22, etc. Helicopter: All.
British / Ireland MCD category
02 May, 2021 09: 30Z
Training, mass arrival
Ivao Spain is a celebration
We celebrate 7 million hours of users at a military flight event that drives Molong Air Force Base Military Commander to the last minute.
The Moron base is a joint base of the U. S. Air Force, the U. S. Marine Corps, and the Spanish Air Force. It is the home of the 11th Air Corps, one of the wings of the Air Force Typhoon machine.
Therefore, we hope to arrive at Moron Air Force Base between 1100Z and 1400Z on May 2.
You can fly from the prologue.
Holy light
22 September 2024 20:00Z
The Hellenism Special Operation Headquarters, which is celebrating its 10th year, cooperating with the Hellenism Air Force (HAF), and on May 1, 2021, the traditional Greek Orthodox Church has a sacred light transport flight from sacred land to Athens, Greek capital. We will hold a sacred light event to be provided. This is a special VIP flight operated by the Helenic Air Force on the Herenic Air Force on the Greek Orthodox Resurrection Festival. The formation of the fighter will accompany the VIP flight of the sacred light after the otolaryngology department.
Suriya Kiran South India flies around
18 APRIL, 2021 10: 00z
22 September 2024 20:00Z
A total of 5 feet flights. Departs from Cochin International Airport (ICAO: VOCI) and first fly to Coin Batol while finding VOR CCB. After crossing the CCB, it does not fly either.
Suriya Kiran South India flies around
04 APRIL, 2021 18: 00z
22 September 2024 20:00Z
This year, the president and ministers of each country will hold a meeting in Bogota to deepen fellowship with the participating countries. For this reason, you plan to fly to Bogota, Colombia, with your own president and ministers.
Eldorado Airport is recognized as one of the most important airports in Latin America and deals with large amounts of military and private traffic every day.
Get off at.
Transparent water
27 March, 2021 15: 30Z
The main purpose of this event is to perform complex simulation of the melee air support mission.
Be prepared to control the jet machine through a series of tasks and briefing that leads the final attack on the target. The event contains a realistic scenario, and two different strategy areas (western Sardinha Island and Eastern) are assigned to the event.
After takeoff, wait at checkpoint according to the command of the controller.
200th anniversary ceremony GR GR
March 21, 2021 15: 00z
On March 21 this year, the Hellenism (GR) Republic will celebrate its 200th anniversary from the start of the revolution for independence. This event is also held at the Greek Federal Aviation Bureau (FIR), focusing on the current capital of Heras (GR), and Nuff Prion, located in the southwestern Algoris region of Athens, the first capital of Heras (GR). It is.
Sanchago Airlines anniversary and 91st airfield
March 20, 2021 18: 00z
Air Parade, Low Pass, Original Flight
This year, the Chilean Air Force (FACH) celebrates its 91st anniversary. Therefore, the event consists of air parades in Santiago City, lo w-altitude passing over the Ohigins Park, and coastal flight from El Kisco to Balpariso.
Participate in the beautiful festival of Chile's capital in helicopters, cargo aircraft, and fighters, and pass the sky over the Ohigins Park in a group (flock) that was confirmed in advance.
Participation in BR
Search and rescue
14 February, 2021 20: 00z < Span> Fold of 5 feet in total. Departs from Cochin International Airport (ICAO: VOCI) and first fly to Coin Batol while finding VOR CCB. After crossing the CCB, it does not fly either.
Fly to Catam
04 APRIL, 2021 18: 00z
Airbridge, VIP, Move
This year, the president and ministers of each country will hold a meeting in Bogota to deepen fellowship with the participating countries. For this reason, you plan to fly to Bogota, Colombia, with your own president and ministers.
Eldorado Airport is recognized as one of the most important airports in Latin America and deals with large amounts of military and private traffic every day.
Get off at.
Transparent water
27 March, 2021 15: 30Z
The main purpose of this event is to perform complex simulation of the melee air support mission.
Be prepared to control the jet machine through a series of tasks and briefing that leads the final attack on the target. The event contains a realistic scenario, and two different strategy areas (western Sardinha Island and Eastern) are assigned to the event.
After takeoff, wait at checkpoint according to the command of the controller.
200th anniversary ceremony GR GR
March 21, 2021 15: 00z
Always pay attention to changes in the emphasis on forecasts and suggestions of uncertainty. If the destination is La Colua, go to Hijun, and if Hijun is the destination, go to Santa Dale.
British / Ireland MCD category
March 20, 2021 18: 00z
Every year, the world's largest military air show is held in the British Fairford Air Force, where private aircraft and military aircraft perform their skills over the glosser shire.
This year, the Chilean Air Force (FACH) celebrates its 91st anniversary. Therefore, the event consists of air parades in Santiago City, lo w-altitude passing over the Ohigins Park, and coastal flight from El Kisco to Balpariso.
Participate in the beautiful festival of Chile's capital in helicopters, cargo aircraft, and fighters, and pass the sky over the Ohigins Park in a group (flock) that was confirmed in advance.
Participation in BR
Search and rescue
14 February, 2021 20: 00z Fold with a total of 5 feet. Departs from Cochin International Airport (ICAO: VOCI) and first fly to Coin Batol while finding VOR CCB. After crossing the CCB, it does not fly either.
Fly to Catam
04 APRIL, 2021 18: 00z
Airbridge, VIP, Move
This year, the president and ministers of each country will hold a meeting in Bogota to deepen fellowship with the participating countries. For this reason, you plan to fly to Bogota, Colombia, with your own president and ministers.
Eldorado Airport is recognized as one of the most important airports in Latin America and deals with large amounts of military and private traffic every day.
Get off at.
May 28, 2022 14: 00z
Helenic Division, Special Operations and Hafv will hold Tiger Meet.
It will be held on May 28, 2022.
Tiger "History of the squadron
After takeoff, wait at checkpoint according to the command of the controller.
200th anniversary ceremony GR GR
March 21, 2021 15: 00z
On March 21 this year, the Hellenism (GR) Republic will celebrate its 200th anniversary from the start of the revolution for independence. This event is also held at the Greek Federal Aviation Bureau (FIR), focusing on the current capital of Heras (GR), and Nuff Prion, located in the southwestern Algoris region of Athens, the first capital of Heras (GR). It is.
Sanchago Airlines anniversary and 91st airfield
22 September 2024 20:00Z
Air Parade, Low Pass, Original Flight
This year, the Chilean Air Force (FACH) celebrates its 91st anniversary. Therefore, the event consists of air parades in Santiago City, lo w-altitude passing over the Ohigins Park, and coastal flight from El Kisco to Balpariso.
Participate in the beautiful festival of Chile's capital in helicopters, cargo aircraft, and fighters, and pass the sky over the Ohigins Park in a group (flock) that was confirmed in advance.
Participation in BR
Search and rescue
14 February, 2021 20: 00z
In recent hours, a ship has left the Monte Video Port on the Rio Grande River in Brazil, with four crew members and 17 passengers. One hour later, the ship could not contact the marine radar. The Urugui Navy and the Air Force have activated SAR (search and rescue). The pilot team must search for the ship and rescue passengers.
Pilot Group 1 "Airplane" ACFT: Lockheed C130, Embrael C95 (E110), CASA C212, Beach Craft BE20, Cessna.
CL Specops Presentation
February 13, 2021 18: 00z
Since Puerto Month requires drugs, the Chile Air Force (Fach) is looking for international pilots to transport and protect ship cargo. In this case, we will rely on:
-The transport aircraft (B76 7-C -13 0-B73 7-A320 Family, etc.),
-The jet fighter (F16, F22, MIG29, Rafard, etc.), and
-Tanker Pirot (KC-135, KC-130, KC-767, A330MRTT, etc.).
This is Chile's first special operation class event.
If you are leaving or arriving at ГЋle d'Eu, avoid the Rochebonne Plateau by a large margin. For the sea is rough for a considerable distance around the Rochebonne plateau.
British / Ireland MCD category
Royal rain begging
2024 August 03, 03:15 Z
The British Air Force Volleyball Base (RAF Valley) is one of the busiest military airfields in the UK, where early and advanced evacuation drills are being conducted here. In addition, RAF Valley regularly accepts RAF and the Allied Air Force visitors from its location. For this reason, various types of missions that depart and arrive at RAF Valley are performed. Here, I would like to introduce the types of missions performed in RAF Valley.
In this way, the UK and IR.
White wall 2021
January 23, 2021 15: 30Z
Par and navigation
Eldorado Airport is recognized as one of the most important airports in Latin America and deals with large amounts of military and private traffic every day.
The main purpose of this event is to conduct a PAR approach and a low altitude or instrument navigation training.
This is the first time that this approach is used in international events.
Mission Content s-Take off from Lipa Aviano A B-Follow the route in accordance with the instructions of TWR/App s-Navigation training (low or organic) -persfo.
The 50th anniversary of F5 arrived at Tarabella La Real
If you are leaving or arriving at ГЋle d'Eu, avoid the Rochebonne Plateau by a large margin. For the sea is rough for a considerable distance around the Rochebonne plateau.
January 16, 2021 15: 30Z
October 13, 2024 (Sun) 12: 00z
Airbridge, replenishment, ai r-t o-air supply
So, the start of the world tour launch party
Search and rescue
IVAO Special Operations will announce the launch of the World Operations World Tour 2021. The launch party reflects the WT leg 1, a mission that departs from RAAF Tindal (YPTN) in northern Australia.
Mission 001 is a training flight from RAAF Tindal (YPTN) to RAAF Tindal (YPTN), and returns after dry shooting at Delamia Aviation Weapon Exercise (YDWF).
In Memory of S42 Ala San Juan
Belux district
December 11, 2020 18: 00z
In December 2020, the EU Summit will be held in Brussels. For this important meeting, the leaders of the European Union (EU) members meet together. Take your wings and safely take the leads to the European capital! Please choose one or more flights from the list below. You can use a flight bound for Brussels (arrived between 18:00 and 21:00 pm on December 9) or Brussels (departure between December 11th and 21:00). If you are on board at least one day, 1 point of Jet Fighter AWA will be added.
Arrival, the EU Summit
Belux district
December 09, 2020 18: 00z
In December 2020, the EU Summit will be held in Brussels. For this important meeting, leaders gather from each EU country. Take the leader safely to the European capital! Please choose one or more flights from the list below. You can use a flight bound for Brussels (arrived between 18:00 and 21:00 pm on December 9) or Brussels (departure between December 11th and 21:00). For at least a day or more, one point will be added to the Jet Fighter AWA.
Green Light Exercise
Belux district section
December 02, 2020 18: 30Z
Ivao Belux invites you to practice tactical helicopter flight using NVG.
Major principle
-Bet on a helicopter with a single or c o-pilot.
-A participate in the exercise briefing at the beginning of the event (on Discord).
-The mission commander is a list of targets you should find.
-You are preparing for your flight alone or with your colleagues.
-Arst the training area to find as many targets as possible.
Airbridge SKBQ and SKCC
November 29, 2020 18: 00z
The IVAO Colombia and the Special Operation Department will be accompanied by the airbridge shift between Balanky Jacolombia Airport (SKCC), which is called one of the most dangerous airports on November 29, next Sunday, on November 29. Masu. Since ATC covers the entire process, our flights become more realistic and can experience military procedures in other prefectures.
Fuel supply over the Canary Islands
28 November, 2020 15: 00z
ARR, formula flight,
This is an air-to-air supply oil event in the GCD-20B restriction area. The day of the event is November 28, 2020. It is required to work between 1500Z and 1900z according to ATP56. Up to 10 slots on each tanker, up to 2 receivers for each slot. 1505Z Update before transmission
In order to simulate such exercises, a beautiful area to fly can fly through the Canary Islands under the control of the military during the exercise, and you can enjoy the magnificence.
Part 2, Eastern Shield Part 2 East Asia MCD Indonesian Division
East Asian branch
November 15, 2020 11: 00z
Transport, logistic, helicopter operation
"Eastern Shield" is an integrated exercise of the XR MCD, XE MCD, and ID Division, and will be held in November in November.
The first part will be held from 12:00 to 16:00 (UTC) on the 8th. Part 2 is 11-14utc on November 15. In the second part, there is a fron t-line camp for warship units that have moved to the south WA, which will provide the Philippine army.
Part 1, Eastern Shield
Ivao Eastern Europe / North Asia MCD
2020/11/08 12: 00z
AG, Maritime Patrol, AAR, Cap, Logistic < SPAN> - Your mission commander is a list of targets you should find.
-You are preparing for your flight alone or with your colleagues.
-Arst the training area to find as many targets as possible.
Airbridge SKBQ and SKCC
November 29, 2020 18: 00z
The IVAO Colombia and the Special Operation Department will be accompanied by the airbridge shift between Balanky Jacolombia Airport (SKCC), which is called one of the most dangerous airports on November 29, next Sunday, on November 29. Masu. Since ATC covers the entire process, our flights become more realistic and can experience military procedures in other prefectures.
Fuel supply over the Canary Islands
28 November, 2020 15: 00z
ARR, formula flight,
This is an air-to-air supply oil event in the GCD-20B restriction area. The day of the event is November 28, 2020. It is required to work between 1500Z and 1900z according to ATP56. Up to 10 slots on each tanker, up to 2 receivers for each slot. 1505Z Update before transmission
In order to simulate such exercises, a beautiful area to fly can fly through the Canary Islands under the control of the military during the exercise, and you can enjoy the magnificence.
Part 2, Eastern Shield Part 2 East Asia MCD Indonesian Division
East Asian branch
November 15, 2020 11: 00z
The first part will be held from 12:00 to 16:00 (UTC) on the 8th. Part 2 is 11-14utc on November 15. In the second part, there is a fron t-line camp for warship units that have moved to the south WA, which will provide the Philippine army.
"Eastern Shield" is an integrated exercise of the XR MCD, XE MCD, and ID Division, and will be held in November in November.
The first part will be held from 12:00 to 16:00 (UTC) on the 8th. Part 2 is 11-14utc on November 15. In the second part, there is a fron t-line camp for warship units that have moved to the south WA, which will provide the Philippine army.
Part 1, Eastern Shield
Ivao Eastern Europe / North Asia MCD
2020/11/08 12: 00z
Eldorado Airport is recognized as one of the most important airports in Latin America and deals with large amounts of military and private traffic every day.
-You are preparing for your flight alone or with your colleagues.
-Arst the training area to find as many targets as possible.
Airbridge SKBQ and SKCC
November 29, 2020 18: 00z
The IVAO Colombia and the Special Operation Department will be accompanied by the airbridge shift between Balanky Jacolombia Airport (SKCC), which is called one of the most dangerous airports on November 29, next Sunday, on November 29. Masu. Since ATC covers the entire process, our flights become more realistic and can experience military procedures in other prefectures.
If you are leaving or arriving at ГЋle d'Eu, avoid the Rochebonne Plateau by a large margin. For the sea is rough for a considerable distance around the Rochebonne plateau.
28 November, 2020 15: 00z
ARR, formula flight,
This is an air-to-air supply oil event in the GCD-20B restriction area. The day of the event is November 28, 2020. It is required to work between 1500Z and 1900z according to ATP56. Up to 10 slots on each tanker, up to 2 receivers for each slot. 1505Z Update before transmission
If you are leaving or arriving at ГЋle d'Eu, avoid the Rochebonne Plateau by a large margin. For the sea is rough for a considerable distance around the Rochebonne plateau.
Part 2, Eastern Shield Part 2 East Asia MCD Indonesian Division
East Asian branch
November 15, 2020 11: 00z
Always pay attention to changes in the emphasis on forecasts and suggestions of uncertainty. If the destination is La Colua, go to Hijun, and if Hijun is the destination, go to Santa Dale.
British / Ireland MCD category
The first part will be held from 12:00 to 16:00 (UTC) on the 8th. Part 2 is 11-14utc on November 15. In the second part, there is a fron t-line camp for warship units that have moved to the south WA, which will provide the Philippine army.
Part 1, Eastern Shield
Ivao Eastern Europe / North Asia MCD
2020/11/08 12: 00z
AG, Maritime Patrol, AAR, Cap, Logistic
"Eastern Shield" is a joint exercise in three sections: XR MCD, XE MCD, and ID section, and will be held in November in November. The first part will be held from 12:00 to 16:00 (UTC) on November 8. Part 2 will be held on November 15. Legends have shown a group of militar y-ized naval ships, controlling strategically and economically necessary naval areas, and began to take production from merchants, fisheries, and coastal areas. Participants must respond quickly.
White Shake 2020
2020/10/31 15:30 Z
Try the skills of "Rendezvous Fock Strot" where tankers and receivers take off together from the same airport and practice AAR while practicing AAR to their destinations.
22 September 2024 20:00Z
This is a unique opportunity to experience many procedures and technologies used by the platoon while dispatching.
Spanish State anniversary
Ara 23 Virtual SOG
24 October 24, 2020 14:30 Z
Virtual Wing 23 is planning a special event to fly to Madrid, Spain, and to fly Paseo de la Castellana to commemorate the National Day. As usual, Wing 23 will participate in Madrid's National Day, and a military parade will be held along Paseo de la Castellana. Depart from the specified Air Force base, and make a navigation flight to the specified hold point with control.
Operation Garuda
September 20, 2020 08:30 Z
IVAO India calls for the coming "Operation Garuda-Aviation Guard Mission". In the capital of Ladakk, the military equipment is urgently needed. However, due to the bad weather that caused multiple landslides, all the support roads to Le were blocked. Your mission is to escort the Boeing P-8i Poseidon, a necessity and a confidential military equipment, from New Delhi's Parum Air Force Base (ICAO: VIDP) to the Ray Air Force Base.
William Town Frein
Ocean Regional General Bureau
September 19, 2020 09:00 Z
Flight VVIP, military cargo, flight training, VVIP flight
William Town RAAF Base William Town was founded on February 15, 1941 as a base for fighters. After World War II, William Town became the headquarters of the RAAF tactics unit in Australia.
Participating pilots can fly to RAF Williamtown from any airport. Flights include VIP flights, fighter flights, military and humanitarian cargo flights, and medical flights. For local flights, the flight will take the form of flight training using training aircraft.
Brazil Independence Day 2020
September 7, 2020 22:00 Z
Low passes, flight displays, formation flying
Eldorado Airport is recognized as one of the most important airports in Latin America and deals with large amounts of military and private traffic every day.
On September 7, 1822, independence from Portugal was declared by Pedro di AlcГЎntara, the 23-year-old son of the King of Portugal.
Brazil became a colossus.
30 August 2020 13:00 Z
IVAO Indonesia will hold an event by the Special Operations Division of IVAO Indonesia "OPERATION LASA" to commemorate the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. Every year, there is a constant stream of illegal planes crossing the Indonesian sky. Usually, they fly without permission. The Air Force always intercepts these aircraft and makes emergency landings or forced landings.
In this operation, participants will perform a CAP in Indonesian airspace. You are us.
1st Frank Flippo Memorial Air Show
Beru Regional Directorate
29 August 2020 12:00 Z
Air Show, Flying Display
We invite you to the Tribute Air Show on August 29 in Koksaide. This year's air show is dedicated to Mr. Frank Flippo and we have added one more tribute day to make it an event for all members. Frank Flippo was the former Special Operations Coordinator for our section and passed away this year.
Not only was he the second most active member in IVAO history, but he was also an Air Force pilot of various types, including Sikorsky helicopters and F-104 Starfleet.
23 BLT and 32 BLT August Wings
August 22, 2020 15:00 Z
Air refueling, air escort, formation flying
"August Wings" is a (virtual) flight day in the Polish Air Force. Practice and pilots such as formula flight, aerial refueling, aviation escort, etc. EPMM MiЕ„SK MAZOWIECKI and EPLK Е‚ Ok are used. There are also two aircraft, 23BLT (Minsk Mazovietki tactical Air Force Base) and 32BLT (Wasque Tactical Air Force Base). The 23BLT pilot takes off from the EPMM, and the 32BLT pilot take off from the EPLK. The first takeoff is held at 15:00utc.
Grunja Operation
August 8, 2020 13:00 Z
Tactical air transport, lifesaving emergency, parachute descent
The Portugal branch calls for participation in the Operation Granja at Lisboa Fir.
The purpose of this scenario is to simulate the tactical base during a military dispute in which the army is required and the injured is generated, so two types of maintaining our units with complete strategy. Please carry out your mission:
Medical rescue / tactical airload or parachute descent. The tactical base has only one no n-maintenance runway with strict demands.
Fairford Aviation Show
MCD British / Ireland Branch
In Memory of S42 Ala San Juan
Every year, the world's largest military air show is held by the British Fairford Air Force, where private aircraft and military aircraft show their skills over the glosser shire.
Therefore, the British Ireland Special Division wants to invite everyone to the Fairford Air Show. Exhibit your own aircraft, form a formation, or park on a static display to enjoy the show all day. We welcome all aircraft, so please come.
independence day
July 5, 2020 15:00 Z
Air Parade, Air Show
Avoid the Karacus Process monument and celebrate Venezuela's Independence Day. A military jet departs from the nearby El Libertador Air Force Base (SVBL) and flees over Calacas. This parade has been a lon g-standing tradition that has been entertained for decades on fields and television for decades. This is considered to be the most wonderful part of the standard military parade every year. Departs from El Libertador Air Force Base (SVBL) and participates in the formula.
Baikal Operation
IVAO MCD Eastern Europe / North Asia
27 JUNE 2020 12:00 Z
The XR Special Operation Department will invite everyone to the International Special Operation Event "Operation Bikal" to be held on June 27 (UTC).
A report has entered the Russian Emergency Bureau that a forest fire broke out near the Ilkutsk region of Crete, Aragui, and Jeranzy. According to local residents, the fire occurred due to the wind blowing from the west. The fire is progressing rapidly and it is difficult.
Blackdog exercise
British / Irish MCD Club
17 May 12, 2020 12:00 Z
Quick response alerts (QRA) are the immediate attitude of many aircraft around the world, and can respond to any potential air threats within the range of responsibilities. However, at the current aviation security level, QRA pilots are usually trying to find unresponsive aircraft and dangerous aircraft. The UK is currently operating two QRA bases: the Koning Suby Air Force Base in the southern part and the Rossy Mouse Air Force base in the northern part.
Britain and Ireland, special operations.
Operation Dusk Waker
East Asian Regional General Bureau
May 16, 2020 12:00 Z
The first special operation event that the East Asian district will deliver with confidence! In the first mission, we prepared an exciting scenario. Participate in the Hong Kong special administrative district organization HKGFS and go on a rescue trip! Discer the helicopter and perform efficiently and safely missions in the darkness of the South China Sea. Rescue passengers from the sea and send them to a safe place as soon as possible. You will experience the satisfaction and sun in the SAR mission.
Holy light
April 18, 2020 11:30 Z
The Helenism Special Operation Division will also plan a sacred light transfer from Jerusalem to Athens this year.
In the east of Greek Orthodox, it has been a lon g-standing tradition to carry the holy light from the sacred place to Athens by Hellenism Air Force VIP Special (HAF).
Script April 18, 2020 VIP flight from LLBG at 12:00 noon. Fighters take off toward the operation area to secure and escort the VIP flight to.
Valem evacuation
March 22, 2020 12:00 Z
The IVAO Indonesian Special Operation will hold a humanitarian support mission this year as part of the 2020 program. This mission provides basic needs from Wamena to JayaPura, pharmaceuticals, doctors, volunteers, and necessary evacuation.
This mission focuses on Sentani Airport, Wajj and Wamena Airport (WAVV). According to a report from the Shirasu Papare Air Force Base (Sentani, Wajj), 13., 000 citizens are hoping to evacuate from Wamena. Evacuate.
Weekend exercise
March 3, 2020 18:00 g
On behalf of the Slovakia branch, we will invite a special operation event called SK exercise. You can choose from two tasks in this mission:
1. Paradlop 2. Combat Air Patrol
Paradlop's pilot take off Malacky (LZMC) and head to the descent near Sriac with the unit. Combat Air Patrol take off from Sriac (LZSL) and support the strategy. The patrol route has an option to change the task of returning to TH by escorting a transport aircraft.
Griffon 2020
23 February 2020 15:30 Z
Welcome to Gryphon 2020 SAR exercise! The purpose of this event is to perform "joint" training with various helicopters and aircraft assets and achieve good performance between different "SAR institutions", and we want to have fun!
Missions can be selected from 3 types:
-Logistic transport (helicopter) ;;.
-A distribution transport (cargo).
Logistics (Logistic s-Logistic s-Logistic s-Logistic s-Logistic s-Logistic s-Logistic s-Logistic s-Logistic s-Logistics Logistic s-Logistic s-Logistic s-Logistic s-Logistic s-Logistics
January 26, 2020 19:00 Z
AVILA AIRBRIDGE January 26, 2020 Sunday 19:00-22:00 UTC
This training is an airload for airlifting distribution staff. Tactical approaches and takeoff are required at the terrain with a height difference and sometimes severe weather conditions.
British / Ireland MCD category
The event starts from Josepha Kamejo Airport (SVJC), and participants must establish air transport to Gen.
Jogya Frein
December 22, 2019 12:00 Z
The area around the Adistiputt Air Force Base (Wahh), known as Jogja, is suitable for military air training. Future Air Force Pilots will be trained here to challenge both mountainous and sea. The airport also functions as a private flying airport. In other words, domestic and international flights also use this airport on a daily basis to share the airspace with military aircraft.
Adistipt (Wahh) was selected as an IVAO fl y-in event, honoring his achievements.
Operation development
Skyguard Indonesia SOG
December 16, 2019 13:00 Z
Skyguard Indonesia is a team working in Wolrd special operations. On December 16, 2016, SGI was officially accepted as a member of the special operational team led by I D-SOD. Skyguard Indonesia has been in the third year of Ivao Indonesia, especially in the special operation field. Skai Gard Indonesia is still a young organization, but the development of Skygard, which has been seen in the last three years, indicates the existence of Sky Gard Indonesia.
Operation Full Sky XV
December 07, 2019 18: 00zThe headquarters special operation section will invite the community to the annual "Operation Crowded Skies", which is part of a crowded air event starting from 18:00 on Saturday, December 7, 2019, which is part of the crowded empty event. гЂ‚
This year's Operation Crowded Skies will be held at Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany. Ramstein, located in the western part of Germany, is known as the most crowded airspace at the peak of the annual Ibao Crouded Sky Event. There
Qualification acquisition training
November 23, 2019 15: 00z
SAR, Medvac, VIP, Intcp, Form, AAR
Portugal IVAO will welcome you to the latest special operation events to celebrate the rebuilding of the Portugal Special Operation Department. The purpose of this qualification is to summarize the local community as one and demonstrate the activities of the Air Force that is being carried out every day to protect the sky safety.You can participate. Medical transport (Medivac), search and rescue (SAR), Presidential Transport (VIP), aerial aerial refueling (AAR), flying flying or interchange.Operation Caripo
November 16, 2019 11: 00zSpain IVAO will welcome everyone to the latest event "Operation Calipo".
Spain is preparing internal missions to improve cooperation between the Spanish Air Force and the Spanish Army by establishing the Operate Base (FOB). Our senior staff wants to confirm how good the cooperation between those who plan to fly (air forces) with airplanes and helicopters and those who transport goods by truck/ helicopter (the Army).Our mission is to transport all necessary materials and drop them.
Border Shield GarudaSkyguard Indonesia Sog
2019/11/10 12: 30ZQRA, air tactics
SAR, Medvac, VIP, Intcp, Form, AAR
Events include specified target monitoring, escort, and airstrikes. The bombing is performed after the intercept is successful.Hurricane Operation
